
  1. 本验证方案成功应用于在浙江大学和中天微系统有限公司合作开发的拥有自主知识产权的媒体DSP处理器Spock的设计中,提高了验证自动化及标准化水平,缩短了设计过程中验证的时间。

    The verification method , used in a media DSP processor named Spock ( developed by Zhejiang University and C-sky Microsystems Co. , Ltd ), increase design automation level and save the verification time .

  2. 为减轻教师的工作强度、提高教学标准化水平和办学质量,应用VB语言开发了沈阳大学试卷分析软件。

    To reduce teachers work intensity and increase the teaching standardize level and teaching quality , the Test Paper Analyse Software of Shenyang University is developed applying VB 6.0.In order to make the output of the software showing in tab .

  3. 光爆技术提升煤矿安全质量标准化水平

    Appling Smooth Blasting to Lift Safe Quality Standard of Coal Mine

  4. 如何提高企业工程项目管理标准化水平?

    How to improve the level of CPMS in enterprises ?

  5. 标准化水平定量评价及其指标体系

    On Quantitative Evaluation of Standardization Level and its Index System

  6. 提高认识抬高起点全面提升油田标准化水平

    Improving the Oilfield Standardization Completely by Promoting the Understanding and Raising the Starting Point

  7. 标准化水平考试的价值趋向

    Value System in Standard Proficiency Test

  8. 农产品质量安全保障体系、监管能力、农业标准化水平以及相关的法律制度也都有所改善。

    The security system , the supervisory ability , the agriculture standardization and related law and relations all have improved some .

  9. 但是如今的科学仪器和设备都已经达到了很高的标准化水平是否可以让新来者进口它们、几乎立即开始高难度的研究?

    But is science at a juncture today where instruments and equipment have reached a high level of standardisation , allowing newcomers to import them and do sophisticated research almost immediately ?

  10. 本文以全国职称英语等级考试为入角,从命题原则与应试策略两方面论证了:标准化水平考试成功的关键在于价值趋向的改变;

    In regard of the National English Proficiency Test of Post and Rank , this paper discusses the principles on the part of testers and the strategies on the part of testees .

  11. 由于农户生产经营规模小,生产标准化水平低,产品交易成本高,抵御市场风险和自然风险的能力较弱,小规模生产与大市场的矛盾极为突出。

    As the small scale of farmers operation , low level of products standard , high transaction costs , weak market risks and natural risks ability , there is prominent contradictions between small-scale production and large market .

  12. 尾矿库是一个具有高势能的人造泥石流重大危险源,因此加强尾矿库安全管理,提高其规范化、标准化水平,确保尾矿库安全运行是非常迫切和需要的。

    Since tailing pond is a great dangerous source of man-made mud-rock flow with high potential energy , strengthening its safety management , upgrading its standardization level , and ensuring its safety operation is required and very urgent .

  13. 进而从农产品区域化生产布局初步形成、市场营销体系进一步完善、标准化水平明显提高等方面论述了金华农产品战略竞争的现实基础,对金华农产品战略竞争的条件进行了分析。

    And from the agricultural regional production distribution preliminary form , marketing system further perfect , standardization level obviously improve the jinhua aspects of agricultural competitive strategy of reality basis , strategic competition conditions of jinhua agricultural products are analyzed .

  14. 这种无纸化的在线考试系统,使考务管理突破时空限制,提高考试工作效率和标准化水平,使学校管理者、教师和学生可以在任何时候、任何地点通过网络进行考试。

    This paperless online examination system to test management breakthrough in time and space , improve efficiency and standardization of tests , so that school administrators , teachers and students can at any time , anywhere via the Internet test .

  15. 就我国旅行社发展的状况看,情况并不乐观,旅游者的满意度低,服务市场混乱,服务标准化水平不高,这种种问题严重影响了旅游者的旅游质量。

    But with the development of the travel agencies in our country , the situation is not optimistic , tourists have a low degree of satisfaction , services market is confused , standardized service level is not high , these problems seriously affect the quality of tourists ' travel .

  16. 我国农业标准化水平受经济发展和生产方式的限制,不仅与国际上有较大差距,而且也不能满足国内市场对农产品优质安全的需要。

    The level of agricultural standardization of our country is constrained by the development of economy and the manner of production . It not only has a significant distance in comparison with international , but also cannot content the domestic market with the need of high-qualified and safe agricultural production .

  17. 突出重点进一步提高质量与标准化工作水平

    Give Priority to Important Aspects to Further Improve Quality and Standardization Work Level

  18. 全面实行烟叶质量化管理,提高标准化生产水平。

    Implementing the total tobacco leves qualities of management , increase the content of standardized production levels . 6 .

  19. 但是,我国农业标准化的水平普及尚处于初级阶段,还存在着一些问题和制约因素。

    However , the extension of agricultural standardization is still at primary stage , and exists some problems and restricting factors .

  20. 基于此,论文提出了进一步提高未来福建省农业标准化建设水平的总体思路与对策。

    Based on this , the paper put forward the overall train of thought and countermeasures to further improve the level of future agricultural standardization construction in Fujian province .

  21. 因此,提高农业标准化发展水平,构筑农产品质量安全体系,成为增强一个国家、一个地区市场竞争力的重要措施。

    Therefore , raising the level of agricultural standard and establishing the quality safe system of agricultural production have been the important measure to strengthen the market competitive force of a nation or an area .

  22. 同时,肥城市桃的生产在发展过程中也存在着标准化生产水平低,传统肥城桃风味变差,采后处理滞后,技术服务落后等问题。

    But there are also many problems in the development of the peach production such as standardization is low , savory has become worse , post-harvest treatment is lagged , technic service is dropped behind .

  23. 但是我省的果品产业在发展过程中仍然存在着树种结构不够合理、标准化生产水平低、采后处理滞后、监管体系不健全、技术服务落后等问题。

    But there still exist some questiones such as the structure of seeds is inconsequence , the standardized level of production is low , post-harvest lag behind , the supervisory system is imperfect , the technological service lags behind .

  24. 为了适应当前教学改革的需要,促进教、考分离,提高考卷的自动化和标准化管理水平,利用计算机设计题库与成卷系统很有必要。

    In order to meet the current education reform , the promotion of education , examination separation papers to improve the automation and standardization of management level , the use of computer design item bank and into the roll system is necessary .

  25. 严格的质量控制体系和规范化、标准化的管理水平,保证了企业稳健运营和持续发展。

    Strict quality control and standardization of the management ensures well operation and sustainable developement of the company .

  26. 提高农业标准化的发展水平,已成为提高一个国家农产品竞争力的重要措施。

    To improve the standardized development level of agriculture has already become the important measure of improving the competitiveness of a national product market .

  27. 在澳大利亚、加拿大、芬兰、日本、韩国、新西兰和葡萄牙,近半数贫困生的成绩高于国际标准化的基准水平,从全球视角来看,他们都算得上成功,上述报告指出。

    In Australia , Canada , Finland , Japan , Korea , New Zealand and Portugal , close to one-half of disadvantaged students exceed an internationally comparable performance benchmark and can be considered successful from a global perspective , the OECD says .

  28. 本文讨论的是WorldWideWeb的命名技术和标准化的目前发展水平,以及一些技术的历史和发展过程。

    This article discusses the current state of the art in naming technology and standardization for the World Wide Web , as well as some of the history and evolution of the terminology .

  29. 狠抓质量标准化安全生产创水平

    The quality standardization and the high safety produce

  30. 当网际服务慌张成长,有非常小的努力标准化在任何的水平上的安全。

    As ISPs grew helter-skelter , there was very little effort to standardize security on any level .