
  • 网络Residual plot
  1. 用于Logistic回归诊断的经验Pearson残差图

    Empirical Pearson residual plot in Logistic regression diagnostics

  2. 结论:建议分析者把鞅残差图纳入Cox模型分析中,对协变量的生存效应作出正确估计。

    Conclusion : We suggest that analysts bring the martingale residual plot into Cox model analysis to get correct estimates of the effect on survival for a given covariate .

  3. 通过与其它几种过程监控方法的比较,说明这种EWMA残差图在监控自相关过程时具有良好的性能。

    Comparing with other methods , we can illustration that this kind EWMA residuals chart has better efficiency for auto-correlated processes .

  4. 利用残差图评价各群落特征因子预测精度。

    Residual maps were used to evaluate the accuracy of predicting .

  5. 相关系数与残差图被采用为模式适称性之比较标准。

    Correlation coefficience and residuals plot were used as criteria for evaluating the fitting-agreement .

  6. 运用残差图法和戈德菲尔特&夸检验方法检验出思茅松树高曲线方程中存在异方差现象。

    There exists a phenomenon of different variance in curve equation of tree height of Pinus kesiya var.

  7. 普通偏残差图对自变量在回归方程中函数形式的提示作用

    Effect of general partial residual plot on suggesting the form of transformation of explanatory variables in regression equation

  8. 浅谈加权最小二乘法及其残差图&兼答孙小素副教授

    Preliminary Discussion on Weighted Least Square Method and Its Residual Plot : Also Answering Associate Professor Sun Xiaosu

  9. 前向查找算法根据残差图自动检测离群点,并将输入的点云数据划分为多个不带离群点的最优局部降噪邻域。

    Forward-search algorithm detected outliers automatically by using residual plot and classified point clouds to multiple optimal outlier-free neighborhoods locally .

  10. 利用图的合成运算找到了一种从已知的残差图构造新的残差图的方法;

    A method to construct new class of residual graphs from known residual graph is found by using the composite operation of graphs .

  11. 本文在变量选择问题的基础上,提出了一种新的图示棋型&减变量图残差图。

    In this paper , a new graphical model called subtracting variable residual plot is presented on the basis of bariable selection problem .

  12. 在房地产信贷风险预测中也对2005-2010年数据进行了拟合性分析,得出计算残差图,表明该预测方法有较好的拟合性,能够较准确的预测各指标。

    Through data fitting analysis residual error plots showed that the forecasting method was fit and was able to more accurately predict the various indicators .

  13. 在评价一个正态线性棋型的准确性时,偏残差图、增加变量图和构造变量图是三个有用的过程。

    Abstract The added variable plot , partial residual plot and constructed variable plot are three useful diagnostic procedures in assessing the accuracy of a normal linear model .

  14. 生物量残差图中较强和中等预测面积分别为66.60%和30.31%。

    The residual type results showed that strongly predicting area and moderately predicting area reached 66.60 % and 30.31 % respectively , which implied the predicting model was accurate .

  15. 采用残余误差观察法观察残差图中各个残余误差大小和符号变化规律,可直接判断有无系统误差。

    Big and small of residual error and rule of sign change was observed with inspection method of residual error , and if it had system error or rough error and so on was identified .

  16. 背景预测利用背景像素点之间的相关性对图像进行预测,但图像中的噪声是相互独立的,无法准确预测,所以现有的背景预测算法无法消除残差图中的噪声干扰。

    Background prediction algorithms is the correlation between the pixels to predict the background , but the noise in images are independent which can not be predicted accurately , thus the existing background prediction algorithms can not eliminate the interference of noise .

  17. 可以证明,BP神经网络对自相关统计过程的控制能力高于休哈特控制图、残差控制图。

    Can proof , the BP neural network on the relevant statistical process control ability than Hugh hart control charts , residual control chart .

  18. 残差X-图对平稳可逆ARMA过程数据的检验能力

    Detection Capability of Residual X - Chart for Stationary Reversible ARMA Process Data

  19. AR-GARCH型残差控制图及其应用研究

    Study on AR-GARCH Type Residuals Chart and its Application

  20. 接着介绍了BP神经网络模型的构建过程,包括神经网络模型的设计和学习训练,得到神经网络拟合残差曲线图和潜江市1998&2009建设用地总量的拟合值。

    Then it introduces the BP neural network model , including the process of the construction of the neural network model and study training , and gets neural network fitting residual graph and fitting values of the total amount of construction land from 1998 to 2005 .

  21. 应用检测能力指数和平均运行长度两种衡量指标,分析了自相关过程由时间序列模型AR(1)描述时,残差控制图对过程均值变化的检测能力。

    Taking the detectability index and average run length as evaluation indices , the detectability of residual control chart to the change in mean deviation is analyzed when the correlation process is expressed by the time series model AR ( 1 ) .

  22. 监视过程均值变化的残差控制图检测能力分析

    Detectability Analysis of Residual Control Charts for Monitoring Change in Mean Deviation

  23. 具有次最小阶的连通的残差完备图

    Connected Residually-Complete Graphs with Weak-Minimal Order

  24. 求解模块是根据前处理过程所生成的模型的网格、所选的数值算法、边界条件等进行迭代求解,在计算的同时显示残差曲线图用于跟踪计算过程。

    In solver module , we calculate with special parameters and use parameters ' curve to track the calculational process .

  25. 二者的残差序列图明显有差异,说明上海期锌市场除了受伦敦市场的影响外,受自身的影响也较多。

    The two markets have significant differences in residual series , which show that the impact of Shanghai zinc market is greater by its own , in addition to by the London market effects .

  26. 首先,通过分析自相关过程的特征,探讨了消除过程自相关性的方法,并对自相关过程的均值控制图和残差控制图进行了分析。

    First , by analyzing the characteristics of the auto-correlated process , this paper discusses the methods of eliminating autocorrelation in the process , and also analyzes the modified X control chart and the residual control chart .

  27. 残差控制图是对自相关序列拟合时间序列模型,对拟合后的残差序列进行控制。

    The approach of the residual control chart is to fit an appropriate time-series model to the observations and apply conventional control charts to the stream of residuals since they are independent and identically distributed random variables .

  28. 基于实践应用的需要,通过对自回归模型中的残差方差图定阶方法进行研究,提出了局部残差平方和的定阶方法。

    According to the demand in practice , the method of determining the order in an AR ( p ) model is extended , and the method of determining the order based on local residual sum of squares is introduced .

  29. 该故障诊断方法利用残差CUSUM控制图检测变风量空调末端装置故障,利用设计的专家规则和故障分离算法寻找故障原因。

    Residual-based CUSUM control charts are used to detect faults in VAV terminals . A rule-based fault classifier consisting of expert rules and fault isolation algorithms is developed to find fault sources .

  30. 探讨量化指标Cho/NAA残差Z积分分布图的临床作用,Z积分在胶质瘤病理组织学分级、胶质瘤侵袭能力评估以及放疗照射靶区描绘中的意义。

    To assess the clinical value of the imaging maps of the Cho / NAA residual Z-score s ; To discuss the value of Z-score for histological grading of glioma , for evaluating the invasion of glioma , and for delineating the target area of radiation therapy .