
  • 网络correctness proof
  1. 需要指出的是:基于Strand空间理论的正确性证明是建立在已知攻击集的基础上的。

    One thing should be pointed out is that the correctness proof based on Strand space is valid only on the attack set already known .

  2. 文中在文献〔1〕、〔2〕、〔3〕、〔4〕讨论的基础上给出了数据库模式无内部冲突时,满足P3且为无α环的分解算法、正确性证明和分析。

    A decomposition algorithm and its correctness proof and analysis are given based on ,, and , when a database schema without inside conflict and α cycle meets P 3 .

  3. 然后基于Strand空间模型给出了其严谨周密的正确性证明。

    Then we give a rigorous proof of correctness MB protocol based on strand space model .

  4. 以REALTYPE、CONTROLLER抽象机为例,进行了正确性证明,得到了实验结果,并指出了在下一步的研究中需要完善的问题。

    Take REAL_TYPE and CONTROLLER machines for example , some proof of correctness has been done , and some experimental results have been gotten . The paper points out some problems to be improved during the next work .

  5. 但是与Strand空间模型一样,它主要用于协议正确性证明,在协议为何不正确以及如何进行改进这个问题上处理分析能力较弱。

    However , as a Strand space model , it is inclined to be used for the proof of correctness , and is relatively weaker for incorrectness analysis .

  6. BLP模型主体敏感标记动态调整方案及其正确性证明

    Dynamic Determination Schema and it 's Correctness for the Subject 's Sensitivity Label of the Classical BLP Model

  7. 使用形式化方法PAR及循环不变式开发新策略,开发了Hanoi塔问题非递归算法,并对其进行了形式化的正确性证明。

    This paper develops non-recursive algorithmic program of Hanoi tower problem employing PAR method and the new strategy of developing loop invariant and verifies the program formally .

  8. 本文首先介绍了结构逻辑(SL)以及其对几种并行模型的描述,然后讨论了并行程序的自动综合和正确性证明。

    In this paper , we have firstly introduced the structure logic ( SL ) and its description of several models of parallel computer . Then we have discussed automatic synthesis and correctness-proving for parallel programs .

  9. 首先对Byzantine一致性进行分类,然后证明了当且仅当n>3m时才存在对应的Byzantine一致性算法,给出了n>3m时的Byzantine一致性算法和其正确性证明。

    First we classify the Byzantine agreement to several classes , then we prove that Byzantine agreement algorithm exists if and only if n > 3m , also an algorithm for Byzantine agreement is given when n > 3m and proved .

  10. 从理论上构造BLP公理的一种新的实施方法(ABLP方法),并给出该方法的正确性证明。

    A new enforcement approach , named ABLP approach , for the BLP axioms is constructed theoretically . The correctness of the ABLP approach is proved .

  11. 在正确性证明中最广泛应用的方法是Hoare方法,它利用推导公式来描述程序或程序片断的输入/输出关系。

    The most widely used method in the formal correctness proof is the Hoare method . It uses inductive formulas characterizing input / output relationships of programs or program segments .

  12. 嵌入式系统的快速面向对象过程(ROPES)是一种目前比较流行的嵌入式系统开发过程,它基于迭代式生命周期,强调快速周转、早期的正确性证明和低风险等。

    The Rapid Object-Oriented Process for Embedded Systems ( ROPES ) Proces is based on the life cycle and emphasizes rapid turnover , early the correctness proof and low risk etc. In Majoy project development we use this process together with pattern design to develop the whole project successfully .

  13. VDM是一种系统地开发大型软件的方法,本文讨论这种方法的四要素:形式化的规范说明,基于变换的分阶段系统实现,正确性证明和抽象原理。

    VDM is meant to be a systematic approach to the development of large computer software system . This paper discusses its four key points , formal specification , staged implementation based on transformation , justification and abstraction prin - '

  14. 给出了算法的正确性证明和安全性分析。

    The proof of the correctness and safety are also given .

  15. 程序正确性证明方法探论

    A Brief Introduction on the Methods for the Validity of Program

  16. 程序正确性证明及循环不变式的寻找方法

    Proof of program correctness and a method of getting loop invariant

  17. 提出一种新的存储一致性模型&单芯片多线程一致性模型,并给出其正确性证明。

    A novel memory consistency of chip multithreading consistency model is proposed .

  18. 本文还给出了该算法的正确性证明。

    The correctness proof of the algorithm is also given in this paper .

  19. 程序正确性证明中逻辑公式的可满足性

    The satisfiability of logical formula in proof of program

  20. 一种基于程序正确性证明理论的程序开发方法

    A Developing Method of Programs Based on the Proof Theory of Program Correctness

  21. 为方便两个算法的正确性证明,还提出并分析了两个辅助算法。

    Two assistant algorithms are also presented and analyzed .

  22. 程序正确性证明中应用了模态逻辑;

    The poof of program correctness is an area of an application of modal logic .

  23. 程序正确性证明可以象证明数学定理一样证明程序是正确的,它对于可信计算具有重要意义。

    And program correctness proof can guarantee this and it is very important to dependable computing .

  24. 关于程序正确性证明的进一步探讨

    Further Research on Correctness of Program

  25. 程序正确性证明的一种方法

    A Method of Program Correctness proof

  26. 程序的正确性证明

    Proof of Correctness of Program

  27. 之后,提出了工作流模型的分析方法,主要就工作流模型的正确性证明和性能分析两方面进行;

    Thirdly , relative analysis methods are present in two aspects of correctness validation and performance analysis ;

  28. 文中给出了该协议的正确性证明和复杂性分析。

    In this paper , the proof of correctness and complexity analysis of the QMRP are also given .

  29. 程序正确性证明是软件工程研究中一个很重要的课题。目前,程序正确性证明过程中一个最难解决的问题便是如何找出程序的不变式断言。

    The verification of correctness of a program is a very important issue in the activities of software-engineering .

  30. 系统地提出了一个基于抽象解释和通用单调数据流框架的值范围分析框架,包括精确的定义、分析和完整的正确性证明。

    Different from other value range analysis methods , this framework includes complete definitions , analysis and correctness proofs .