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  • freon
  1. 氟利昂有液态和气态两种形态。

    Freon exists both in liquid and gaseous states .

  2. MoO3/ZrO2催化分解氟利昂的工艺研究

    Technological study on catalytic decomposition of Freon by moo_3 / zro_2

  3. 与常用氟利昂类制冷工质的主要性能指标进行对比,认为CO2将是最具有竞争力的替代制冷剂。

    Comparison of main properties with commonly-used working fluids indicates that CO_2 is the most competitive replacement refrigerant .

  4. 氟利昂-12的常压DBD降解

    Atmospheric Degradation of CFC-12 by Dielectric Barrier Discharge

  5. 空气无毒无害,作为制冷剂可以被认为是氟利昂(CFCs)的最佳替代物。

    Air is regarded as the best refrigerant to substitution of the CFCs .

  6. 对于氟利昂类化合物的饱和蒸汽比容计算(Tr≤0,9),具有较好的精度。

    It makes better accuracy for calculating saturated vapour volumes of the freon compounds ( Tr < 0.9 ) .

  7. 氟利昂(CFCs)的大量使用带来了破坏臭氧层和产生温室效应两大全球环境问题。

    CFCs had bring with two global entironment problems : destroying ozonosphere and greenhouse effect .

  8. Xe(5p~56p)原子与氟利昂分子反应的产物研究

    Studies on the Products for the Reactions of the Xe ( 5p ~ 56p ) Atoms with Freons

  9. 本文将文献[1]中所汇集的一组以英制单位表示的氟利昂制冷剂热力性质方程式,按照换算其基本方程式中的系数值的方法转换为SI制。

    In this paper , the equations of the thermodynamic properties for freon refrigerants in English System mentioned in Reference are transformed into SI System on basis of the converting the coefficient in the basic equations .

  10. 世纪之初广东省淘汰氟利昂(CFCs)和哈龙工作刻不容缓

    To Phase out CFCs and Halon is a Task Which Brooks no Delay for Guangdong Province at the Beginning of the Century

  11. 氟氯烃(简写为CFC)氟利昂:含氟和有些情况下含氯(氯氟烃)的有机化合物的商品名。含氯氟烃的重复使用

    " Freon : Trademark for any of several organic compounds containing fluorine ( fluorocarbons ) and sometimes chlorine ( chlorofluorocarbons , or CFCs ) . "

  12. 本文利用热色液晶技术,首次通过温度场显现试验,研究了离心力场下封闭微小通道内氟利昂R12的热驱动运动。

    A experiment using liquid crystal method was carried out to investigate the thermally driven in centrifugal field and the distribution of temperature .

  13. IMPEX烟丝膨胀完全可以取代目前广泛采用的CFC(氟利昂)膨胀工艺,使烟丝的填充值提高90%以上。

    IMPEX technology can make the filling value of cut tobacco increase more than 90 % and replaced completely CFC expansion technology currently used .

  14. 肺部给药系统中,干粉吸入器(DPI)一直是很受关注的一种给药装置,不需要氟利昂作为抛射剂的优点使其发展迅速。

    Dry powder inhaler ( DPI ) is always popular in pulmonary drug delivery system . It develops so rapidly as a result of avoiding problems inherent in the use of propellant gases ( Freon ) .

  15. 氟利昂(CFCs)是一类重要的臭氧消耗物质(ODS)和温室气体,在臭氧层破坏、气候变化异常和酸雨三大全球性环境问题中,臭氧层破坏及气候变化异常均与氟利昂排放相关。

    Ozone depletion , abnormal climate change and acid rain are the main global environmental problems . The former two issues are related with the emission of chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ), which is an important ozone depleting substances ( ODS ) and green house gas .

  16. 该文综述了用于处理VOC的放电等离子体反应器结构类型,以及反应器结构对氟利昂和三氯乙烯以及其它VOC的分解率及能量效率等方面的影响及研究进展;

    In this paper , the structure and the type of discharge plasma reactor used to treat VOC . and the influence and study progress of the reactor structure on the rate of decomposition and energy efficiency of freon , trichloroethylene and other VOC have been summarized .

  17. 因此,总的说来,直到Midgley发明氟利昂,没有一个气体,能被很好的用作制冷剂。

    And so , by and large , until this freon was invented by Midgley , there wasn 't a good gas that had the right properties to be used for a refrigerant .

  18. 开发了1种环境友好的酯型铜管拉拔油,该油与制冷剂HFC-134a有良好的相容性和优良的退火清净性,完全可以满足无氟利昂制冷新工艺对铜管拉拔的要求。

    An environmental friendly ester drawing oil for copper tube was developed , this oil had good compatibility with HFC - 134a as well as excellent annealing cleanliness , and could satisfy the requirement of copper tube drawing of new non - freon refrigeration technology completely .

  19. 未来的制冷剂将不会使用氟利昂。

    Freon will not be used as refrigerant in the future .

  20. 氟利昂热力性质通用计算程序

    A General Computer Program of the Thermodynamic Properties for Fluorinated Hydrocarbons

  21. 氟利昂与大气中某些气体分子间相互作用的理论研究

    Theoretical Studies of the Interations between CFCs and Some Atmospheric Gas Molecules

  22. 冷藏氟利昂管系密性试验和真空试验。

    Ref. Freon piping to be done air-tightness test and vacuum test .

  23. 氟利昂替代品降解产物&三氟乙酸对水环境的潜在影响

    Potential accumulation of Trifluoroacetates CFC-replacement degradation product in water

  24. 这就是所谓的氟利昂,它也用于空调。

    It 's called freon . It 's also used in air conditioners .

  25. 空分用氟利昂蒸发器结构的改进

    Improvement on Structure of Freon-Evaporator in Air Separation Plant

  26. 不同初始压力下氟利昂-空气混合气体爆炸反应参数的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of Detonation Reaction Parameters of CHClF_2-Air Mixed Gas in Different Initial Pressures

  27. 气雾剂中实施氟利昂替代的几点设想和做法

    Some Tentative Ideas and Productive Ways of Using a Substitute for Freon in Aerosol

  28. 并提出了几种其他氟利昂工质喷射制冷的相似性,为今后其他工质的氟-喷制冷研究提供了参考。

    Some reference for research on other freon vapour - jet refrigera-tion were provided .

  29. 氟利昂12-全氟丙烯和氟利昂22-丙酮两个二元系的等压汽液平衡研究

    A study on the isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of binary system for cfc-12-pfp and cfc-22-acetone

  30. 氟利昂罐式集装箱的安全使用与维护

    Safe operation and maintenance of Freon tank container