
rǎn sè tǐ chónɡ pái
  • chromosomal rearrangement;chromosome rearrangement
  1. 一例新生复杂染色体重排的女性携带者(complexchromosomerearrangement,CCR),易位涉及1号、5号和12号染色体。病人因2次自然流产而要求进行外周血淋巴细胞G显带核型分析。

    We reported in the paper one case of a de novo complex chromosomal rearrangement ( CCR ) involving three different chromosomes , 1,5 and 12.Two pregnancies of the female carrier over three years resulted in two spontaneous abortions .

  2. 结论在人类进化过程中部分内含子的扩增可能与L1序列的插入有关;并非所有的重复序列均与染色体重排有关;

    Conclusion The expansion of intron 7 over the last 120 million years was mainly the result of L1 insertion into intron 7 , and not all of repetitive sequences are associated with chromosomal rearrangement .

  3. 表明在慢粒白血病中,Ph染色体重排亦可累及c-abl癌基因内部,并可能有多次多点重排发生。

    Therefore , the authors predicted that Ph chromasomal rearrangement in this kind of chronic myeloid leukemia could involve the inside of c-abl oncogene and might be a multiple rearrangement as well .

  4. SC的研究不但丰富了人们对减数分裂过程亚显微细节的了解,而且在真核生物染色体重排、医学细胞遗传学、遗传毒理学的研究中,也得到了普遍的重视和广泛的应用。

    The studies on SC may not only contribute to the knowledge of submicroscopic structure in meiosis but also has been widely used in the studies on eukaryotic chromosome rearrangement , medical cytogenetics and genetic toxicology .

  5. 与多倍体相似的一个现象是染色体重排,可以解释巨大熊猫的进化起源。

    A phenomenon similar to polyploidization involving the rearrangement of chromosomes has been proposed to explain the evolutionary origin of giant pandas .

  6. 用荧光原位杂交快速检测医用诊断x射线工作者染色体结构重排及其剂量估算的探讨。

    Rapid detectin of chromosome rearrangement in medical diagnostic X-ray workers by using fluorescence in situ gybridization and Study on dose estimation .

  7. 多种染色体结构重排涉及14q11、14q32附近,提示14q11、14q32的断裂重排与ML的发生有关系。

    Our study showed that many structure rearrangements of chromosome in ML involved in the 14q11 、 14q32 or near it . So we suggests that the structure rearrangement in 14q11 、 14q32 were associated with ML.

  8. 家族性染色体复杂重排的分子细胞遗传学研究

    Molecular cytogenetic analysis for a familial complex chromosomal rearrangement

  9. 其它染色体结构重排还包括倒位、重复、等臂染色体和标记染色体等。

    The other structural abnormalities are comprised of inversion , duplication , isochromosome and marker chromosome .

  10. 染色体复杂重排仍可在家庭中稳定传递,携带者具有出生正常后代的可能。

    The complex chromosomal rearrangement could be transmitted stably in the family , but still the carriers could give birth to a healthy baby by chance .

  11. 产生核型差异的原因可能是制片时的处理条不同或因染色体结构重排以及地域差异造成的同种异体之间的核型多态。

    The difference of karyotype may be caused by different sample treatments or allogenic polymorphism of chromosome karyotype due to chromosomal configuration rearrangement and regional diversities .

  12. 结论患者的先天性表型异常可能由断点处染色体细微重排或致病基因断裂所致。

    Conclusion The phenotypic abnormality might result from the disruption of disease-associated gene ( s ) or microrearrangement ( s ) on the site of breakpoint ( s ) .

  13. 如果只利用两个在进化上非常相近的基因组进行简单的配对,将很难区分由于染色体的重排与丢失而造成的基因获得与丢失。

    However , it is difficult to use the simple pair-wise alignment of two relative genomes to distinguish the loss and the gain due to the rearrangement or loss of chromosome .

  14. SKY能够揭示常规核型分析法难以识别的染色体易位、重排的来源和一些marker的来源。

    Especially SKY skill can disclose the origin of the chromosomal translocations and marker chromosomes which are not detected by CC .

  15. 应用端粒区带涂染探针检测染色体微小结构重排

    Minute Chromosome Rearrangement Detected by Human Telomeric Band Painting Probes

  16. 妇产科疾病与染色体结构畸变重排断裂点分布的研究(附142例报告)

    Study on the chromosome-related obstetrical and gynecological diseases in 142 cases , and the balanced chromosomal structural aberrations of the rearranged breakpoint distributions .

  17. 结果Alu序列之间的同源重组可导致基因缺失、重复,染色体移位导致基因重排,从而使某些癌基因活化,导致一系列的恶性改变。

    Results Homologous recombination between Alu repeats may result in various genetic exchanges , including duplications , deletions and translocations , cause a series of malignancy alteration by activating some oncogenes .

  18. 另外,辐射所致染色体的断裂和重排对癌基因和其他相关基因的移位和失调可能起着重要作用。

    Otherwise , the chromosome break and rearrangement induced by radiation maybe play important pole in leading to the translocation and misalignment of cancer genes and other correlated genes .

  19. 目的:探讨与妇产科相关染色体疾病的染色体平衡结构畸变重排断裂声、分布规律及可能机制。

    To examine the breakpoint distribution of balanced chromosomal structural aberrations in their related obstetrical and gynecological diseases of 142 cases .

  20. 提示染色体倒位是常见的染色体结构重排,其中Y染色体倒位inv(Y)与性分化、性发育异常有关,inv(9)与流产关系密切,部分携带者有表型异常。染色体倒位与优生研究

    Finally , it could be suggested that chromosomal inversion is one of the commonest constructive rearrangements in chromosome abnormalities . Inv ( Y ) is related to the abnormal sex difference and development . Study on the relationship between chromosomal inversion and better birth