
  • 网络national custom
  1. 结合青海的地域环境、经济发展水平及民族风俗习惯,寻找出三项身体素质提高缓慢的原因及对策,以求促进土族、撒拉族儿童、青少年身体素质水平的更快提高,提高民族健康水平。

    Considering the geographical conditions , economic development and national custom , try to find the reason for the slow improvement in health status and the countermeasure in order to improve the children 's constitution and the national health level .

  2. 利用者的获得尊重权是其在接受图书馆服务时应享有的人格和民族风俗习惯应受尊重的权利,是宪法和其他法律规定的人身权的重要组成部分。

    Users ' right of procuring the respect is right of respecting the personality and national custom in library service .

  3. NGO发展所面临的问题是合作少、资金短缺、自身能力和社会支持不足,其中对感染者救助的支撑条件亟待改善,对少数民族风俗习惯的把握也是制约其发展的重要因素。

    However , NGO confronts many problems , such as cooperation lacking , funds shortage , incapacity and lack of social support . Particularly , the supporting condition of the infected needs to be improved and grasping of ethnic minority customs is also an important factor restricted its development .

  4. 侵犯少数民族风俗习惯罪若干问题研究

    On Some Problems about Crime of Infringement Minority Nationality 's Custom

  5. 少数民族风俗习惯的保持或改革

    Preservation or reform of the custom habits of ethnic minorities

  6. 关于新疆主流媒体与少数民族风俗习惯对传播互动的思考

    On the Medium Interaction by Xinjiang Mainstream Media and Minority Nationalities ' Customs

  7. 尊重少数民族风俗习惯

    Respecting the Folkways and Customs of Minority Peoples

  8. 独特的民族风俗习惯,塑造了少数民族大学生复杂的民族观。

    The complicated national consciousness of minority nationality college students originates from the unique national customs .

  9. 最近我们有这样的体会,就是在尊重少数民族风俗习惯方面,也要老老实实。

    Recently we came to realize that we should also be honest in respecting the customs and habits of the minority nationalities .

  10. 为尊重少数民族风俗习惯,中央和自治区人民政府颁布了一系列规定。

    To respect ethnic minorities ' folkways and customs , the central and regional people 's governments have promulgated a number of regulations .

  11. 本文论证了在社会主义现代化建设时期,对民族风俗习惯保持或改革的必然性、必要性。

    This paper demonstrates the inevitability and necessity of preservation or reform to the national custom habits in the period of construction of socialism modernization .

  12. 对一些带有宗教色彩的民族风俗习惯,如婚丧仪式、割礼、起经名等都不加限制。

    There are no restrictions whatever on folkways and customs of a religious nature , such as wedding or funeral ceremonies , circumcision and giving religious names .

  13. 少数民族的风俗习惯受到充分尊重。

    Ethnic minorities ' folkways and customs are fully respected .

  14. 西部大开发与尊重、变革民族地区风俗习惯

    West-China Development and the Respecting and Transforming of Minority Customs

  15. 他们得到命令严禁干涉少数民族的风俗习惯。

    They had strict orders not to tamper with the customs of the minorities .

  16. 你知道哪些民族的风俗习惯?请在小组进行讨论表演。

    What customs do you know about multiracial peoples ? Please discuss and act in groups .

  17. 但由于英汉民族在风俗习惯、宗教信仰和生态环境等方面的不同,形成了各具特色的民族文化。

    But because of the differences in customs , religions and ecological surroundings , the particular national cultures have formed .

  18. 少数民族的风俗习惯与群众生产生活息息相关,与宗教信仰密切相联。

    Ethnic minorities ' folkways and customs are closely related to people 's production and life , as well as religious beliefs .

  19. 宗教艺术在一定程度上反映了生活,它们是按照不同时代、不同地区、不同民族的风俗习惯、审美特征而发展变化的。

    Religious art reflects real life to the extent that it varies with times , areas , ethnic habits and aesthetic tastes .

  20. 文化负载词语集中反映或表达了某一民族的风俗习惯、气质情感、历史典故、思维模式、价值取向、宗教心态。

    Since culture-loaded words express the customs , attributes , allusions , the way of thinking , the values and the religious beliefs of a certain nation , translating them may pose some difficulties .

  21. 鸟儿们谁也没听说过这个习俗,但他们知道,尽管乌龟在其他方面有很多缺点,他却到过很多地方,知晓不同民族的风俗习惯。

    None of the birds had heard of this custom but they knew that Tortoise , in spite of his failings in other areas , was a widely traveled man who knew the customs of different peoples .

  22. 当地的文化特色从宗教信仰、民族特色、风俗习惯、历史文化等多个方面分析。

    The cultural heritage of many aspects of religion , national characteristics , customs , history and culture .

  23. 按照《共同纲领》的规定,少数民族地区的风俗习惯是可以改革的。

    As stipulated by the common programme , customs and folk-ways in the minority nationality areas may be reformed .

  24. 民族文化、风俗习惯、历史传统以及社会发展等是人物习语的重要来源。

    National culture , traditional custom , historical tradition and social development are the important sources of dramatis personae in idioms .

  25. 英语委婉语的运用比较复杂,它受民族文化、风俗习惯及时代背景等多方面因素的制约。

    English euphemism apply more complex , it is the national culture , customs and background and so on various factors restriction .

  26. 语言是文化的载体,它传达了一个民族的风俗、习惯、情感、思想等等。

    Language is the carrier of culture , which conveys the customs , traditions , thoughts , feelings and the like , of a nationality .

  27. 少数民族独特的风俗习惯中的社会性别因素,对于少数民族男女两性的发展产生了重要的影响。

    The factor of gender which exists at the unique customs and habits of ethnic minorities is significant to the development of men and women of minorities .

  28. 何况在不同文化背景、民族特色、风俗习惯等因素的酝酿中,人们对“爱”更是有着不同的表达方式。

    Moreover , the different cultural backgrounds , ethnic characteristics , customs and other factors discussion , People " love " is a different way of expression .

  29. 汉维语礼貌用语由于历史文化、宗教信仰、民族心理和风俗习惯的不同而存在着差异。

    There lies difference between polite spoken language of Chinese and those of Uygur because of their different history , culture , religion , national psychology and customs .

  30. 对家族复仇的关注和表达是两类小说的共同点,同时由于民族文化、风俗习惯之间的差异,导致了两类小说对家族情感和伦理道德的表达有所不同。

    The clan revenge attention and interpretation is the two novel in common , at the same time as the national culture , customs and habits the difference between two kinds of novels , has led to the family emotion and ethical interpretations vary .