
  • 网络poison fish
  1. 古代毒鱼和环境保护&从安康境内两则碑文谈起

    The Environmental Protection and Fishing by Poison

  2. 热带美洲尖果属的任何一种木本植物,其根在当地用来毒鱼、商业上用来制作鱼藤酮。

    Any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus whose roots are used locally as a fish poison and commercially as a source of rotenone .

  3. 毛蕊花一种产于亚欧地区的毛蕊花属植物,尤指毒鱼草,高大且有黄色密集花簇和覆有细绒毛的叶子。

    Any of various Eurasian plants of the genus Verbascum , especially V.thapsus , a tall plant having closely clustered yellow flowers and leaves covered with dense , woolly down .

  4. 苯并(a)芘致毒的鱼的分子生态毒理学指标研究

    Molecular ecotoxicological indicators of fish intoxicated by benzo ( a ) pyrene