
mín jiān měi shù
  • folk arts and crafts
  1. 路在何方&民间美术创新论

    Where is the Road & on the Innovation of Folk Arts

  2. 河南民间美术区域性特色探究

    Exploring Local Features of Folk Fine Art in He nan Province

  3. 论民间美术对现代视觉艺术的影响

    On the Influence of Folk Fine Arts to Modern Visual Art

  4. 宗教艺术与民间美术有着密切的联系。

    So religious art and folk art are closely tied together .

  5. 湖南民间美术的主要形式及分布状况初探

    On The Main Forms And Distribution of Folk Art in Hunan

  6. 论民间美术研究对发展中国设计艺术的作用

    On the Application of Folk Art Study to Chinese Design Development

  7. 民间美术图形在包装审美心理中的建构

    Construction of Folk Art Graphics in the Aesthetic Psychology of Packaging

  8. 以雕刻资料分类的民间美术品种。

    To carve a data classification of folk art varieties .

  9. 民间美术在现代陶艺创作中的理性表达

    Discoursing on acculturation of folk art and modernization ceramic art

  10. 论师范院校设立地方民间美术专业

    On Establishing Majors of Local Fine Art in Normal Colleges

  11. 论民间美术色彩的结构及本质

    On structure and nature of hues of fine folk arts

  12. 中原民间美术与艺术设计发展关系研究

    Study of Developing Relations between Folk and Art Design in Central Plains

  13. 这一时期的作品风格也吸收了中国民间美术的元素。

    Obviously , the work absorbed the elements of Chinese folk art .

  14. 妈祖信仰中的民间美术及其功能

    On the Folk Art of Mazu Belief and Its Function

  15. 东方审美同情观影响下的中国民间美术

    Chinese Folk Art Influenced by ' Sympathy Perspective ' of Oriental Aesthetics

  16. 民俗文化寓意在民间美术传承中的应用研究

    Research of Folk Culture 's Application in Folk Art Heritage

  17. 论三峡民间美术的美学特征

    On the Aesthetic Features of the Three Gorges Folk Arts

  18. 论全球化语境中民间美术对现代设计思维的启示

    The Enlightenment of Folk Arts to Modern Design Thinking in a Global Context

  19. 了解和把握民间美术色彩的审美特征,对在现代艺术创作中准确应用民族色彩具有指导意义。

    The study is valuable for modern arts by using national color accurately .

  20. 地方高校民间美术教学体系的建构

    Construction of folk art teaching system in local universities

  21. 中国民间美术的世界博大灿烂、多姿多彩。

    The world of Chinese folk art is very extensive profound and colorful .

  22. 贵州民间美术色彩初识

    The Understanding of the Colors in Guizhou Folk Arts

  23. 中国传统民间美术与土地崇拜

    Traditional Ch in ese Folk Art and Land Worship

  24. 小学民间美术教学现状分析及策略研究

    Present Situation Analysis and Tactic Research of Folk Fine Art Teaching in Primary School

  25. 抢救河南民间美术遗存的意义

    The Meaning of Saving Henan Folk Arts Remains

  26. 民间美术保护对策与思考

    Ways and Thoughts of Protecting the Folk Arts

  27. 中国民间美术符号在当代平面设计中的运用研究

    The Application of the Chinese Folk Art 's Sign in the Contemporary Graphic Design

  28. 浅析原始艺术精神在民间美术中的体现

    The Embodiment of Primitive Art in Folk Art

  29. 从荷包工艺看民间美术的审美共性

    Viewing the Aesthetic Generality of Folk Arts through the Craftwork of " Wallet "

  30. 河北民间美术的地域美学取向

    The Regional Aesthetics Orientation of Hebei Folk Arts