
dú qì dàn
  • Poison gas bomb;gasbomb;gas shell/bomb;gas cartridge
  1. 你有没有合适的人拿着那些毒气弹?

    Have you got a good man with those gas bombs ?

  2. 嘿,你拿着那些毒气弹过来。

    Hey , come back with those bombs , you .

  3. 我要去投“毒气弹”了。

    I 'm going to go bomb downtown paris .

  4. 证据组数到了多少颗毒气弹?

    How many canisters has forensics accounted for ?

  5. 警方施放了毒气弹,把劫匪逼出了屋子。

    The police used poisonous gas to force the robbers out of the house .

  6. 我们拿着那些毒气弹。

    We 've got those gas bombs .