
qì mèn
  • stifling;sultry;oppressive;burning with suppressed anger
  • feel suffocated
气闷 [qì mèn]
  • (1) [depressed]

  • (2) 忧郁烦闷

  • 无端气闷易伤身

  • (3) 因空气不流通或呼吸受阻感到憋气

  • 屋里太气闷,打开窗户吧

  1. 他挨了批评,气闷了一整天。

    He was criticized and remained low-spirited all day .

  2. 这种情况令人感觉是一个阳光灿烂而又有点气闷的夏天,明媚的风光是一场遥远的雷阵雨的前兆。

    One was put in mind of a brilliant , slightly stifling summer day whose beauty is the harbinger of a distant thunderstorm .

  3. 房间在四楼,一间气闷的小室有一个肮脏的窗户,透过窗户可以看到毗连的那座楼房被太阳爆晒的砾石房顶。

    The room on the third floor , an airless cubicle with one dirty windows looking out over the sun-blasted gravel roof of an adjoining building .

  4. 鸿渐在点金银行里气闷得很上海又没有多大机会,想有便到内地去。

    Touch Bank , and since there were few opportunities in Shanghai , he considered going into the unoccupied interior as soon as he had a chance .

  5. 如果这些海盗认为他们把我关在这气闷的笼子里,而可以一点不听到我、发脾气的咒骂,那他们就弄错了!

    if these pirates think they 're going to smother me in this cage without hearing what cusswords spice up my outbursts , they 've got another think coming !

  6. 可它却好象为以前反通货紧缩的微薄成果气闷苦恼,以至于不管不顾,坐等经济恢复。

    It is almost as if it is so exasperated by the flaky achievements of its previous anti-deflationary efforts that it would rather sit back and wait for a recovery .

  7. “还要钱就拿衣服来,”打发马丁离开那气闷的洞窟的就是这句回答。他心里的严重绝望反映到了他脸上,姐姐见了不禁难受。

    " If you want some more , bring the suit ," had been the reply that sent Martin out of the stuffy little den , so desperate at heart as to reflect it in his face and touch his sister to pity .