
yú qián
  • elm seeds
榆钱 [yú qián]
  • [elm seeds or pods] [口]∶榆荚,圆小似铜钱

  1. 那满地的榆钱是此行留下的路费吗?

    Atriplex spilled toll left of this line it ?

  2. 窗前有棵老榆树,榆钱儿正密,一串串在枝上垂着,有几只刚出巢的蜜蜂,围着榆枝乱飞,不住的嗡嗡的叫着。

    An old elm before the house was hung with thick clusters of seeds and some bees just out of the hive were flying round it , keeping up a continuous hum .

  3. 菜单上的菜都来自田里:蒸榆钱、炒青豆、蒸南瓜片以及现做的面条和牛肉汤。

    The menu came from the fields : elm tree seeds coated in flour and steamed ; stir-fried green beans ; steamed pumpkin slices ; and soup with freshly made noodles and veal .