
  • 网络autonomic nervous system;vegetative nervous system
  1. 心率变异(heartratevariability,HRV)分析,目前被认为是无创性反映植物神经系统活动的指标。

    Analysis on heart rate variability ( HRV ) was currently regarded as a noninvasive index reflecting activity of vegetative nervous system .

  2. 头低位倾斜训练后,大脑的功能活动改善,植物神经系统功能得到了好地调节。

    After the training , the brain function improved and the vegetative nervous system was adjusted better .

  3. 心率变异性(heartratevariability,HRV)是了解人体植物神经系统功能状态的一种方便的窗口,已成为心血管疾病临床研究的一个前沿热点。

    Heart rate variability ( HRV ) is a convenient window to study the autonomic nervous system of human body . It is a focus of studying cardiac disease in clinic .

  4. 结论:在CABG患者的手术治疗中,体外循环对于患者的植物神经系统功能和心功能有着较大的影响。

    Conclusion : The extracorporeal circulation can significantly affect the function of heart and antagonistic system in CABG patients .

  5. 因此,HRV很可能是今后临床各学科中检查植物神经系统功能状态的较为敏感的手段。

    Therefore , HRV will probably become an advanced method for every clinic subject to examine the function and state of the autonomic nerve system of human body .

  6. 目前SGB在非疼痛治疗领域亦得到发展,可通过稳定植物神经系统,调节免疫、心血管和内分泌系统等起到广泛的治疗作用。

    At present , SGB is developing in the treatment of non-pain , including stabilizing autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular system , adjusting immune system and endocrine system .

  7. 分析21例SVT发作前后5min心率变异性旨在阐明植物神经系统异常在SVT发作中的作用。

    To elucidate role of autonomic nervous dysfunction during onset and progress of supraventricular tachycardia ( SVT ), heart rate variability was analyzed 5 min before and after onset of SVT in 21 episodes .

  8. 中枢神经系统和植物神经系统亦可受累。

    Central nervous system and autonomic nervous system were also involved .

  9. 新陈代谢是衡量植物神经系统。

    Metabolism is a measurement of the Autonomic Nervous System .

  10. 重要的是,植物神经系统调整和改变内部躯体功能以适应压力。

    Importantly , the ANS adjusts and modifies the internal bodily functions in response to stress .

  11. 实验提示,在动物低氧红细胞生成反应中,植物神经系统的内脏大神经途径无重要调控作用。

    The autonomic nervous system does regulate the erythropoietic response to hypoxic hypoxia via the splanchnic nerves .

  12. 这些程序减轻压力症状水平,调整压力相关植物神经系统紊乱和降低静息时动脉压。

    These programs can reduce stress symptom levels , reert stress-related ANS dysregulation , and lower resting arterial pressure .

  13. 目的:探讨植物神经系统异常在阵发性心房颤动中的作用。

    Objective : To elucidate the role of autonomic nervous dysfunction during onset and progress of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation .

  14. 经过6个月在轨,你失去了你的植物神经系统的能力在引力场中的立场。

    After six months in orbit , you lose your autonomic nervous system capacity to stand in a gravitational field .

  15. 胃神经官能症是一种全身性疾病,乃是由于高级神经活动障碍而导致植物神经系统机能失调。

    D : neurosis like . Neurosis of Stomach is a systemic disease resulting from the dysfunction of vegetative nervous system .

  16. 本文系统介绍关于心肌梗塞时植物神经系统作用方面的研究进展。

    The developement of recent researches about the role of autonomic nervous system in myocardial infarction ( MI ) was summed up Systematically .

  17. 现代医学认为围绝经期综合征是由于卵巢功能衰退、雌激素水平下降所导致的以植物神经系统功能紊乱为主的一组症候群。

    Modern medicine believes that perimenopausal syndrome refers to a group of symptoms characterized by functional disorders of vegetative nervous system due to declined ovarian function and decreased estrogen level .

  18. 结果:发现腹型癫痫主要表现为以脐周围为主的反复发作性剧烈腹痛,同时伴有恶心、呕吐、面色苍白等植物神经系统症状。

    Results : The clinical features of abdominal epilepsy were recurrent severe abdominal pain mainly located around navel associated with nausea , vomiting , pale complexion and other vegetative nervous system symptoms .

  19. 当人体接受电磁辐射时,热效应会引起中枢神经和植物神经系统的功能障碍,主要表现为头昏、失眠、健忘等。

    When human body accepts electromagnetism radiate , fuel factor can pose the functional obstacle of central nervous and system of establish fetish classics , main show is dazed , insomnia , forgetful etc.

  20. 如果在此阶段突然醒来,就会造成大脑出现一过性供血不足,植物神经系统功能出现暂时性紊乱,醒后反而会感到头昏脑胀、全身乏力。

    If at this stage wake up suddenly , the brain will cause a sexual insufficiency , autonomic nervous system function of a temporary disorder , after waking , but will feel feel dizzy , generalized weakness .

  21. 维生素B1对于心脏植物性神经系统与脑部化学感受器的影响

    Influence of vitamin b_1 on the heart , the vegetative nervous system and the cerebral chemo-receptors of dogs

  22. 植物性神经系统的第三种成分&NANC神经

    NANC Nerves & the Third Composition in the Vegetative Nervous System

  23. 植物性神经系统分为二个分支,一个是促进兴奋而另外那一个是起抑制作用。

    The autonomic nervous system is divided into two branches , one that speeds things up and another that slows things down .

  24. 自主神经系统是指调节内脏功能的神经装置,也可称为植物性神经系统或内脏神经系统。

    Autonomic nervous system is the neural regulation of visceral function devices , may also be known as the plant or visceral nervous system .

  25. 围绝经期综合征指妇女在自然绝经前后,由卵巢功能减退引起下丘脑一垂体一卵巢功能失调,出现的以植物性神经系统功能紊乱为主的症候群。

    Perimenopausal syndrome is when women in natural menopause , the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian dysfunction caused by ovarian dysfunction . There are some basic Symptoms like autonomic nervous system dysfunction .

  26. 近年来已认定植物性神经系统除经典的肾上腺素能和胆碱能神经外,还存在着第三种成分。

    During the last few vears , it has been proved that besides classical adrenergic and cholinergic nerves , there is the third composition in the vegetative nervous system .

  27. 微机心脏植物性神经分析系统研制

    The development of a microcomputer-based system for analysis of cardinal autonomic nerve

  28. 植物神经药物对网状内皮系统吞噬活性的影响

    Studies on the Influence of Autonomic Drugs on the Phagocytic Activity of the Reticulo-endothelial system

  29. 目的:观察植物雌激素对去卵巢大鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元表达的影响,探讨植物雌激素在中枢神经系统的保护作用及机制。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of phytoestrogen on cholinergic neurons in basal forebrain of ovariectomized rats in order to explore the protecting mechanism of phytoestrogen on the central nervous system .