
mín bīnɡ xùn liàn
  • militia training
  1. 阿萨德掌控的民兵训练营。

    Militia training camps being run by Bashar al-Assad .

  2. 民兵每周训练两三次。

    The militia practise two or three times a week .

  3. 驻守在这个地区的许多士兵都是一些民兵,他们训练不足,装备很差,而且缺乏动力。

    Many of the soldiers stationed in the region are inadequately trained , badly equipped and poorly motivated militiamen .

  4. 军政府现在在掸邦北部民兵进行军事训练,以协助保卫大选投票。

    The military junta is now giving military training to its militia men in northern Shan State to assist in safeguarding of the election polls .