
mín zú yīn yuè
  • folk music;national music
民族音乐[mín zú yīn yuè]
  1. 贝拉·巴托克,BelaBartok(1881-1945)1881年生于匈牙利,现代作曲家、民族音乐学家。

    Bela Bartok , ( 1881-45 ) 1881 was born in Hungary , modern composers , national music experts .

  2. 法国作曲家卡米尔·圣·桑(CamilleSaintSaens,18351921),杰出的钢琴家和管风琴演奏家,是十九世纪晚期的作曲家,法国民族音乐协会最早的成员,法国民族乐派的代表人物之一。

    French composer Camille Saint-Saens ( 1835-1921 ), an outstanding pianist and organist , also is a composer in late 19th-century . He is one of the first French National Music Association members , and one representative of France ethnic music school .

  3. 传统的挪威歌曲(kvad)、民歌和短曲、即兴歌曲(stev)是三类最大的民族音乐。

    Traditional Norwegian songs ( kvad ), ballads and short , often improvised songs ( stev ) are three of the biggest types of folk music .

  4. 卡米尔·圣-桑(CamilleSaint-Saensl835&1921)是19世纪浪漫主义后期至20世纪初法国著名的作曲家、钢琴家、管风琴演奏家和指挥家,法国民族音乐协会创立者之一。

    Camille Saint-Saens , the famous French composer , pianist , organ performer and conductor in the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century , was one of the founders of French national music society .

  5. 根据美国自然科学基金会国际数字图书馆合作项目CMNet,中华文化网的子项目中国民族音乐数字图书馆的研究部分成果写成。

    According to the International Digital Library Project ( IDLP ) CMNet ( Chinese Memory Net US Sino Collaborative Research Toward A Global Digital Library in Chinese Studies ) funded by the United States , this paper presented part of the research result .

  6. 论我国民族音乐在高师音乐教育中的地位与传承

    The Position and Inheritance of National Music in College Music Education

  7. 新时期加强民族音乐教育的重要性

    The Importance of Strengthening National Music Education in the New Era

  8. 透过事物的表面性,去认知民族音乐的内在魅力。

    Through the appearance to interpret the charm of folk music .

  9. 民族音乐学中的社会性别研究&一个新颖独特却依旧边缘的研究视角

    Gender Research in Ethnomusicology : A New but Still Marginal Angle

  10. 环境音乐:融入中国民族音乐的元素与特色

    On the Combination of Environment Music with Chinese National Music

  11. 在师范院校中应加强民族音乐教育

    Ethnic Music Education Should be Enhanced In Teachers ' Colleges

  12. 民族音乐厅堂混响时间优选试验

    Research on the preferred reverberation time of national concert hall

  13. 刍议中华民族音乐审美心理形成的基本条件

    A Rustic Opinion of the Postulate of Forming Chinese Musical Aesthetic Psychology

  14. 民族音乐教育在中国音乐教育中的意义

    The Meaning of the People 's Music Education in China

  15. 音乐史学与民族音乐学论域的交叉

    Intersection between the Domains of Music Historical Science and Ethnomusicology

  16. 以民族音乐教育为基础培养学生的人文精神

    Cultivating humanistic spirit based on the education in national music

  17. 民族音乐文化特征与视唱练耳教学

    Cultural Characteristics of Folk Music and the Teaching of Sight-singing

  18. 高师音乐教育中民族音乐文化的传承

    Transmission of National Music Culture in Teachers ' College 's Music Education

  19. 中外艺术歌曲创作中的民族音乐元素

    National musical elements in composing Chinese and foreign art songs

  20. 高校《中国民族音乐》课程的教学改革

    A Brief Comment On The Teaching Reformation Of The Chinese National Music

  21. 对高师民族音乐教学与研究的思考

    Thinking on the Teaching and Research about Folk Music in Normal University

  22. 阿拉伯音乐对维吾尔民族音乐的影响。

    The influence of Arabian music on Uygur traditional music .

  23. 大多数非专业人士更容易接受的是民族音乐或者流行音乐。

    Most non-professionals is more acceptable to folk music or pop music .

  24. 城市音乐的民族音乐学研究价值

    On the National Music Science Research Value of Urban Music

  25. 这对于促进民族音乐文化的发展十分重要。

    It is very important for promoting the development of national musical culture .

  26. 民族音乐复兴之路探索

    The Exploration in to the Revival of National Music

  27. 少数民族音乐教育需要建立新的教学模式

    On Necessity of Developing a New Model in Music Education of Ethnic Minorities

  28. 高校旅游专业民族音乐课程建设初探&以湖南第一师范学院为例

    Study on the Construction of Folk Music Curriculum for Tourism Major in Colleges

  29. 让民族音乐教育走入普通高等院校艺术教育课堂

    Fork Music : a Must in Art Education in Institutions of Higher Education

  30. 中国民族音乐有着深厚的文化底蕴和珍贵的艺术价值。

    With great artistic value , Chinese national music reflects profound cultural foundation .