
  • 网络archivist
  1. 知识经济时代的档案工作者,需要树立全新的意识。

    Archivist work of knowledge economy needs adopt the complete new idea .

  2. 通过公民档案管理员项目,我们能够获得更多工作的公共知识并激励下一代的档案工作者。

    Through citizen archivist projects , we can increase public knowledge of our work as well as inspire future generations of archivists .

  3. 人事档案工作者如何面对WTO

    How Should Personal Files Workers Be Faced with WTO

  4. 城建档案工作者综合能力的AHP分析

    AHP Analysis on Comprehensive Ability of Urban Construction Archivists

  5. 科技档案工作者服务意识的转变。

    Transition of consciousness of the scientific and technological files workers .

  6. 知识管理与企业档案工作者的机遇

    On knowledge management and the chance of archivists in enterprises

  7. 作为档案工作者,保护我们征集而来的档案是我们的基本职责。

    Protecting our collections is one of our fundamental responsibilities as archivists .

  8. 新条件下档案工作者的素质要求与能力培养

    The Quality Demand and Ability Cultivating for File Clerks under New Conditions

  9. 不同的档案工作者,其档案意识也是不尽相同的。

    Different archives workers have different awareness of archives regulation .

  10. 档案工作者行为学特征及文化传统影响因素分析

    The Behavioral Feature and Culture Tradition Factors of Archive Professionals

  11. 经济学理论对档案工作者价值观的影响

    On the Impact on the Values of Archivists of the Economic Theory

  12. 档案工作者作为档案的管理者,维护档案的真实是天职。

    Archivists have bounden duty on the maintenance of archives ' truth .

  13. 档案工作者应具备的基本素质

    The Required Basic Qualities of Archives Workers in New Era

  14. 试析高校档案工作者的素质

    Analysis of Qualities of Archivists in Colleges and Universities

  15. 档案工作者提高自身素质需着力解决的几个问题

    Some problems archives workers need to solve

  16. 档案工作者对文件的定义与信息技术中的文件定义是有区别的。

    To archivists the definition of records is different from that of information technique records .

  17. 档案工作者必须转换传统的纸质文件观念,以迎接电子文件的挑战。

    Archivists must change the old " paper minds " in order to deal with electronic records .

  18. 希望本文的论述既能对档案工作者有所帮助,又能对档案研究人员有所启发。

    Hope this exposition can not only help the file workers , but also inspire the file research personnel .

  19. 澳大利亚档案工作者认识到,在电子环境中,文件不受媒体形式的约束而存在。

    The Australia archivists realize that under electronic environment the records exist not being bound by the medium forms .

  20. 普及信息技术,提高档案工作者素质;

    This thesis puts forward the following ideas : informational technology should be popularized to improve the quality of archivists ;

  21. 以“三个代表”思想为指导提高档案工作者素质

    Raising the quality of archive staff by means of the guidelines of the thought of the " three representations "

  22. 档案工作者应提高政治素质和业务素质,注重培养人文精神。

    As archives workers , they should enhance in all aspects their political qualities and operation qualities emphasize their humanism .

  23. 指出档案工作者应该掌握现代化管理知识,以适应信息化社会的要求。本文主要观点:无论是档案工作还是档案工作者,都要适应信息化社会的发展趋势。

    It points out that to meet the needs of informationization society archivists should acquire the knowledge of modernization management .

  24. 档案工作者应当提高自身的素质,适应时代对档案工作的需要。

    Archivists should improve their own quality in order to meet the requirement of the archives work in the new era .

  25. 比较、对比中美档案工作者在政府、大学和私人部门组织中的角色和地位;

    Compare and contrast the role of archivists in government , universities , and private organizations in the United States and China ;

  26. 二是提高人事档案工作者的整体素质,建设一支高水平的人事档案工作者队伍,是人事档案工作改革的基础。

    Second is to improve the quality of personnel archives workers . Building a high-level team of workers is the basis of reform .

  27. 我们注意到这很重要,即这些规定不应阻止档案工作者在其所认为敏感度较高的特定记录上适用其自身的约束力。

    It is important to note that such provisions would not prevent archivists from applying their own restrictions on certain records that they believed were sensitive .

  28. 近几年来,戴维·比尔曼思想的倡导者论述到,档案工作者对于电子文件的处理需要一个“新的理论模式”。

    In the last few years , advocates of the ideas of David Bearman have written that archivists need a " new paradigm " for electronic records .

  29. 面对挑战,档案工作者必须提高自身的综合素质,本文还对信息化下档案工作者的政治素质和业务素质提出要求。

    Facing the challenge , the archivists must improve the comprehensive competence . The requirements to polity and profession competence of archivists are put forward in the paper .

  30. 综述了高校档案工作者的现状、档案工作者应具备的素质,并提出了如何提高档案工作者素质的若干设想。

    The author deals with the present situation of the archivists in colleges and universities and the qualities they should have , and makes some suggestions for their improvement .