
  • 网络Slippery elm bark;Ulmus fulva or U. rubra;Slippery Elm
  1. 测得榆树皮粉内含29%木素,17%多糖等。

    It consists of 29 % lignin , 17 % polysaccharide , etc.

  2. 用榆树皮制无固相冲洗液和钻井液添加剂

    Flushing liquid without clay and drilling fluid additive made from Elm Bark

  3. 将榆树皮干燥后磨制成粉。

    Elm bark was dried and ground .

  4. 纺织品的防螨整理(一)将榆树皮干燥后磨制成粉。

    Anti - Mite Finish of Textiles ( I ) Elm bark was dried and ground .

  5. HPLC法测定榆树根皮中马斯里酸的含量

    Determination of Maslinic Acid Content in Root and Bark of Ulmus Pumila by HPLC