
jiǎn chá jī ɡuān
  • procuratorial organization;prosecutorial organization
  1. 论检察机关参与民事公益诉讼制度

    On the System of the Procuratorial Organization Participating the Civil Public Prosecution

  2. 检察机关提起行政公益诉讼之探讨&从现实和法理的角度考察

    On Administrative Public Interest Suit Brought by Procuratorial Organization

  3. 出入境人员应接受口岸检察机关的查验。

    All those entering and leaving the country shall submit to inspection at the port .

  4. WTO与我国司法审查范围民事抗诉中检察机关调查取证的范围

    WTO and China 's Scope of Judicial Review On the Scope of Investigating Evidence of Supervision Organs in Civil Counterappeal

  5. 瑞士检察机关也在调查据称与“1MDB”(1MalaysiaDevelopmentBerhad)基金有关的交易,纳吉布是该基金顾问委员会主席。

    Transactions allegedly linked to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad fund , whose advisory board he chairs , are also the subject of investigation by Swiss prosecutors .

  6. 今年2月,由于检察机关指控其向外国政府官员支付了数百万美元的不当付款,英国防务集团宇航系统公司(BAESystems)向美国司法部支付了4亿美元罚款。

    Last month , BAE Systems , the British defence group , paid $ 400m in fines to the DoJ after prosecutors alleged in court documents that it doled out millions of dollars in improper payments to foreign government officials .

  7. 根据与美国检察机关达成的暂缓起诉协议,德国汽车制造商戴姆勒(Daimler)同意支付1.85亿美元的民事及刑事罚款。此前戴姆勒被控多年来在22个国家实施精心设计的行贿计划。

    Daimler , the German carmaker , this week agreed to pay $ 185m in civil and criminal fines under the terms of a deferred prosecution agreement with US prosecutors following allegations that it engaged for years in an elaborate bribery scheme in 22 countries .

  8. 检察机关民事起诉权的设置与限制

    The Installation and Restriction of Procuratorial Organ 's Civil Action Power

  9. 检察机关案件管理机制改革之构想

    Frame of the Reform in Case Management of the Procuratorial Organ

  10. 完善检察机关案件质量考评体系初探

    On Perfection of the Case Quality Examination System in Procuratorate Organs

  11. 检察机关自侦案件监督刍议

    On the supervision to the self-investigation cases of the prosecutorial organization

  12. 瑞典检察机关上周签发了逮捕令。

    Swedish prosecutors issued a warrant for his arrest last week .

  13. 检察机关法律监督权的论争

    Controversy on the Legal Supervision Power of the Procuratorial Organ

  14. 维护公共利益是检察机关赖以存在和发展的根基。

    Safeguarding public interests is the foundational function of the procuratorial organ .

  15. 五是要扩大检察机关的机动侦查权。

    Fifth it should enlarge the power of active investigation of prosecution .

  16. 我国检察机关内部机构设置改革研究

    The Study of the Structuring Reform Inside the Procuratorial Organ

  17. 八卦校园网甚至卷入了两起当地检察机关介入调查的案件。

    JuicyCampus even became the subject of two investigations by attorneys general .

  18. 加强检察机关对初步侦查工作的监督等,从而更好的体现启动程序的功能。

    Thus the function and importance of starting procedure will work well .

  19. 检察机关职务犯罪预防工作研究

    On the Work of Procuratorial Organs to Prevent Official Crimes

  20. 侦察心理学侦察心理学国家最高检察机关侦查职能比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Investigation Functions of State Supreme Procuratorial Organs

  21. 民事抗诉权是检察机关的一项法定权力,其来源于国家权力。

    Civil right of protest is a statutory power of procuratorial organs .

  22. 检察机关侦查权的自我约束与外部制约

    Self & Restriction and Exterior Supervision of Procuratorates Investigation Power

  23. 斯沃茨在法国的家人将其死亡归咎于联邦检察机关。

    Swartz 's family in France blamed his death on federal prosecutors .

  24. 让观众信任检察机关,让百姓相信法律,是创作该剧并要表现的鲜明主题。

    This drama is to let audience to trust procurators and laws .

  25. 论检察机关对人事诉讼的一般参与制度

    On the General Involvement System of the Procuratorial Organs in Domestic Proceedings

  26. 二是改革检察机关内部相关考核和监督机制。

    Two is the reform of procuratorial organs internal check and supervision mechanism .

  27. 论检察机关的角色定位及其改革

    On Procuratorial Organ 's Role Definition and Its Reform

  28. 检察机关刑事诉讼职权之比较

    Comparison of Procuratorial Organs ' Authority in Criminal Procedures

  29. 检察机关民事公诉制度正是在这样的背景下产生的。

    The civil prosecution by the procuratorial organs was established in this background .

  30. 行政公诉人应由检察机关担任。

    The administrative public prosecutor should be procuratorial organ .