
  1. 第二节讨论民间手工业的商品化问题。

    The second section inquires into the commodity production in the folk industry .

  2. 第二章民间手工业。

    The second chapter focuses on folk handicraft .

  3. 中国古代民间手工业

    Private handicraft in ancient China

  4. 第一节对民间手工业的类型作了划分,元代民间手工业就其本身的专门性以及从业者的身份讲,可细分为家庭手工业与私营手工业两种类型。

    The first section of this chapter further divides this kind of industry into family handicraft and private handicraft .

  5. 福州的民间手工业、丰富物产为郑和下西洋提供了物质基础。郑和船队将福州作为驻泊基地和开洋起点,是福州悠久船文化使然。

    Fuzhou provided vessels , human talents , and material basis for Zheng 's fleet , and it was the anchoring and starting point also because of its great ship culture .

  6. 民间手工业与商品经济有着千丝万缕的关系,突出表现在,由于分工程度的不同,民间手工业的商品化生产出现了高、中、低三个不同的发展形态。

    Because of its nature , this kind of industry had various connections with commodity economy . According to the degree of division of labor , it also showed three different patterns .

  7. 二针对民间私营手工业,制定了一系列具体规定,内容涉及对织造式样、规格、质量的详细要求。

    The other one was drawing up a series of measure whose content included the management in style , specification and quality for spinning and weaving , in accordance of private handicraft .