
  1. 民办本科院校的人才培养目标与公共外语课程改革

    Education Objectives of Non-Governmental Colleges and Reform in Public Foreign Language Curriculum

  2. 民办本科院校经济管理专业实践性教学初探

    An Elementary Research on Practice Teaching of Economic Management Major in Private Colleges ' Undergraduate Courses

  3. 民办本科院校双师型教师培养模式初探&以黑龙江东方学院为例

    Training Model of Double-qualified Teachers in Private Colleges & In the Case of Heilongjiang East College

  4. 从学院方面完善教师队伍管理制度,为教师提高学历,争取研修提供平台与条件,从政府方面在学科带头人的遴选制度上对一般本科院校和民办本科院校有所倾斜。

    First of all , from the academy improve the teaching force management system and provide a platform and condition for teachers to improve education , fight for training . Be tilted to the general colleges and private colleges from the government in the selection system of the academic leaders .

  5. 民办应用型本科院校物流管理专业实践教学体系的构建&以宁波大红鹰学院为例

    Construction of Practical Teaching System of Logistics Management in Application-oriented Private Institutions

  6. 民办应用型本科院校管理现代化问题研究

    Study on Management Modernization of Applied-type Private University

  7. 刍议民办本科高校优秀师资的引进民办本科院校如何做大做强

    How Can the Non-governmental 4-Year Colleges Become Bigger and Stronger