
qì ɡōnɡ liáo fǎ
  • Qigong therapy;treatment with deep-breathing exercises;qigong dirigation
  1. 呼吸气功疗法对慢性阻塞性肺病患者的康复效果研究

    Study on the Rehabilitating Effects of Respiration Qigong on the COPD Patients

  2. 气功疗法能治哪些病?(英文)

    What Diseases Qigong Therapy Can Heal ?

  3. 自控气功疗法对肿瘤患者中性粒细胞功能的影响(附30例病例分析)

    The effect of self-controlling Qigong therapy on the functions of neutrophils in patients with malignant tumor ( report of 30 cases )

  4. 中医行为疗法包括习见习闻法(系统脱敏法)、冲击疗法、反应预防法、厌恶疗法、模仿法、气功疗法和课业疗法等。

    Behavior therapy of TCM Psychotherapy includes systematic desensitization , implosive therapy , response prevention , aversion therapy , modelling , Qigong therapy and lessons therapy .

  5. 但他对结果感到很兴奋,他已经向中度和轻度抑郁患者推荐气功疗法,并建议重度抑郁患者可以在服用药物的同时练习气功。

    But he 's excited enough about the potential that he already recommends qigong to patients with mild and moderate depression , and in combination with medication to patients with severe depression .

  6. 方案编制方法:以中医认知行为疗法中的言语开导、暗示、习见习闻与导引气功(五禽戏)疗法为基础,结合现代认知行为疗法编制出一套完整的中医认知行为干预方案。

    A TCM cognitive behavioral therapy intervention program on the basis of language enlighten , Suggestion therapy , Exposure therapy , Guide Qigong ( Wu Qin Xi ) therapy and combined with modern cognitive behavior therapy . 3 .