
  1. WTO与标准化专业人才的培养

    WTO and the Cultivation of Standardization Talents

  2. 动画产业中的标准化战略和人才战略

    Standardization Strategy and Talent Strategy in Animated Cartoon Industry

  3. 通过加强制度建设、信息标准化建设、信息人才教育培训体系建设和信息安全体系建设等措施,确保城市信息化机制高效而安全运行。

    Strengthen the security system construction , information standardization construction , IT personnel education and training system and information security system construction and other measures , to ensure city informatization mechanism operating efficiently and safely .

  4. 本文分析了我国加入了WTO后,标准化工作面临的形势和任务,论述了培养一大批不同层次,不同领域标准化专业人才的重要性,并提出了相应的具体措施。

    By analysing the position and assignment that standardization work is confronted with after entering WTO the author explains the importance of cultivating a group of standardization talents of different levels and fields then brings forward corresponding measures about it .