
  • 网络Biodiversity loss
  1. 露天煤矿开采形成大面积的排土场,由于环境污染、水土流失、土壤养分贫瘠、生物多样性减少等使排土场的植被恢复困难重重,因此探索改良土壤的有效措施具有生产实践意义。

    Opencast coal mining leaves large areas of refuse dump , because of the environment pollution , soil erosion , nutrient-poor of soil and biodiversity loss , vegetation reclamation in these areas is difficult , so explore the measures for soil improvement is important to practice .

  2. 地球大气CO2含量上升是导致地球水、气、热循环失常以及生物多样性减少的主要原因。

    The increasing carbon in the atmosphere is the main reason of the abnormal cycle of water , gas and hot and decrement of biodiversity .

  3. 论生物多样性减少的原因

    About the Reasons of the Reducing of Bio-diversity

  4. 植被退化,生物多样性减少;

    Vegetation degraded and the biodiversity reduced ;

  5. 土壤肥力下降、生物多样性减少是桉树人工林普遍存在的问题。

    Soil productivity and biodiversity decline is a popular problem in the soil of Eucalyptus plantation .

  6. 草地面积减少,质量下降,草地内生物多样性减少。

    Grassland area was reduced , the quality of the grass was decreased , the diversity reduced .

  7. 围垦和水位下降导致湖泊生物多样性减少。分析了湖泊生态环境破坏的原因,最后提出湖泊环境保护和资源合理利用的对策和建议,以此促进西部地区湖泊资源的可持续利用

    Reduction of biology variety At last , the paper brings forward countermeasures and advice of lake environment protection and resources utilization

  8. 从城市滨水区景观规划不合理、防洪工程存隐患、污染物排放加剧、生物多样性减少等方面分析了滨水区的生态现状。

    This article analyzes the present ecological condition of the waterfront on the unreasonable landscape plan , more pollution making and biodiversity reduction .

  9. 干旱容易导致荒漠化、沙尘暴、水资源短缺、森林覆盖率降低、生物多样性减少等问题。

    Drought also easily leads to desertification , dust storms , water shortages , forest cover reduction and reduction in biodiversity and other issues .

  10. 由于过度开发导致的环境污染、生物多样性减少等生态危机已成为全球性的环境问题。

    However , the overexploitations of natural resources have led to the global environmental problems of environmental pollutions , biodiversities decreasing and so on .

  11. 岷江上游生态环境问题严重,森林破坏、植被生态功能退化、水土流失、生物多样性减少。

    Ecological problems are serious in the upper reaches of Minjiang River . Forest is destroyed , ecological function of vegetation is degraded , and soil errosion is severe .

  12. 不利方面是水土、水盐平衡失调,生物多样性减少,沙漠与绿洲间过渡带缩小。

    The disadvantageous impacts are that the soil erosion and the water-salt imbalance occur , the biodiversity is decreased , and the ecotones between deserts and oases are reduced .

  13. 但食用菌产业的快速发展消耗了大量的阔叶林资源,使阔叶林资源质量下降,天然阔叶林系统功能衰退,造成水土流失、河库淤塞、生物多样性减少等一系列资源与环境后果。

    However , its rapid development consumes a great deal of broad-leaf resources , leading to quality reduction of them , water and soil erosion , biodiversity reduction , etc.

  14. 河流湿地面积减少、水质恶化,造成了河流湿地植被生物多样性减少,部分典型水生植物和群落严重退化。

    The deduction of Riverine wetlands dimension and deterioration of water quality caused the detraction of vegetation 's biomass and degradation of some typical vascular plant and it 's community seriously .

  15. 但随着人类对潮滩大规模围垦等经济活动的加剧,导致生物多样性减少,生态环境质量降低,产生了对该地区可持续发展的潜在威胁。

    But the economic actives on the coast , which induced decreased the biodiversity and debase the eco-environmental quality , have a potential threaten to the sustainable development of the estuarine area .

  16. 在水利风景区开发建设过程中,出现了湿地水环境污染、生物多样性减少、景观格局变化、湿地生态与环境功能退化等问题。

    During the development of water recreation areas , issues of water environment pollution , lessening of biological diversity , changes of landscape pattern , degradation of wetland ecological and environmental functions appeared .

  17. 巢湖水体污染已经进入富营养化阶段,造成生物多样性减少,经济损失和生态破坏严重。

    The serious eutrophication has appeared in Chaohu Lake because of water pollution and that has resulted in the reducing of biodiversity , the loss of economic and the destruction of ecological environment .

  18. 此外,土壤退化还造成如河流与湖泊淤积、土壤有机碳储量变化、特殊生境消失以及生物多样性减少等其它环境与生态问题,对人类的生存与可持续发展形成极大威胁。

    Besides , soil degradation is also associated with off site problems of sedimentation , climate change , watershed functions , and changes in natural habitats leading to loss of genetic stock and biodiversity .

  19. 但滩涂资源的围垦开发利用也造成了沿海生物多样性减少和滩涂生态系统自我调节功能的降低。

    However , the inning and land use of the tidal flat have caused a decrease in biodiversity along the coast and the reduction of self-adjusting function of the ecosystem in the tidal flat .

  20. 随着环境演变,尤其是土地利用和土地覆盖等人类活动的影响,使得湿地面积缩小,生物多样性减少,功能也随之退化。

    With environmental evolution , particularly land use and land cover such as the impact of human activity , making the wet area of narrowing , loss of biodiversity , also will feature degradation .

  21. 旗域内,风蚀沙化、草地退化、土壤次生盐渍化、水土流失和生物多样性减少等土地退化现象严重。

    In the region of Hanggin Banner , land degeneration is very serious due to wind erosion , grassland degeneration , secondary salinization of soil , soil erosion , and the reduction of creature diversity .

  22. 首先对现状进行了客观评价:代际环境冲突(水污染严重、全球气候变暖、资源衰竭、生物多样性减少等等)以及代际利益的冲突。

    First , an objective evaluation of the status quo : the environment inter-generational conflict ( serious water pollution , global warming , resource exhaustion , loss of biodiversity , etc. ) as well as inter-generational conflict of interest .

  23. 然而全球环境演变尤其是土地利用和土地覆盖的变化以及人类活动对湿地影响的规模与速度的扩大,使得湿地面积缩小,生物多样性减少,功能也随之退化。

    But with expanding of the affection of global environment changing especially the change of land utilization and human activity , the area of wetland is reducing , the biology diversity is decreasing , and the wetland function is retrogressing .

  24. 多年来,传统的经济增长模式带来了一系列不良后果,生态破坏、环境恶化、生物多样性减少、疾病肆虐,已经严重影响了人类的生存和发展。

    For many years , the traditional economic growth mode has brought a series of bad consequences such as the ecological disruption , deterioration of the environment , bio-diversity reduction and disease wreak havoc that already influenced human existence and development seriously .

  25. 虽然将气候变化目标与抗击贫困、艾滋病和生物多样性减少等方面的努力混杂在一起,会使碳排放信用的认证更为复杂,但可能也会吸引渴望提高社会责任声誉的企业。

    While mixing the climate change goals with efforts to fight poverty , AIDS and the loss of biodiversity will make the certification of the credits much more complicated , they may appeal to companies keen to polish their reputation for social responsibility .

  26. 但是近年来,由于全球气候向暖干的转变,疏勒河流域也出现了土地沙漠化、盐渍化、湿地萎缩和生物多样性减少等生态问题。

    In recent years , however , with the change of global climate to warm and dry , the Shule River Basin also appears ecological problems like desertification , salinization , shrinkage of wetlands and damage to biodiversity , etc , which threats the lives of local people .

  27. 针对在自然保护区发展生态旅游存在许多问题,诸如自然环境破坏、自然资源匮乏、环境污染、生物多样性减少、管理不完善等问题,提出了在自然保护区发展生态旅游的基本原则。

    There are many problems existing in developing Eco-Tourism in Natural Conservation Areas , such as resources shortage , environment pollution , and bio-diversity decreasing . In terms of these problems , this paper put forward some basic principles on management plan of Eco-tourism in Natural Conservation Areas .

  28. 外来物种入侵可能导致全球范围内的物种多样性和遗传多样性的丧失,外来物种入侵已成为仅次于栖息地环境破坏而导致生物多样性减少的第二大杀手。

    May lead to the invasion of alien species within the scope of the global species diversity and loss of genetic diversity , invasion of alien species has become second only to habitat damage to the environment and lead to reduced biological diversity of the second largest killer .

  29. 由于对生态环境系统需水问题的长期忽视,直接导致生态环境退化、生物多样性减少、河道断流和地下水位下降等诸多问题。

    The long neglect of the problems on the ecological and environmental water requirement results in a series of eco-environmental problems , for example , the degeneration of the environment , the decrease of the biodiversity , the drying up of the river channel , groundwater table lowering etc.

  30. 高速公路建设过程中大规模的土地扰动,破坏地形地貌,自然植被消失,将会引起水土流失及生物多样性减少等生态问题,这些生态问题一直受到人们的广泛关注。

    Land-scale land disturbance in the course of expressway construction , destruction of landform and physiognomy and disappearance of vegetation , which will cause ecological problems such as water and soil erosion , bio-diversity reduction and so on . People have always pay great attention to these ecological problems .