
qì xī
  • breath;smell;flavor;style;scent;flavour;odor;information
气息 [qì xī]
  • (1) [breath]∶呼吸时进出的气

  • 气息惙然。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • 气息仅存

  • (2) [美flavor;英flavour]

  • (3) 香气

  • 一阵芬芳的气息从花丛中吹过来

  • (4) 特征或显著的优点

  • 充满中国农村生活的气息

  • (5) [information]∶讯息

  • 听此气息

  • (6) [odor;smell]∶气味

  • 鼻能审气息

  • (7) [style]∶诗文的风格

  • 气息渊雅

气息[qì xī]
  1. 他气息急促。

    His breath came in short pants .

  2. 屏住气息数五下,然后慢慢地呼气。

    Hold your breath for a count of five , then slowly breathe out

  3. 城市上空弥漫着死亡和腐烂的气息。

    The smell of death and decay hung over the town .

  4. 大海的气息勾起了她童年的回忆。

    The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood .

  5. 今天是情人节,空气中弥漫着爱情的气息。

    It 's Valentine 's Day and lurve is in the air .

  6. 春天来了,到处洋溢着爱情的气息。

    Spring is here and romance is in the air .

  7. 到处都是可耻的叛变的气息。

    The stench of treachery hung in the air .

  8. 空气中荡漾着山和海的芬芳气息。

    The air was fragrant with scents from the sea and the hills .

  9. 狗嗅到了兔子的气息。

    The dog scented a rabbit .

  10. 全书弥漫着一种危险的气息。

    Throughout the book there is a pervading sense of menace .

  11. 地面还散发着雨后的气息,他们把鞋上弄得全是泥。

    The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes

  12. 富有浪漫气息的庄园和城堡俯瞰着蜿蜒的河道。

    Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river 's twisting course .

  13. 这些房间有湿黏土散发出来的清新泥土气息。

    The rooms had the clean earthy smell of wet clay .

  14. 整个询问分析性和逻辑性太强,浪漫的气息荡然无存。

    All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance .

  15. 不知为什么,这个地方竟透出一种浓郁的怀旧气息。

    Somehow the place even smelt wonderfully nostalgic .

  16. 整件事情都透着政治腐败的气息。

    The whole thing stinks of political corruption .

  17. 那里繁花似锦,很有夏季的气息。

    It 's very flowery and summery .

  18. 她的故事有意采用富于青春气息的笔调和情节,同时还带些调侃。

    Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline , combined with a sly humour .

  19. 然后,他一嗅到危险的气息,便马上回到自己的岗位。

    Then , at the first sniff of danger , he was back at his post .

  20. 卢瓦尔山谷有某种特殊气息,让人想要充分享受在这里的每时每刻。

    There 's something about the Loire Valley that makes you want to savour every moment .

  21. 该镇的历史气息让它成为人们夏季度假的好去处。

    The historic feeling of the town makes it a pleasant place to base oneself for summer vacations

  22. 海鸥的鸣叫声给这片海港带来了迷人的独特气息。

    The cries of the seagulls gave this part of the harbour a fascinating character all of its own .

  23. 其中一些与最近几部有着浓厚艺术气息的舞台音乐剧有关。

    Some of it has to do with recent stage musicals , which have been very , very stylised .

  24. 我吃了些脆玉米片,呼吸着充满青草气息的新鲜空气,这让我一天都充满活力。

    I have my cornflakes and smell the fresh air and the grass and it sets me up for the day

  25. 随着时间的推移,他跻身美国最高法院的雄心壮志在弥漫着酒精和绝望气息的乌烟瘴气中消失殆尽。

    As time went on , his ambition to be part of the US Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair .

  26. 这些作品具有浓郁的农村生活气息。

    These works have a strong flavour of rural life .

  27. 我闻到春天的气息。

    I could smell the spring in the air .

  28. 田野散发出春天的气息。

    The field gives forth an odour of spring .

  29. 灵魂的气息是这些砖墙的支柱。

    The odor of souls is a brace to the walls .

  30. 时尚充满着文化气息。

    Fashion is full of culture .