
chénɡ xù biān yì
  • program compilation
  1. 此程序编译固化到FLASH存储器中。

    Compile this program into the FLASH memory cure .

  2. 现在已经准备好将应用程序编译成JavaScript并部署它。

    Now the application is ready to be compiled into JavaScript and be deployed .

  3. 目前已有众多的方法用来防御堆栈溢出攻击,大致从程序编译角度,操作系统内核,cpu体系结构等方面着手。

    In recent , there are many methods to prevent stack overflow attacks roughly by program compile , OS core , Structure of CPU etc.

  4. Web模式是完全部署模式,在将您的GWT程序编译为JavaScript代码之后,您将使用这种模式。

    Web mode is the full deployment mode ; it 's what you would use after you compile your GWT program to JavaScript code .

  5. 使用PB可以将应用程序编译成动态库的形式,动态库中包含了相应库文件中编译好的代码。

    The application program can be compiled to the dynamic base by PB , and the dynamic base contains compiled codes for the corresponding base document .

  6. 用于将应用程序编译为SWF文件的开发工具

    Developer tools for compiling applications into SWF files

  7. 本文采用软硬件协同验证的方法,通过由C语言编写的高级程序编译生成CPU执行的二进制代码,生成测试激励,验证系统的功能。

    In this paper , we use hardware and software co-verification way to verify system functionality . Write C language programs , compiled to binary code executed by the CPU to generate test stimulus .

  8. 为MVC应用程序编译好的程序集被放在这里,连同任何被引用的、不在GAC中的程序集。

    The compiled assembly for your MVC application is placed here , along with any referenced assemblies that are not in the GAC .

  9. 建立系统的过程中充分考虑到软件开发以及PowerPC的特点,为开发者提供两种可选的程序编译测试方法。

    Two types of compiler are provided by the developer system according to the features of the system and the PowerPC .

  10. 随后,本文对基本的程序编译和调试原理进行了深入的分析,并将重点放在ELF文件的格式以及ELF文件中调试信息的存储和提取之上,以此作为调试器实现的理论基础。

    Then we go deep into the theory of program compiling and debugging , focus on the format of ELF file and debug information in it ( store , extract ) .

  11. 控制器程序编译系统软件采用模块化思想设计,主要包括代码解释模块、人机界面窗口模块、运动学参数库调用模块、系统初始化自检模块、运动控制卡接口模块、内置PLC接口模块。

    Compiling system of controller is designed on the base of modular design , which mainly includes code interpreter module , human-computer interface module , kinematics analysis module , system initialization module , connector module of motion control card , connector module of Built-in PLC modules .

  12. 安装插件程序编译工具(buildAPITools)

    Installing the plug-in build tools ( buildAPITools )

  13. 介绍了EDA开发工具软件MAX+PlusII的主要功能;VHDL语言在进行硬件电路描述时所具有的多层次描述系统硬件功能的能力,以及在程序编译时易出现的问题。

    This paper primarily introduced the main function of software Max + PlusII of development tool EDA , the ability of VHDL language in proceeding the description of hardware electric circuit with multi-hierarchic description feature and the problems occurred in programme compilation .

  14. 利用SAS统计软件在数据处理方面的优势,对停牌数据、复权数据、缺失数据等都做了有效的处理,模型的实现也是通过SAS程序编译完成,且算法有很好的灵活性和移植性。

    The analysis was conducted using the data processing SAS statistical software that deals with the suspension of data , rehabilitation of data , and missing data to effectively improve the accuracy of the model . The SAS algorithms are found to be flexible and manageable .

  15. 一种数控程序编译方法的研究

    Research on the method of the NC programs ' compiling

  16. 编译器把用户程序编译成中间代码。

    The source procedure code is translated into intermediate code in the compiler .

  17. 高级语言中编译程序编译过程浅析

    On Compiling Process of Compiling Program in Advanced language

  18. 最可能是你仍然可以使用我的程序编译他们自己。

    Most likely you can still use my programs by compiling them yourself .

  19. 一旦完成应用程序编译,后续请求的性能将提高。

    Once the application is compiled , performance will improve for subsequent requests .

  20. 校验和代码在程序编译时就被嵌入,并与常规的可执行代码结合。

    The checksumming code is inserted at compile time and integrated with regular execution code .

  21. 程序编译时没有一条错误信息,程序运行起来就象一阵微风吹过。

    The program compiled without an error message , and the program ran like a gentle wind .

  22. 文章最后简要阐述了软件发布过程,并给出程序编译的nakefile。

    Finally , brief description of the software release process , and gives the program compiled makefile .

  23. 综述了编译环境的建立及程序编译、链接的过程。

    Summarized that build Operating system compile environment and the process of program being compile 、 link .

  24. 根据建立的预报模型,借助C++程序编译工具,建立了针对研究区的泥石流预报系统,通过将观测到的雨量值输入预报系统,可以实现研究区泥石流的预报。

    The study area can achieve forecast of debris flow by the value of the observed rainfall input into the prediction system .

  25. 讨论了驱动程序编译、安装、调试和包装等方面问题,这里包含很多技巧,在驱动程序的工程化和产品化中发挥了重要的作用。

    This paper discusses some issues including compile , install , debug and packaging , which have important effect on driver development .

  26. 数控程序编译水平及效率是影响数控加工效率的一项重要因素。

    The level and efficiency of NC code compiling is one of the important factors to affect the efficiency of NC machining .

  27. 我们只需要对机床逻辑源程序编译一次,以后每次直接运行编译所生成的目标代码就可以了。

    We only need to compile the machine logic source program once , and hereafter we can run target code every time .

  28. 在程序编译和运行后,将打开“控制台”窗口,并显示文件及其大小的列表。

    Once the program compiles and runs , the console window opens and a list of files and their sizes is displayed .

  29. 第五章,针对三坐标测量机控制系统的软件部分,重点阐述了通信模块、测量程序编译模块以及中断服务子程序等软件模块的设计。

    In Chapter five , according to CMM Control System module , edit module , communication module and interrupt service programm are given in details , respectively .

  30. 对于线性稳定性理论,由于推导的动量方程和能量方程的总项数达到上千项,必须尝试使用人工智能推理来帮助推导线性稳定性方程,以便避免理论推导的复杂性和源程序编译的困难。

    As the term in the deducing of linear stability equation is more than thousands , artificial intelligence need to be used in assisting us to overcome the difficulty of complexity .