
  • 网络GRIFFITH;Griffith University;Griffith College;University of Griffith
  1. 澳大利亚昆士兰格里菲斯大学(GriffithUniversity)的两名研究人员马克西姆·奥贝特(MaximeAubert)和亚当·布鲁姆(AdamBrumm)是团队带头人。他们对洞中12幅人类手部图画及两幅具象动物图画进行了检测。

    Maxime Aubert and Adam Brumm , research fellows at Griffith University in Queensland , Australia , and the leaders of the study , examined 12 images of human hands and two figurative animal depictions at the cave sites .

  2. 申请格里菲斯大学?在这里找到你所需要的信息!

    Find all the information you need to apply for a Griffith University degree .

  3. 2004年11月1日是我终生难忘的日子,这一天我从格里菲斯大学毕业了。

    On 1 November 2004 , which is one of my unforgettable days in my life , I graduated from Griffith University .

  4. 现任澳洲格里菲斯大学昆士兰音乐学院预科学程及管乐部总监,并于该校的青年音乐学院提供学术及艺术指导。

    Hultgren is currently head of pre tertiary studies at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University where he provides academic and artistic leadership to the young conservatorium .

  5. 格里菲斯大学就座落在这个迷人的城市,小城是旅行的好地方,可以过着安静舒适的生活,但恐怕不太适合学习。

    Griffith University is located in this charming city , which is excellent for travelling or leading a quiet and relaxed life , but probably not quite suitable for study .

  6. 格里菲斯大学的霍华德.怀斯曼提出测量一个正在移动的光子(光粒子)的方向是可能的,条件是光子是在哪里被发现的。

    Howard Wiseman of Griffith University proposed that it might be possible to measure the direction a photon ( particle of light ) was moving , conditioned upon where the photon is found .

  7. 在互联网上做了许多研究工作后,我选择了澳大利亚的格里菲斯大学,因为其国际旅游与服务管理方面的硕士课程在业内享有盛誉。

    After doing of a lot of research on the Internet , I chose Griffith University of Australia , for it enjoys the well-known reputation of the program of Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management .

  8. 在格里菲斯大学发表的声明中,奥贝特博士表示,苏拉威西岛画作的年代对长期以来有关洞穴艺术起源的观点形成挑战。传统观念认为,人类创造力大爆发的现象以大约4万年前的西欧地区为中心,并由此产生了洞穴艺术。

    The Sulawesi dates challenge the long-held view about the origins of cave art in an explosion of human creativity centered on Western Europe about 40000 years ago , Dr. Aubert said , in an announcement issued by Griffith University .

  9. 我还记得跨进格里菲斯大学校园的第一天,我有一些失望,校园很小,就像是座落在未开垦的丛林中似的。

    I still remember that on the first day when I came to the campus of Griffith University , I was a little bit disappointed , for the campus is quite small and it seems that it is located in a bush .

  10. 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学的研究人员进行的一项调查显示,美国女孩在四年级阅读和写作的标准化测试中得分较高,进而使得男生在八年级和十二年级的阅读和写作成绩与女生的差距更为明显。

    Girls in the United States have scored higher on standardized tests for reading and writing in the fourth grade -- and have increased the gap in eighth and 12th grades , according to a review by researchers at Griffith University in Australia .