
bìn yí guǎn
  • funeral home;funeral parlour;funeral parlor;the undertaker's;mortuary house;funeral chapel
殡仪馆 [bìn yí guǎn]
  • (1) [funeral home;funeral parlor]∶供停灵治丧的处所

  • (2) [funeral chapel]∶设有殡仪礼拜堂的房屋

殡仪馆[bìn yí guǎn]
  1. 我不算男人,殡仪馆的执事们和我都不算男人。

    I don 't count the undertaker 's men and myself as men .

  2. 一个忙碌的小个子将他们领进了殡仪馆。

    A bustling little man led them into the funeral parlour .

  3. 没有人给他们打电话阿,殡仪馆工作人员解释说,在痛失亲人之际,打电话常常是很痛苦的事情,不过Tom的全家人都来了。

    No one called . FD : In times of loss , it is often hard to pick up the phone . But his whole family was here .

  4. BobProut的祖父于1920年开建了家族式的殡仪馆。

    Bob Prout 's grandfather started his family-owned funeral parlor in 1920 .

  5. 在殡仪馆里,我稍稍对着防腐香料液念约翰?多恩(Donne)、对着尸体念安德鲁?马维尔(Marvel)。

    In the funeral parlor I whispered Donne to the embalming fluids and Marvell to the corpses .

  6. 这个人说:“每当我走过殡仪馆或墓地的时候,那怕是大白天,我总是感到阴森森,好像鬼就会出现似的。”我们今天给大家讲了ghostwriter和spooky。

    Every time I pass by funeral homes or cemetries , even in broad daylight , I always have that kind of spooky feeling as if ghosts will appear .

  7. 现年62岁的老汉菲尔-比赛特在eBay拍卖网站上以98英镑的超低价格,从一家殡仪馆购买了一口7英尺长、75公斤重的钢制棺材,并将其改装成一辆“棺材汽车”。

    Phil Bissett , 62 , bought the unusual handmade coffin for £ 98 on internet auction site eBay and has dubbed his new creation ' Holy Smoke ' .

  8. Rochelle明天我们要去殡仪馆选一副棺材

    Rochelle , tomorrow , we 're going to the funeral home to pick out a casket .

  9. BobProut花费350000美元为他们家经营了三代的位于N.J.的殡仪馆装设太阳能系统,但是仍然很节省。

    Bob Prout will spend $ 350000 for a solar system powering his family 's 3rd-generation funeral home in N.J. and still save

  10. Serorrey殡仪馆位于墨西哥北部城市蒙特雷。殡仪馆主管佩德罗雷耶斯说,Serorrey拥有唯一能处理乌里韦遗体的火化设备。

    Funeral home director Pedro Reyes said Serorrey 's cremation facility was the only one in the northern city of Monterrey able to handle Uribe 's body .

  11. 曼努埃尔·乌里韦的遗体通过一辆平板卡车运至Serorrey殡仪馆,他就躺在那张为他特制的床上。他在最后十年的绝大部分时间里都躺在这张床上。

    The body of Manuel Uribe was brought to the Serorrey funeral home aboard a flat-bed truck , on the same special bed where he spent much of the last decade .

  12. 把她带上去往殡仪馆的死亡旅行?

    By taking her on macabre field trips to funeral parlors ?

  13. 辛克莱法官说今晚我们可以进入那殡仪馆。

    Judge Sinclair said we can go into the mortuary tonight .

  14. 你不是说要送到西班牙棕榈殡仪馆的吗?

    You said to get it to the Spanish palms mortuary .

  15. 殡仪馆遗体表面微生物污染状况调查

    Investigation of the microorganism contamination on corpse skin in funeral parlours

  16. 传统与现代的交融&茂名市殡仪馆设计

    Blending of Tradition and Modern : Design of Maoming Funeral Home

  17. 什么样的殡仪馆会利用太阳能系统来运转呢。

    What kind of a funeral parlor runs on solar energy .

  18. 白天我在殡仪馆帮忙。

    By day , I helped my father work in the mortuary .

  19. 我叫他去殡仪馆。

    I asked him to go to the funeral home .

  20. 这是一场特殊的婚礼,在郑州市殡仪馆。

    This is a special wedding , funeral home in Zhengzhou city .

  21. 地震受害者家属在都江堰的一间殡仪馆痛哭。

    Relatives of earthquake victims cry at a funeral house in Dujiangyan .

  22. 它曾经是一个专门经营殡仪馆和停车场的公司。

    It had been a firm specializing in funeral parlors and parking lots .

  23. 佐藤说,当地政府已经向国外的殡仪馆请求发送物资。

    Sato said local authorities may ask foreign funeral homes to send supplies .

  24. 更糟糕的是,另外家殡仪馆已经错误的将她母亲的遗体火化了。

    To make matters worse , the other family mistakenly cremated her mom .

  25. 这种静寂就像殡仪馆中的宁静。

    As quiet as the funeral parlor had been .

  26. 当地殡仪馆表示没有足够的冰柜存放遗体。

    The local funeral parlor cited shortage of freezers to store the remains .

  27. 我国现代殡仪馆建筑设计研究

    Research for Modern Funeral Parlor Design In China

  28. 大部分殡仪馆都有组织复原专家。

    Most funeral homes have tissue recovery coordinators .

  29. 殡仪馆的人惊讶地发现他身上累累的伤疤和萎缩的腿。

    The mortician was surprised to find scars from wounds and a withered leg .

  30. 殡仪馆空气微生物的污染分析

    Analysis of Aerial Microbe Pollution in Funeral Home