
  • 网络National Folk Music;folk music
  1. 我国的民族民间音乐,是人类非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分。

    Chinese national folk music is an important part of human intangible cultural heritage .

  2. 关于民族民间音乐的继承与发展的思考

    The Inheritance and development of national folk music

  3. 文山州民族民间音乐的价值与发展对策

    The Countermove of Value and Development About Wenshan National Folk Music

  4. 理论与实践&民族民间音乐教学改革初探

    Theory and Practice-the Exploration of Teaching Renovations in the Ethnoc Folk Music

  5. 满族与其它民族民间音乐的交融

    The Musical Interaction of the Manchus and Other Ethnic Groups

  6. 实地调查在民族民间音乐教学中的基本应用

    The Essential Use of Field Work in Folk Music Teaching

  7. 中国民族民间音乐著作权的觉醒

    The Awakening of National Folk Music Copyright in China

  8. 音乐特种信息的提取与分析&民族民间音乐的律学分析和应用

    Sampling and Analyzing The Special Information of Music

  9. 我国维吾尔族民族民间音乐中使用波斯-阿拉伯音乐体系之源流探析

    The Origin and Development of Persian-Arabian Musical Systems Absorbed in the Uygur Traditional Music

  10. 对朝鲜族民族民间音乐中的调式研究,是研究朝鲜族音乐的基础。

    The mode study of Korean folk music is the base of searching Korean music .

  11. 浅谈道教音乐的渊源及与民族民间音乐的关系

    A Superficial Discussion about the Relationship Between the Origin of Taoist Music and Folk Music

  12. 我们将为如何更好地开展中学民族民间音乐教学进行不断的探索。

    We will continuous explore how to carry out folk music teaching better in the middle school .

  13. 现代技法与民族民间音乐的化合&论钢琴曲《多耶》的创作特征

    The Features Of Piano Piece Duo Ye : The Combination Of Modern Technique And The Chinese Traditional Music

  14. 因此,要想全面了解我国民族民间音乐就不能忽略寺庙音乐。

    Therefore , for fully understanding the Chinese national folk music we can not ignore the Temple music .

  15. 民族民间音乐是世界音乐文化中的重要组成部分,是世界多元文化的重要内容。

    Folk music is the important component in the world music culture , is the important content of world multiculture .

  16. 由文化部与音协联合发起的《中国民族民间音乐集成》编纂工作是在中国社会稳定、开放的环境中开展的。

    " Chinese folk music Collections " compilation work is carried out in stable and open social environment of Chinese .

  17. 微分音的历史源远流长,并在世界各地民族民间音乐中广泛存在。

    With a long history , microtone has widely appeared in ethnic and folk music of all nations around the world .

  18. 平调调式是朝鲜族民歌中的主要调式之一,因此,对平调调式音阶的认识与了解,也就必然成为研究朝鲜族民族民间音乐的切入点。

    It becomes the key to study , since flat mode is one of the main modes of Korean folk music .

  19. 地方民族民间音乐资源的艺术教育价值与实现&以台州特色民间音乐课程资源建设为例

    Local folk music resources and realization of value of arts education & Taizhou features folk music curriculum resources as an example

  20. 作为音乐艺术它也是我国民族民间音乐的一个重要支系。

    Hakka music , as the music art , is also an important branch of the national folk music in our country .

  21. 在保护、传承民族民间音乐文化的过程中,地方高师音乐教育不仅具有较好的优势,而且可以发挥积极的作用。

    As an advantage , music education of teachers colleges could play a positive role in protecting and passing down nationality folk music .

  22. 实地调查是民族民间音乐教学实践中的一个重要环节,科学合理的方法运用是指导学生开展调查工作的教学关键。

    Consequently , it is not only necessary but also entirely possible to use field work methods for studying the history of Chinese philosophy .

  23. 将民族民间音乐作为教学资源引入音乐校本课程,以音乐校本课程的形式传承民族民间音乐文化,两者是相辅相成的。

    National folk music as teaching materials is introduced into music school-based curriculum and music school-based curriculum is a way to inherit national folk music .

  24. 在我国民族民间音乐中,说唱音乐有其特有的、不可替代的地位和作用。这表现在两个方面。

    In China 's national and folk music , talking-and-sin ging music has its unique position and function , which is shown in two aspects .

  25. 于会泳早期对民族民间音乐的研究,达到了精辟而独到的理论深度,对创作有着极大的实践指导意义。

    Yu Huiyong 's early study of folk music reached an incisive and unique theoretical depth , which had been the baton of his music writing .

  26. 为进一步研究土族民族民间音乐、民族民间艺术、民族民间文艺作了初步的探索。

    I think it will make a prime foundation of the further exploration of Tu ethnic minority music , ethnic folk art and ethnic folk performances .

  27. 白诚仁的合唱作品的艺术特色主要有:(一)传统民族民间音乐素材在创作中的运用。包括:1、民歌的原型;

    His works as characterized by the features follows : ( 1 ) the exertion of traditional folk music in the works 1 ) prototype of ballad ;

  28. 漫瀚调是内蒙古民族民间音乐歌种之一,是见证蒙、汉两个民族百年融合历史的独特艺术种类。

    Man-han music in Inner Mongolia folk is a kind of native music , the Witnesses of the unique integration between Mongolian and Han nationalities during two hundred years .

  29. 本文的研究将对地方政府实施以旅游业的发展带动西南少数民族民间音乐文化和地方经济的可持续发展提供理论支持。

    This article research will provide a theoretical support for sustainable development which the local authority drives the southwest folk music culture and the local economy by the tourism development .

  30. 汉族民间歌舞艺术的特点在花鼓灯的载体下表现的淋漓尽致,对我国民族民间音乐的发展起到了推动作用。

    The characteristics of Han folk song and dance have been fully performed with the carrier of Flower Drum Lantern , which has promoted the development of Chinese folk music .