
qì guǎn
  • trachea;air tube;windpipe;weasand;canal
气管 [qì guǎn]
  • (1) [trachea]

  • (2) 在脊椎动物中空气进出肺部的管状系统的主干

  • (3) 在多数昆虫中构成呼吸系统与空气输送管道相通的管道之一

气管[qì guǎn]
  1. 集中的一点是气管和支气管分叉的地方。

    One point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides .

  2. 长气管中有电极。

    The long air tube is provided with electrodes .

  3. 肺实际上由上千条细微的气管构成。

    The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes .

  4. 把灌入的药丸固定在气管壁中,能防止bap从气管中被清除出去。

    Removal of BaP from the trachea was prevented by fixing the implanted pellet within the wall of the airway .

  5. 气管炎是很讨厌的病。

    Tracheitis is a nasty illness .

  6. 气管旋塞给气冲开了。

    A steam cock blows out .

  7. 如果煤气管漏气,你必须关闭送气管,否则很危险。

    If the gas blows back you must turn off the supply , as it is dangerous .

  8. 大多数呼吸道感染都如此,如支原体感染,传染性鼻炎,喉气管炎。

    This applies to most respiratory infections ( e.g , mycoplasma infections , infectious coryza , laryngotracheitis ) .

  9. 每一个管子在集气管前停留的时间,只要足以放出处理过的空气就可以了。

    Each tube is in front of the collector nozzle only long enough to discharge the processed air .

  10. 我希望大家重新想象一下一个世界,一个没有处方类固醇,气管喷雾和药品,医生会对朱莉说,

    But I want everyone here to reimagine a world where instead of prescribing steroids , inhalers and medication , the doctor turns to Julie and says ,

  11. 所以当医生看到黄色方块和蓝色方块的区别,他会说,“哇,我们应该给她类固醇,药品和气管喷雾。”

    So the doctor sees this difference between the yellow bar and the blue bar , and he says , " Wow , we need to give her steroids , medication and inhalers . "

  12. 低能量CO2激光气管吻合术的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Trachea Anastomosis Using Low Power CO _2 Laser

  13. C组为对照组,气管内注入等量的生理盐水,不做任何治疗。

    B was treated group .

  14. 多层螺旋CT对儿童气管、支气管异物的诊断价值

    Multi-slice Spiral CT in Diagnosis of the Foreign Body of Trachea or Bronchus in Children

  15. CT平扫及重建发现气管、喉没有受压、受推移的表现。

    The CT scan and 3D reconstruction could find whether the trachea and larynx were oppressed or not .

  16. 多层螺旋CT及其后处理技术在评价颈部肿瘤气管侵犯中的应用研究

    A Study of Tracheal Invasion in Head and Neck Malignant Tumors with Multi-slice Helical CT and Its Post-processing Imaging Techniques

  17. 目的探讨小儿气管支气管异物的CT表现及诊断价值。

    Objective To probe into CT manifestation and it 's diagnostic value for foreign body in trachea or bronchus of children .

  18. 目的对13例重症严重急性呼吸综合征(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS)患者的气管插管及呼吸治疗进行分析。

    To analyze tracheal intubation and respiratory treatment in the critical severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) patients .

  19. 目的:通过对63例肺癌患者的气管、支气管树三维重建进行回顾性分析,探讨CT气管、支气管树三维重建对肺癌诊断和治疗的意义。

    To evaluate the CT 3D reconstruction of tracheobronchial tree in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancers by analyzing 63 cases retrospectively .

  20. 目的:评价模拟气管插管体位上气道CT三维重建图像预测困难气道的可行性。

    PURPOSE : To evaluate the feasibility rebuilding three-dimensional images of the upper airway under simulating endotracheal intubation posture to predict difficult airway .

  21. Nd∶YAG激光治疗喉气管狭窄的临床分析

    Analysis of Nd ∶ YAG Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Laryngeal and Upper Tracheal Stenosis

  22. 目的:探讨经皮穿刺气管造口术(PT)和常规气管切开术(ST)2种气管造口方法的临床效果。

    Objective : Evaluation of percutaneous tracheostomy ( PT ) with surgical tracheostomy ( ST ) .

  23. 高KV胸片、气管体层片、胸片CT与MRI均能发现气管肿瘤。

    High KV radiography , tracheal tomography , CT and MRI are all able to find out the tracheal tumor .

  24. 目的探讨重症肌无力(MG)危象的诱发因素、延长气管插管的因素以及并发症、病死率。

    Objective To evaluate the precipitating factor , mortality , complications of myasthenia gravis crisis and risk factors of prolonged intubation .

  25. 组胺H_1受体拮抗剂特非那定对正常和致敏豚鼠气管螺旋条的作用

    A study on the effect of terfenadine , a histamine H_1 receptor antagonist , on normal and sensitized guinea-pig tracheal spirals in vitro

  26. 可回收Sigma支架治疗继发性气管食管瘘

    The treatment of secondary tracheo-esophageal fistular with withdrawable sigma stent

  27. ICU护士估测气管导管气囊压准确性的研究

    Subjective Assessment of Tracheotomy Cuff Pressure by ICU Nurses : Comparative Study of Accuracy

  28. 气管、支气管内膜结核HRCT价值及临床意义

    Value of HRCT for the diagnosis of endotracheal and endobronchial tuberculosis

  29. 结果14例患者中,多层螺旋CT均直接显示气道异物。其中:气管异物8例,左主支气管异物4例,右主支气管2例。

    Results Multi-slice helical CT show all 14 foreign bodies , included 8 in trachea , 4 in left main bronchus , 2 in right main bronchus .

  30. 结果:KG组在气管插管时血流动力学反应较平稳(P0.01)。

    Results : Intraoperative hemodynamic responses at orotracheal intubation were more stable in KG group ( P < 0.01 ) .