
  • 网络biologically active substance;bioactive substance
  1. 粉状松针生物活性物质的研制和应用

    Preparation and application of the powdered biologically active substance from pine needles and twigs

  2. 生物活性物质&低聚半乳糖

    Biologically Active Substance & Galactooligosaccharide

  3. Matrix弹簧圈是为了防止动脉瘤再通而设计的新型药物涂层微弹簧圈,其表面覆盖有生物活性物质,能够促进动脉瘤内血栓组织化和纤维愈合。

    Matrix coil , biologically active material coated platinum coils , was designed to decrease the rate of recanalization .

  4. 5-HT与SS有在纹状管上皮细胞内共存现象,提示这两种生物活性物质可能有相互作用。

    5-HT and SS co-locate in the striated duct , indicating an interaction between them .

  5. 痂下水肿液(Subeschartissuefluid,STF)被认为是含有多种生物活性物质的生物库。

    Subeschar tissue fluid ( STF ) has been regarded as ' a bioactive bank ' full of many bioactive substances .

  6. 结果表明,激光诱发的N(200)波和P(300)波波幅增高,可能与其加速脑能量代谢率并降低脑内生物活性物质代谢率有关。

    The results show that the increased amplitudes of N_ ( 200 ), P_ ( 300 ) could be related to the increased metabolism rate of brain energy and the decreased biosynthesis of bioactive substances .

  7. EGCG是绿茶中提取分离出的生物活性物质,是一类具有开发前景的天然产物。

    EGCG is a biologic active substance extracted from green tea , and has large exploitation foreground of natural product .

  8. 结论:幽门螺杆菌生物活性物质通过顺式转录调控元件SRE调控细胞基因表达。

    Conclusion : Biological active substance from Hp regulates gene expression through SRE cis-element .

  9. MSCs还能释放一些生物活性物质抑制局部缺血引起的凋亡,抑制疤痕组织的形成,刺激血管生成,创造良好的再生微环境。

    Moreover , MSCs secrete bioactive factors that inhibit ischemia-caused apoptosis , prevent the formation of scar tissue , stimulate angiogenesis , and establish a favourable regenerative microenvironment .

  10. CMC固定化烟曲霉活菌体小球中微生物的增殖及基质消耗动力学长白山红蚂蚁微量生物活性物质分析

    Multiplication and substance consuming kinetics of Aspergillus fumigatus entrapped in CMC Microanalysis of the Biologically Active Ingredients in Red Ant ( Formica Aquilonia ) in Changbai Mountains

  11. 肿瘤标志物(TumorMarker,TM)是肿瘤组织或细胞异常表达的抗原或生物活性物质,其在正常组织不产生或产生很少。

    Tumor Markers ( Tumor Marker , TM ) are the antigens or biological active substances abnormal generated by tumor tissue or cell , which in the normal tissue does not produce or produce very little .

  12. 结论Matrix能够诱导动脉瘤内细胞反应和纤维化,促进动脉瘤闭塞,而且可以作为药物递送系统,递送生物活性物质进一步增强动脉瘤的愈合。

    Conclusions Matrix may induce cellular response and fibrosis inside aneurysms , and accelerate aneurysm occlusion . This coil has the potential to be used as a drug delivery system and may deliver various bioactive materials into local area to enhance aneurysms healing .

  13. 免疫磁性微球(Immunomagneticmicrospheres简称IMM)是将单抗或者生物活性物质通过共价交联或物理吸附包被到有磁性高分子复合微球的表面,形成具有免疫活性的磁性微球。

    The immunomagnetic microspheres ( IMM ) were prepared by covering the magnetic composite microspheres with antibody or biomolecule by physical adsorption or covalent crossing .

  14. 研究VBI血管生物活性物质的改变,及其对血管功能的影响;

    Study the change of the active material of blood vessel of VBI , and the impact on blood vessel function ;

  15. 利用适当的文库筛选技术快速、简便地从DNA文库、随机肽库、抗体库或其它蛋白文库中筛选生物活性物质是目前分子生物学研究的一个热点。

    It is a hotspot nowadays in the molecular biology research domain to use appropriate techniques , which should be rapid and convenient , to screen target molecules with bioactivity from DNA library , random peptide library , antibody library and other protein libraries .

  16. PMNs释放白三烯和前列腺素等生物活性物质,导致血管收缩等;

    PMNs could release many kinds of inflammatory mediator , such as leukotriene and prostaglandins , etc , to make microvessels contracting ;

  17. 本实验采用大田实验和盆栽实验研究了大量元素、微量元素以及生物活性物质(FA)对茉莉生长、产量与品质的影响。

    The effect of mass element , minim element and bioactive compound ( FA ) on plant growth , yield and quality of jasmine was studied by the pot experiment and field experiment .

  18. n-3多不饱和脂肪酸为一类独特的生物活性物质,在生物体内具有广泛的生理功能。

    N - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are a kind of unique physiological active material , which have extensive physiological functions in the organism .

  19. 血管内皮细胞及其分泌的生物活性物质(EDRF和ET)在调节血管张力中发挥着重要作用,他们与高血压和AS等心血管疾病的形成有密切的关系。

    Vessel endothelium and its biology activty substance ( EDRF and ET ) play important roles in regulating vessel tension . They have close relation with hypertension and AS cardiovascular disease .

  20. 背景:核因子κB受体活化因子配基(receptoractivatorofNF-kappaBligand,RANKL)是人们近年来在肿瘤坏死因子受体配体超家族中发现的重要生物活性物质,属Ⅱ型跨膜结合蛋白。

    Background : Receptor activator of NF - kappa B ligand ( RANKL ) is an important biological active substance which belongs to type ⅱ transmembrane protein found in tumor necrosis factor receptor ligand superfamily in recent years .

  21. 猪乳不仅营养丰富,而且含有众多生物活性物质,包括各种生长因子,如EGF、IGF-、IGF-、胰岛素与TGF-β等。

    Porcine colostrum and milk contain not only highly digestible nutrients but also numerous bioactive compounds , including various types of growth factors , including EGF , IGF ⅰ, IGF ⅱ, insulin and TGF β .

  22. 桦褐孔菌(Inonotusobliquus)是一种珍稀药食用真菌,其子实体和发酵菌丝体中含有多种生物活性物质,具有广泛的开发价值和应用前景。

    Inonotus obliquus is a rare medicinal and edible fungus . The fruit body and mycelium of Inonotus obliquus contain several kinds of bioactive substances .

  23. 抗真菌生物活性物质产生菌株JW-725的分离、鉴定及发酵产物性质的初步研究

    Isolation , Identification and Products Characterization of Strain JW-725 Producing Bioactive Substance Against Eumycetes

  24. CBS催化剂是不对称还原反应中重要的手性催化剂,广泛应用于不对称合成领域中极重要的手性配体与手性中间体以及生物活性物质和天然物质的合成,具有巨大的市场潜力。

    CBS catalysts , as important chiral catalysts for asymmetric reduction , are widely used in asymmetric synthesis such as synthesis of chiral ligands , chiral intermediates , biologically-active ( materials ) and natural substance .

  25. PAA相互平行的大面积六角形排列的纳米孔道,也可作为生物活性物质的优良载体,从而赋予其特殊的生物学功能。

    Due to the large area of paralled and hexagonally arranged nano-pores of PAA , it can also be used as an excellent carrier of bioactive substances , thereby endowing it with particular biological functions .

  26. 青冈栎中含有大量生物活性物质,包括单宁、多糖、生物碱、多酚、VB2、VB1、VC、脂类等。

    It contains a series of bio-compounds , including tannins , polysaccharide , alkaloids , polyphenols , VB1 , VB2 , Vc etc. Among them , the tannins are responsible pharmacological active substance .

  27. 人参(panaxginseng)为五加科多年生草本植物,含有多种生物活性物质,有防治肿瘤、延缓衰老、抗辐射等多种生物学活性作用,而人参皂苷是人参主要活性成分之一。

    Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) is Araliaceae perennial herb that contains various bioactive substances , which could prevent tumor , retard aging process , provide radioresistance and many other biological applications . Ginsenoside is the main active ingredient of Panax ginseng .

  28. 海洋细菌BAC-9912产生生物活性物质初步分离提取研究

    Study on Separation of the Antifungal Bioactive Substance Produced by Marine Bacterium BAC - 9912

  29. 紫球藻(Porphyridium)作为一种比较原始的红藻门单细胞藻类,能够产生许多生物活性物质,如藻胆蛋白、多不饱和脂肪酸及胞外多糖物质。

    Porphyridium cruentum is a relatively primitive unicellular red alga , which can synthesis some bioactive substances such as phycobiliprotein , polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFA ) and exopolysaccharide .

  30. 本论文首先建立了苏云金杆菌MP-342的培养条件与生物活性物质的检测方法。

    First , the culture conditions of Bacillus thuringiensis MP-342 and the method of detecting bioactive substance were established .