
  • 网络Joint supervision;team surveillance
  1. 令人鼓舞的是,在这种背景下,28个亚太国家和地区政府已同意发起地区性反腐倡议,由经合组织(oecd)和亚洲开发银行(adb)联合监督。

    Against this background it is encouraging that 28 Asia-Pacific governments have now signed up for a regional anti-corruption initiative overseen jointly by the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development and the Asian Development Bank .

  2. 一家为苹果生产印制电路板的制造商将在未来几周内接受审查,苹果和位于中国的公众与环境研究中心(IPE)将联合监督审查过程。

    A maker of printed circuit boards for the Silicon Valley company is due to be inspected in the next few weeks by auditors , with Apple and the China-based Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs ( IPE ) jointly monitoring their efforts .

  3. 论公司治理中的联合监督机制

    On the Joint Monitoring Mechanism in the Corporate Governance

  4. 多分类器联合监督分类方法研究

    An Approach to the Supervised Classification with Multi-classifier

  5. 卢森堡国际银行受欧洲中央银行和卢森堡金融监管委员会联合监督。

    BIL is supervised by the European Central Bank together with Luxembourg 's Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier .

  6. 过去10年来,香港与广东已签署一系列有关联合监督食品安全的谅解备忘录。

    Hong Kong and Guangdong have signed a number of memorandums of understanding on joint monitoring of food safety over the past decade .

  7. 颂猜提议设立联合委员会监督部队撤离。

    Mr. Somchai proposed a joint committee to oversee any troop withdrawal .

  8. 在联合国监督和控制下的自由选举;

    Free election under the supervision and control of the United nations ;

  9. 联合国监督的印巴实际控制线把两国分隔开来。

    A UN-backed Line of Control separates them .

  10. 伊拉克根据联合国监督的一项以油易粮计划输出石油。

    Iraq exports its oil according to a oil-for-grain plan under the supervision of the UN .

  11. 由联合国监督的国际中立部队

    United Nations-supervised International Neutral Force

  12. 以上声明来自联合国监督叙利亚化学库存销毁工作的机构。

    That statement is from the UN agency overseeing the elimination of the country 's chemical stockpile .

  13. 联合军事监督委员会

    Joint Military Monitoring Commission

  14. 联合国在监督停火方面会发挥重要作用。

    The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire .

  15. 联合国将监督战俘的移交。

    The United Nations is to supervise the handover of the prisoners of war .

  16. 联合国国际监督机构

    United Nations - International Control Mechanism

  17. 联合国核监督机构要求对这两个地点的“可能”核活动进行检查。

    The UN nuclear watchdog has demanded inspections for " possible " nuclear activities in the two locations .

  18. 联合国的监督机构联合国消除种族歧视委员会正在敦促法国停止把吉普赛人集体递解出境的做法。

    UN Watchdog Group is urging France to stop the collective deportation of Roma , also known as Gypsies .

  19. 联合国核监督机构敦促伊朗立即为联合国核查人员公开帕琴军事基地以澄清其核项目。

    The UN nuclear watchdog urged Iran to immediately open Parchin Military Base to UN inspectors to clarify its nuclear program .

  20. 联合国核监督机构在一份报告中显示,伊朗已经对地下掩体中的铀浓缩离心机的数量进行加倍。

    The UN nuclear watchdog says in a report that Iran has doubled the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges it has in an underground bunker .

  21. 联合国核监督机构再次派遣成员赴日援助。在地震和海啸中受损的日本核电站的情况仍然不稳定。

    The United Nations nuclear watchdog , the IAEA , has sent extra teams to Japan where the nuclear plant wrecked in the earthquake and tsunami remains unstable .

  22. 联合国核监督机构,国际原子能机构官员证实,他们正在调查这份伊朗文件,但又表示他们没有正式要求伊朗解释。

    Officials of the UN nuclear watchdog agency , the IAEA , confirmed they are looking into this Iranian document but say they 've not yet formally asked Iran to explain it .

  23. 联合国核监督机构,国际原子能机构称,四年前被以色列轰炸的叙利亚一个偏远地点极有可能是一座核反应堆所在地。

    The United Nations nuclear watchdog , the IAEA , says it 's very likely that a remote site in Syria that was bombed by Israel four years ago housed a nuclear reactor .

  24. 伊朗宣布,计划建造10座新的铀浓缩厂。这很可能加剧外界的担忧,即该国可能将其核基础设施用于开发核武。上周,伊朗受到了联合国核监督机构的批评。

    Tehran 's announcement of plans to build 10 new uranium enrichment plants is likely to exacerbate concerns that it could use its nuclear infrastructure for weapons purposes and comes after Iran was censured at the United Nations nuclear watchdog last week .

  25. 联合国承诺协助监督扫雷工作。

    The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines .

  26. 有人将伊朗的声明描述为对国际原子能机构(IAEA)两天前投票谴责德黑兰做出的情绪化回应。国际原子能机构是联合国的核监督机构。

    Some described the Iranian announcement as an emotional response to a vote to censure Tehran , taken two days before at the International Atomic Energy Agency , the United Nations nuclear watchdog .

  27. 联合国中东停战监督组织

    United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in the Middle East

  28. 被割离的领土于1998年在联合国的的监督下和平回归。

    Peaceful integration of the remaining separatist territories was completed in1998 under UN supervision .

  29. 联合国反酷刑监督机制的未来

    UN Supervisory Mechanisms on Torture : Tomorrow

  30. 联合国原子能监督机构总干事已经证实,朝鲜已经关闭其唯一一个工作的核反应堆。

    The chief of the United Nations nuclear watchdog has confirmed that North Korea has shut down its sole functioning nuclear reactor .