
chénɡ xù cè shì
  • program testing
  1. 面向Java的分布式程序测试系统

    A Java-Oriented Distributed Program Testing System

  2. 在对Java卡程序测试时,代码覆盖率常常被拿来作为衡量程序好坏的重要指标。

    In the Java Card program testing , code coverage is often used as an important indicator to measure the program is good or bad .

  3. Selenium是一个用于自动化web应用程序测试的测试框架。

    Selenium is a testing framework used for automated Web application testing .

  4. VISUALBASIC客户程序测试表明:无论是包容还是聚合,客户程序均可由外部组件的缺省接口访问到内部组件接口。

    Visual Basic testing client has proved that inner component interface can be accessed via outer component default interface in both containment and aggregation .

  5. 严格的SOA应用程序测试意味着在一段时间内建立多个测试用例,并且划分成连续运行的在逻辑上相关的测试套件。

    Serious testing of SOA applications means building many test cases over time and dividing them into sets of logically-related test suites that are run continuously .

  6. 所有这些特性结合在一起,当然能够使它在众多Web应用程序测试框架中脱颖而出,但是,正如您将看到的,在完全自动化的验收测试中使用这些特性令它更加出众。

    Having all of these features together would be notable in any Web application testing framework , but being able to use them in a fully automated acceptance test is outstanding , as you 'll see .

  7. 最后,给出了PCI设备驱动程序测试程序、PCI数据采集模块的简单应用。

    In the end of this paper , the simple application of PCI data acquisition module and PCI device driver test program was presented .

  8. 为了保持实验室PC操作系统环境的稳定性,对于有破坏、有统一操作环境要求或者需要使用基于网络的程序测试的实验,采用了使用虚拟主机(virtualmachine)的方案。

    In order to maintain the stability of the PC operating system in the laboratory , we installed multi-virtual machine in a host computer and designed a network for the attack and defense simulation .

  9. monkeyrunner工具与(UI/ApplicationExerciserMonkey)用户界面/应用程序测试工具,也称为monkey工具并无关联。

    The monkeyrunner tool is not related to the UI / Application Exerciser Monkey , also known as the monkey tool .

  10. COBOL程序测试环境CPTS-1的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of COBOL program testing environment cpts-1

  11. 安装之后,经应用程序测试,本驱动程序根据用户在PCI卡中设置的配置信息正确进行了I/O范围及存储器的分配,实现了小批量数据的读取和写入,达到了设计要求。

    After installed , this driver correctly distributes the I / O range and memory range and realizes to read and write a little amount of data . after tested , the driver works well .

  12. 远程终端仿真器RTE的引入使得基准程序测试活动领域的进展更为迅速。

    The introduction of Remote Terminal Emulator ( RTE ) has led to rapid advances in the area of benchmark .

  13. 多年来,我创建了一个用于测试Informix新版本的中型数据仓库星型架构,并将它用于标准程序测试。

    Over the years , I have built up a midsize data warehouse star schema that I use for testing new releases of Informix , and I used it for this benchmark .

  14. 我还要用一个小型的客户机/服务器应用程序测试这个实现,并开放一个使用MX4J适配器的HTTP管理接口。

    I 'll also employ a small client / server application to test my implementation and expose an HTTP management interface using an MX4J adaptor .

  15. 本文采用标准任务图集STG作为任务优化模型,STG图是早稻田大学实验室针对基于多处理器和众核系统的任务分配与任务调度的研究,提供的一组基准程序测试用例。

    The graphs are set of benchmarks provided by Waseda University research laboratory for multiple processors and many-core systems task allocation and scheduling .

  16. 接下来结合实验平台的具体需求,分别介绍了无线传感器网络实验系统和RFID实验系统的详细设计与实现过程,同时给出了部分实验的实验样例,并做了相关程序测试。

    Combined with the specific needs of the experiment platform , it details the design and implementation process of the WSN experiment system and RFID experiment system . At the same time , it gives the experiment sample of some of the experiments as well as the test cases .

  17. 然后将这种测试模型应用到一个大型的应用程序测试项目(AMP)中,发现这种测试模型在尽早发现Bug和回归测试选择效率上具有较好的测试效果。

    The behavior-based testing model was applied to a software testing project of large application software called American On-Line Media Player ( AMP ) project and the result that the behavior-based software testing model has some advantages in digging the early bugs and efficiency of regression testing was obtained .

  18. 应用程序测试可能是相当简单但是非常紧张的过程。

    Testing applications can be a rather straightforward but intense process .

  19. 程序测试是保证程序质量和可靠性的重要因素。

    Program testing is essential to ensure program quality and reliability .

  20. 首先,介绍了多媒体应用程序测试的工具和对象;

    Firstly , introduces some tools and benchmark on multimedia performance analysis .

  21. 本文主要探讨有关并行程序测试的规律和方法。

    This thesis focuses on the test of parallel programs .

  22. 本文还介绍了一个程序测试工具。

    Finally , a program testing tool is introduced .

  23. 使用一个设备模拟器来启动应用程序测试。

    Use a device emulator to start application testing .

  24. 程序测试无疑是保证程序质量的关键步骤。

    Undoubtedly , program testing is the crucial step to guarantee the program quality .

  25. 模数自动程序测试程序一种基于过程图模型的编译优化测试程序自动生成方法

    An Automated Method of Test Program Generation for Compiler Optimizations Based on Process Graph

  26. 通过程序测试值(比如主机名)是否是企业范围惟一的。

    Programmatically testing a value for enterprise-wide uniqueness , such as a host name .

  27. 服务虚拟化如何减轻促进高效开发和动态企业应用程序测试。

    How service virtualization facilitates the efficient development and testing of dynamic enterprise applications .

  28. 一种新的编译程序测试用例自动生成策略及其实现

    A new strategy and it 's implementation of generating automatically sentences for compiler testing

  29. 基于计算解语义的逻辑程序测试和调试框架

    Framework for Integrated Testing and Debugging of Logic Programs Based on Computed Answers Semantics

  30. 应用程序测试和持续的质量保证涉及到整个开发团队的协作与沟通。

    Application Testing and Continuous Quality involve collaboration and communication across the entire development team .