
  • 网络Potassium fluosilicate;potassium fluorosilicate
  1. 通过对氟硅酸钾分析纯的水解,验证此方法水解完全。

    By the hydrolyzation of potassium fluorosilicate , the hydrolyzation can be validated absolutely .

  2. 采用氟硅酸钾容量法对硅肥中测定有效硅含量的实验条件进行了研究。

    The test conditions of determination method for available SiO_2 content in silicon-containing fertilizer with potassium fluorosilicate volumetric analysis were studied .

  3. 氟硅酸钾制无水氟化氢的aspenplus模拟分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride Production Process from Potassium Fluosilicate by Aspen Plus Engineering Software

  4. 在银坩埚中以KOH于600℃熔融试样,以氟硅酸钾滴定法测定试样中硅。

    The sample is melted with potassium hydroxide at 600 ℃ in sliver crucible , then silicon in the sample is determined by titrimetry with potassium hexafluorosilicate .

  5. 氟硅酸钾容量法对测定环境条件及操作条件要求高,用其测定低含量的SiO2容易引起较大的分析误差。

    The request of the environmental condition and the determination condition of the potassium fluosilicate method were high , so it was easy to cause the analysis error when the silicon dioxide content was low .

  6. 重量法和氟硅酸钾容量法均可作为有效硅的测定方法;在提取过程中,推荐振荡机振荡频率为180r/min,振荡时间80min,振荡机内温度在25~30℃。

    Both gravimetric and volumetric methods are recommended in the measurement of SiO 2 . In the extraction process of available SiO 2 , the recommended shake frequency is 180 r / min , extracting time 80 min and extracting temperature within the shaker 25 ~ 30 ℃ .

  7. 氟硅酸钾快速滴定分析法测定硅的改进研究

    Improvements on Quick Titrimetry in Determination of Silicon with Potassium Fluosilicate

  8. 氟硅酸钾(钠)结晶生长的动力学研究

    Kinetics of Growth of Potassium ( Sodium ) Fluosilicate Crystal

  9. 碱熔-氟硅酸钾滴定法测定铁合金中硅

    Determination of silicon in ferroalloys by alkali fusion-potassium hexafluorosilicate titrimetry

  10. 酸分解试样氟硅酸钾容量法测定硅锰合金中的硅

    Determination of Silicon in Mn-Si Alloy by Potassium Fluosilicate with acid-dissolving Samples

  11. 冷浸&氟硅酸钾法测定矿石中的二氧化硅

    Determination of silica in ores with COLD-LEACHING by potassium fluoro silicate titrimetric method

  12. 核糖核酸酶抑制因子阻垢分散剂对氟硅酸钾(钠)结晶过程的影响

    Effect of Scale Inhibitor - Dispersant on the Crystallization of Potassium ( Sodium ) Fluosilicate

  13. 氟硅酸钾容量法测定磷矿石中的活性二氧化硅

    The application of potassium fluosilicate volumetric method for determination of active silicon dioxide content in phosphate ore

  14. 将经典的氟硅酸钾沉淀碱滴定法改为钼蓝分光光度法快速测定硅。

    The classical potassium fluosilicate precipitated alkali titration method was changed to molybdenum-blue-ness spectrophotometry to fast determine silicon .

  15. 用该工艺生产的氟硅酸钾主含量高、产品质量好、生产成本低。

    The potassium fluosilicate produced by this process is possessed of high purity good quality , lower production cost .

  16. 利用阻垢分散剂减少磷酸过滤系统氟硅酸钾(钠)结垢

    Use of the Anti-scale Disperser to Reduce Scaling of Potassium / Sodium Fluorosilicate in the Filtration System for Phosphoric Acid

  17. 为适应生产控制快速分析,GB/T18731995增加了氟硅酸钾容量法。

    Meanwhile the potassium fluosilicate volumetric method is added into National Standard GB / T 18731995 for fast analysis in production .

  18. 介绍采用氟硅酸钾容量法测定湿法磷酸生产中管道结垢物二氧化硅含量的方法及注意事项。

    The potassium silicofluoride volumetric analysis is recommended and described for the determination of SiO_2 in pipe scale in production of WPA .

  19. 氟硅酸钾容量法能够准确、快速、简便测定硅肥中有效硅含量。通过对氟硅酸钾分析纯的水解,验证此方法水解完全。

    The available SiO_2 content in silicon-containing fertilizer can be exactly determined with potassium fluorosilicate volumetric analysis . By the hydrolyzation of potassium fluorosilicate , the hydrolyzation can be validated absolutely .

  20. 浅谈级配与粒径对浆体管道结垢的影响介绍采用氟硅酸钾容量法测定湿法磷酸生产中管道结垢物二氧化硅含量的方法及注意事项。

    A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Size Consist and Particle Size on Scale Formation in Slurry Pipeline The potassium silicofluoride volumetric analysis is recommended and described for the determination of SiO_2 in pipe scale in production of WPA .

  21. 介绍硅铝铁中硅的三种测定方法,高氯酸脱水重量法,氟硅酸钾容量法和硅钼兰示差光度法,并对各方法的特点进行了对比。

    In this paper , three methods such as the perchloric acid dehydration-gravimetric method , the potassium hyperchlorate volumetric method , the silicomolybdic blue photometric method of determination of silicon in silicon-Aluminium-Ferroalloy were introduced , and the character of these methods were compared .