
  1. 第三,它应该是一个具有横向综合监管职能的金融监管组织。

    Thirdly , it should be an organization that has horizontal comprehensive supervision functions .

  2. 中国五声调式同主音横向综合的理论与实践

    The Theory & the Practice on the Lateral Synthesis of the Same Keynote in Chinese Pentatonic Modes

  3. 介绍了基于集对分析同一度概念的矿山(集团)公司企业横向综合比较模型及其应用。

    The model for the comprehensive evaluation of operation state of mining company based upon identical degree of set pair analysis ( SPA ) and its application are introduced .

  4. 目的对我院1999年临床科室护理工作做横向综合评价。

    Objective comprehensively and transversely evaluate clinical nursing work in 1999 . Method to classify indexes of nursing work into two categories such as index of work quality and index of work efficiency .

  5. 这部分阐述了两个方面的问题,一方面是问卷调查表设计的理论依据和实践依据,另一方面是对问卷内容横向综合指标和纵向分解指标的分析。

    This part elaborates two aspects , one is the questionnaire design theory basis and practice basis , on the other hand is the questionnaire content horizontal comprehensive index and vertical decomposition index analysis .

  6. 综合学习强调指导学生进行跨越各学科内容的横向与综合的学习,被认为是培养学生生存能力的重要途径。

    Synthetical studying focuses on guiding students to study synthetically by integrating each subject , which is regarded as an important way to cultivating the ability for existing of students .

  7. 本文在现行m法假设基础上,导得了考虑轴向集中荷载、桩自重、桩侧摩阻力及横向荷载综合作用下柔性桩的分析解。

    Based on the m-method hypothesis , an analytical solution is derived for the slender pile under the simultaneous action of the axially concentrated load , self-weight , skin frictional resistance and lateral load .

  8. 因此,信息融合系统将比组成它的各分系统具有更优越的性能,换言之,信息融合是建立在多源信息系统之上的横向信息综合应用技术。

    Therefore , the intelligence fusion system has better performance than the discrete components of which the intelligence fusion system composed . In other words , intelligence fusion is a technology based on synthetically applying multi-source syntagmatic information .

  9. 凸轮发动机轴系横向振动模态综合技术

    Modal Analysis of Lateral Vibration of Cam Engine Shafting System

  10. 在试验和理论计算分析的基础上,采用体外预应力与增设横向水平板综合加固技术,在不中断运营条件下,实现京山线沙河特大桥预应力混凝土梁的提速改造。

    Based on these tests and theoretical calculation , a hybrid reinforcement technology is adopted by incorporating the use of an external prestressed bundle and adding transverse horizontal plate .

  11. 第四部分则横向剖析了综合实践活动课程校本教师培训的学生、教师、学校管理层与培训者这四大要素。

    The fourth part analyzes breadthways the four basic elements of school-based teacher training for IPAC , including students , teachers , persons in charge of school and trainers .

  12. 大量交叉科技、边缘科技、横向科技、综合科技的产生标志着一个崭新的超常规科学技术时代的到来。

    Science and technology intersects in large quantities , edge science and technology , lateral science and technology and comprehensive science and technology produce sign the arrival of the conventional era of science and technology .

  13. 教育博客交互性偏低的问题是否是博客平台本身的原因?本文在横向和纵向综合评估博客平台的交互功能后认为教育博客平台在技术层面绝对适合交流沟通。

    Whether the low interactivity level is due to the blog platform itself ? Based on the horizontal and vertical comprehensive evaluation , the result is that the blog platform is one of the techniques which are definitely fit for communication .

  14. 第三章运用DEA方法从横向、纵向和综合三个方面对我国上市商业银行的技术效率进行了分析,并为把绩效值引入到上市银行竞争力评价模型体系做好了准备;

    Chapter III is our technical analysis of the efficiency of commercial banks listed from horizontal , vertical and integrated three aspects using DEA model , and value for the performance of listed banks will be introduced into competitive evaluation model system prepared this chapter ;

  15. 分散控制系统是纵向分层、横向分散的大型综合控制系统。

    DCS is a large comprehensive control system that can be layered in vertically and scattered horizontally .

  16. 可以将此模型应用到部队选购给水装备的实际工作中,方便采购人员对野战给水装备的性能进行横向比较,选出综合性能最高的装备。

    So this model can be used in purchasing waterworks for our troops , which makes buyers analyze and compare waterworks conveniently and choose good waterworks .

  17. 在学校教育与家庭教育中,把纵向实验与横向实验的方法综合起来进行,建立了综合评价目标体系,采用统计学原理进行评价。

    In school education and family education , we intergrated the longitudinal and transverse experimental method together , and established the comprehensive evaluation target system , using statistical principle .

  18. 根据稳态预测动态校正假说,提出了横向与纵向加速度综合预测算法并用于预测行驶中的汽车在将来时刻的位置。

    According to the hypothesis of driver steady preview and transient correction , an algorithm for the lateral and longitudinal acceleration preview was brought forward to predict the vehicle position in the near future .

  19. 基于对岩石断面生成过程中通常所用线性分形插值稳定性的研究,表明无论数据点(插值结点)存在横向、纵向还是综合的微小摄动,得到的分形插值曲线也均只有相应的微小摄动。

    Based on study of linear fractal interpolation that is offen used in generating rock fracture surface , it is proved that , when the interpolation data have a small perturbation , the corresponding linear fractal interpolation curves ( surfaces ) also have a small perturbation .

  20. 其次将多项目风险传递分解成纵向传递和横向传递,在考虑了风险传递过程中有损及增益的情况下,建立了多项目纵向、横向、综合传递模型。

    Second , the risk of transmission of multi-project broken down into vertical and horizontal transmission , the risk transfer process , taking into account the gain in the case of damage , and the establishment of a multi-project vertical , horizontal , integrated delivery model .