
  • 网络Programming Style
  1. 本文还讨论了引人持久性对C++程序设计风格及安全性的影响。

    We also discuss the impacts of introducing persistence on C + + programming style and program security .

  2. 类型化面向对象程序设计风格体现于ML语言

    Typed object-oriented programming style embodied in ML language

  3. 本文探讨在运用ML语言中体现面向对象的程序设计风格。

    How to embody object-oriented programming style , when programming with ML language , is discussed .

  4. 在服务器端保存数据库链接字信息,完成ActiveForm组件安全访问数据库,通过ActiveForm的传统C/S编程方式,实现对打印机的精确控制和报表打印,并保持了B/S程序设计风格。

    By using active form 's conventional c / s programming to precisely control a printer and print report forms the b / s programs style will be kept .

  5. RDBMS中合成面向逻辑与面向目标的程序设计风格

    The programming style of synthesizing logic-oriented and object-oriented in RDBMS

  6. PASCAL语言程序设计风格

    PASCAL Language Program Design Style

  7. HEST是一个具有多种推理模式和程序设计风格的专家系统环境。

    HEST is an environment of expert systems that has multiple inference mechanisms and programming styles .

  8. 面向对象的程序设计风格及有关语言的特性

    Object-Oriented Programming Style and Features of Its Various Languages

  9. 逻辑式与函数式两种程序设计风格的结合

    Combination of logical programming style with functional programming style

  10. 范畴论程序设计风格函子:范畴的设想:(一)纯一的范畴作为对象

    Tentative Ideas of the Category-Theoretical Style of Programming " Functor : Category ":(ⅰ) Homogeneous Categories as Objects

  11. 数据驱动程序设计风格

    Data-driven style of programming

  12. 文中探讨如何把概念化个体的分类层次结构与面向对象的程序设计风格和多种知识表示方法相结合,给出在面向对象环境下概念化个体的分类层次结构的设计及其实现算法。

    In this paper , we explore how to integrate the conceptual object taxonomy with object-oriented programming paradigm and multiple knowledge representation schemes , and propose an algorithm to effectively implement the conceptual object taxonomy in object-oriented programming environment .

  13. 再次,按照定位、分析、配套和评价的设计程序创建基于设计风格的室内装饰织物陈设体系。

    Thirdly , this paper creates a furnish system of interior decorative textiles in terms of styles , according to a design procedure of orientation , analysis assorting and evaluation .

  14. 指出了PASCAL语言程序设计中的若干程序设计风格,使用这些风格可以提高程序的可读性,提高编程的效率和程序的运行效率。

    This paper points out some program design styles of pascal language program design , by using this styles we may promote readability of program , promote efficiency of program design and run efficiency of program .

  15. 本文通过对Windows定时器的详细剖析,提出了多种定时器程序设计思路,充分体现了Windows程序设计风格。

    In this article , giving a detail describing about the timer in Windows , the writer raise some different programing methods on timer , which are complete style of Windows .

  16. 从程序设计方法学的观点看,此系统展现了多种程序设计风格,是逻辑、函数和面向对象程序设计模式的结合。

    From the viewpoint of programming methodology , the system emerges multiple programming styles , and is a combination of logical , functional and object-oriented programming paradigms .