
  • 网络the balance of power in Europe
  1. 1812年5月就任英国外交大臣的卡斯尔雷执行英国的欧洲均势外交政策,联合欧洲大陆的俄国、奥地利、普鲁士,打败了拿破仑帝国,恢复了欧陆的势力平衡。

    R. S. Castlereagh , British foreign affairs minister , carries out the British foreign policy of European equilibrium , unites Russia , Austria and Prussia , defeats Napoleon Empire and restores the balance of European powers .

  2. 必须确立欧洲的均势。

    The equilibrium of force must be established in Europe .

  3. 华约的结束打破了欧洲的均势。

    The end of the Warsaw Treaty upset the balance of power in europe .

  4. 欧洲国家通过均势来寻求安全;俄罗斯则通过战略纵深来寻求安全。

    European states seek security in balance ; Russia seeks it in strategic depth .

  5. 两次世界大战之间欧洲小国外交取向与欧洲均势

    Impact of Diplomatic Orientation of Small European Countries on European Balance of Power between the Two World Wars

  6. 英国反对法国在欧洲的霸权扩张,要求维持欧洲的均势,加入了这场战争,与法国展开了激烈的斗争。

    France 's expansion of its power in Europe led to England 's dissatisfaction , and England joined the war to keep its power .

  7. 它结束了法国在欧洲的统治地位,使欧洲大陆的力量均势发生了巨大变化。

    It ended French domination of Europe and brought about great changes in the balance of power there .

  8. 英国1948&1954年的欧洲政策是:借助美国的力量制衡苏联以重建欧洲的均势;

    Britain 's European Policy ( 1948-1954 ) was to reconstruct the balance of power in Europe by making use of US 's strength to restrict the former Soviet Union ;

  9. 第二章论述英国是如何以将西欧纳入美国安全体系的方式,使美国对欧洲承担防务与安全责任,以抗衡苏联势力的,英国向在欧洲建立新均势的目标迈出了关键性的一步。

    The second chapter expounds how Britain brings West Europe into US 's security system , and in this way makes USA bear the responsibility for European safety and defense , so as to make use of US 's strength to resist the former Soviet Union .

  10. 近代欧洲观念经由14至19世纪的欧洲历史,呈现出由欧洲统一到欧洲联合再发展到欧洲均势最后到欧洲主义的演变趋势。

    The " Idea of Europe " in modern times passing through 14th to 19th century of European history , presents the tendency of " European unify " to " unite Europe " then to " the power of balance in Europe " finally to " the Europeanism " .