
  • 网络Private technology enterprises;private science and technology enterprises;private high-tech enterprises;non-public scientific and technological enterprises
  1. 民营科技企业技术创新的路径与影响因素

    Route and Effects in Technological Innovation for Private Science and Technology Enterprises

  2. 技术和市场的高度复杂性与风险性使许多民营科技企业成长面临困难。

    Extreme complexity and risk in both the technology and the market make the growth of the private science and technology enterprises face various difficulties .

  3. 加入WTO与我国民营科技企业竞争环境的变化及发展战略选择

    External Environment Changes and Strategic Choices for Non-governmental ST Enterprises of China after the Entrance into WTO

  4. 在新的世纪里,随着中国加入WTO,民营科技企业所面临的发展环境发生了一定的变化。

    During the new century , as China joins WTO , the development environment of private scientific and technological enterprises met the changed situation changed certainly .

  5. 研究民营科技企业集群的综合评价问题,运用Delphi群决策方法,经过三次反馈,得到有可信性的指标项目,使用层次分析法,获得各层指标权重,因此得出完整的指标体系。

    Studying how to evaluate enterprise cluster . By Delphi method , after feedback of three times , obtaining credible indices . By AHP , obtaining the weight of every layer of indices . 4 .

  6. 加入WTO及经济全球化、产业结构调整和深化体制改革、西部大开发、中部崛起以及社会主义新农村建设,这些都为民营科技企业的发展提供了广阔空间和切入点。

    Join the WTO and economic globalization , industrial restructuring and deepening reform , developing the western region , central China and the building of new socialist countryside , which are for the development of private technology enterprises in a vast space and entry points .

  7. 论文结合国家软科学计划项目民营科技企业的发展战略与政策选择(2003DG000019),研究我国民营科技企业发展的环境体系,调查并分析我国民营科技企业当前的发展现状。

    The thesis bases on national soft science plan program & Development Strategy and Policy Selection of Non-state-owned science technology Enterprises ( 2003DG000019 ) , researches environment system which influences the development of non-state-owned science technology enterprises , investigates and analyzes their current development situation in China .

  8. 我国民营科技企业融资障碍分析

    An Analysis of Barriers to Private Technology Enterprise Financing in China

  9. 民营科技企业发展模式与管理风格研究

    Research on Private Technological Enterprises ' Development Modes and Management Styles

  10. 南京市民营科技企业的灰色关联分析

    Grey Incidence Analysis of Private Hi - tech Firms of Nanjing

  11. 民营科技企业知识管理效果评价

    The Evaluation on Knowledge-based Management in Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises

  12. 我国民营科技企业的发展现状和区域比较

    Developing Status Quo and Region Comparison among China Private Tech Companies

  13. 苏州市民营科技企业的现状与发展对策

    The Present State and Development Policy of Suzhou Private-owned High-tech Enterprises

  14. 创业周期、资本需求与民营科技企业效率改善

    Innovative Cycle , Capital Demand , and Efficiency Enhance of SMEs

  15. 民营科技企业在创业板上市的风险研究

    Research on the Risk of Private-owned Technological Corporations in the GEM

  16. 作者结合企业集群生命周期的不同阶段特点,论述了民营科技企业集群发展过程中的战略选择。

    The paper describes the strategic choice for the cluster development .

  17. 民营科技企业的跨世纪发展之路

    Way for the Development of Non State S & T Enterprises

  18. 论我国民营科技企业的危机管理

    On Crisis Management of Private Technology & Science Firms In China

  19. 民营科技企业制度创新问题研究

    A Study on Institutional Innovation of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprise

  20. 民营科技企业的融资困境与对策

    The Financing Difficulties and Countermeasures of Private Hi-tech Firms in China

  21. 小型民营科技企业员工流动管理研究

    Employee Turnover Management Research in Small-Sized Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises

  22. 民营科技企业的发展模式和环境分析

    Development Model and Environment Analysis of Non-state-owned Science & Technology Enterprises

  23. 民营科技企业融资:理论与实证研究

    Theory and Empirical Research on Financing of the Private Technological SMEs

  24. 民营科技企业的法律环境

    Legal Environment of the Sci & Tech Enterprises Run by Private Citizens

  25. 民营科技企业的风险评价

    The Risk Evaluation of the Private Sci - tech Enterprises

  26. 民营科技企业自主创新能力提升研究

    Research on the Independent Innovation Capability of Non-State-Owned Scientific-Technical Enterprises

  27. 核心能力与民营科技企业的创新成长

    Core Competence Contributing to Innovation Growth of Non-governmental Sci-tech. Enterprises

  28. 浙江民营科技企业国外进入方式研究

    The Research on Foreign Entry Mode for Zhejiang 's Non-governmental Technology-intensive Enterprises

  29. 我国民营科技企业知识产权管理战略研究

    Research on IPR Strategies of Private Technology Companies in China

  30. 2007年度南京市民营科技企业分析

    The Analysis of Private High-tech Enterprises in Nanjing in 2007