
  1. 论新型档案载体对档案工作的影响

    The Influence of New Type of Archival Carrier on Archival Work

  2. 不适宜温湿度对新型档案载体的影响

    On the effects of unsuitable temperature and humidity to new-type file carrier

  3. 首先档案载体的发展变迁与保护技术发展有着紧密联系。

    Firstly , the development of archives carriers and archives protection is closely linked .

  4. 在信息时代,随着科学技术的不断向前推进,档案载体也随之多样化,电子文件、电子档案的出现,呼换着全新的文档工作模式。

    With the continual development of science and technology in the information age , the carriers of files are diversifying .

  5. 截取了几种古老而重要的档案载体来证明我国古代档案和档案工作悠久的历史。

    Several of intercepting old and important file carrier is it proves of our country ancient file and archives work long history to come .

  6. 档案载体正经历着由传统的纸张为主的材料,向现代的磁介质为主的材料的过渡,电子文件将会逐渐取代纸质文件,成为档案管理的主流形式。

    Carriers of archives are changing from paper material to modern material which mainly are made from magnetic medium . E-files will replace the paper files gradually and become the main stream of the archive management .

  7. 这一部分中,论文分别从档案载体、保护理论、技术的继承与发扬、技术成果转化、科技环境影响、国际交流合作等多个角度对我国档案保护发展趋势作出了大胆预测和猜想。

    In this part , development tendency of archives protection has been predicted from different perspective such as archives carrier , protection theory , technology inheritance and development , technology achievements transformation , scientific environment , international exchanges and cooperation .

  8. 档案载体大多为纸质,纸张的主要成分是一种天然高分子化合物,即纤维素,大多数档案害虫的消化道可分泌出能使纤维素水解的酶,导致纤维素最终分解为葡萄糖以供其活动所需。

    The major components of the paper is a kind of natural polymers , namely the cellulose . Most of the archives digestive tract pests secreted can make cellulose enzyme hydrolysis , resulting in cellulose decomposition for glucose to end for its activities required .

  9. 声像档案的载体选择和转移复制

    On the carrier selection and transfer reproduction of audio and video archives

  10. 关于电子档案存储载体的思考

    Thinking on Deposit Carrier of Electronic Archives

  11. 针对电子档案存储载体寿命短及所依赖的计算机技术快速发展等问题,提出相应的对策。

    The relevant strategies concerning the short expectancy of the e-file storage devices and the rapid development of the computer technology relied upon are proposed .

  12. 植物纤维纸是图书资料和纸质档案的载体材料,其主要化学成分是纤维素、半纤维素和木素。

    Vegetal fibrous paper , whose main chemical composition are fibrin , half-fibrin and lignin , is the carrier material of books , data and paper files .

  13. 有了错题档案作为载体,教师在指导和检阅学生建立错题档案本的过程中,可以进行借鉴和分析。

    Had the wrong topic files as the carrier , the teacher in the guidance and review the students establish the wrong topic archives process , can undertake reference and analysis .

  14. 电子档案与传统载体档案之比较研究

    A Contrastive Study of Electronic and Traditional-carrier Archives

  15. 论档案是文化的载体

    Files are the carrier of culture

  16. 体育档案内容丰富、载体多样、社会影响面大。

    Sports documents have great effect on society because of its being rich in content and having varied forms .

  17. 档案是文化的载体,多种文化因素的集合体,档案文化是文化、文明的重要组成部分,档案文化具有存贮功能、教育功能、传承功能、创新功能。

    Archives actas the carrier of culture and the collective integrity of multiple cultural factors . Being an important part of culture and civilization , archives culture has the functions of storage , education , passing down and innovation .

  18. 档案是由承受档案内容的载体材料和反映档案内容的记录材料组成。

    Archives consist of carrier material bearing the archives content and record material reflecting archives content .

  19. 从根本上解决档案管理的大工作量,多档案类型载体等问题。

    In generally , this research is to reduce the work load in archives management and to deal with multi-archives style carrier problem radically .

  20. 文章通过分析电子档案的特点,论述了如何有效的保护电子档案载体及电子档案信息的安全及保护电子档案的原始性、完整性、真实性的重要意义。

    According to the analyses of electronic archives , this paper states how to protect electronic archives effectively , the important significance of protecting the aboriginality , integrality and authenticity of electronic archives .

  21. 因此,档案与社会记忆之间具有千丝万缕的内在联系,国内外学者也对两者的关系展开研究,形成了许多有价值的成果,并且利用档案的载体作用开展构建社会记忆的工作。

    There is a strong relationship between archives and social memory . Domestic and international academics both research this relationship and produce many valuable achievements , and use the vector role in building social memory work .