
  1. 国共合作抗日胜,民族自强世界传。

    Japanese wins KMT-CPC cooperation , national self-reliance of the world pass .

  2. 马克思主义民族自强精神,是马克思主义的一个重要组成部分。

    The Maxist nationally Spirit of Sell-Strengthening is an important part of Maxism .

  3. 他积极对同文馆进行改革,期望通过对西方的学习,可以培养出适应近代社会要求的人才,以图民族自强。

    He actively reformed this place , expecting that through learning from the west , could educate talented people who adapted to the requirements of our modern society , only for national self-reliance .

  4. 他的福尔摩斯系列小说以其严谨的科学思维,缜密的逻辑推理激起近代中国致力于民族自强的知识分子的极大兴趣,而被大量翻译介绍给近代读者。

    His series of novels about Sherlock Holmes set the strict scientific thinking 、 meticulous logical reasoning and rational spirit , which interested modern Chinese intellectuals who committed to national self-reliance greatly . Therefore , a large number of translation about Holmes stories were introduced to the modern readers .

  5. 三种思想文化思潮虽然各执一端,但出发点都是为民族探寻自强之路,都体现一种十分执著的爱国精神。

    Though they have different stands , their starting point is to seek a way of self-development for the nation and embody a firm patriotic spirit .

  6. 以此为逻辑基点,围绕着争取民族独立与自强的思想主旨,他从多个路向建构起独具特色的国民国家思想。

    On the basis of this , focusing on the thinking of the nation 's independence and self-strengthening , he constructed his unique thought of the nation-state from quite a few angles .

  7. 其次,伊朗的核强硬政策,是民族独立和民族自强的体现,保持与伊朗国家利益的一致性。

    Secondly , Iran thinks its nuclear hard-line policy reflects the consistency connected the national independence and strength with the national interests of Iran .

  8. 读者能够从他的诗歌作品中感受到爱尔兰民族追求民族独立,勤奋自强的进取精神。

    Therefore , readers can feel the Irish people 's spirit of the pursuit of national independence and diligence through reading Yeats 's poetry .

  9. 民族凝聚力对于民族的发展演进以及民族的自强、自立都产生重要影响。

    National cohesion produces an important influence upon a nation 's development , evolution , self-relianc and independence .

  10. 法治精神的培育与弘扬过程,是法治精神融入我们民族精神的过程,也就是实现中华民族法治自强的过程。

    The process of the cultivation and the promotion of the spirit of the rule of law is a process in which the spirit of the rule of law penetrates into the spirit of our nation to achieve the self-reliance of the rule of law of the Chinese nation .

  11. 他最终的选择表达了作者的观点:黑人民族应该立足于本民族的传统文化,在民族传统中寻求信心和力量,从而找到一条民族自强的道路。

    His choice conveys the author 's opinion : the black American people should base on their traditional culture to get the strength and confidence to build up their own nation .

  12. 老舍正是通过中国人与英国人以及他们所代表的民族性的比较,既批判了中国传统文化的弱点,深挖了民族歧视的内因,又努力探寻民族自强的希望。

    Lao She , through a comparison of Chinese people and British people and the national characters they represent , criticizes the weak points of traditional Chinese culture and digs into the internal causes of national discrimination , and at the same time attempts to seek national self-reliance .

  13. 民族精神是一个历久弥新的概念,它与民族的生死存亡、荣辱兴衰密切相关,适应了近代中国追求民族自强、独立的发展目标,成为近代中国知识分子竞相探索的话题。

    It is closely related to the honor and disgrace of a nation . The national spirit education adapts to modern Chinese national pursuit of independent and self-improvement , which is becoming the modern Chinese intellectual reflection and discussion .