
  • 网络mendelian inheritance
  1. 正常家系分析结果符合孟德尔遗传规律。

    The pedigree analysis was correct and proved in Mendelian inheritance .

  2. 结果显示5个位点在多倍体中华鲟家系中遵循共显性孟德尔遗传规律。

    The results showed that five microsatellite loci conformed to co-dominant Mendelian inheritance fashion .

  3. 只有在所检测位点中有3个或3个以上的STR位点违反孟德尔遗传规律时,才可以否定被检者之间具有亲生关系。

    If 3 or more STR loci contradict with the Mendelian Laws , the excluded of paternity is made .

  4. 结果表明EAV探针适合鸡的群体遗传和数量遗传研究,在鸡的遗传育种中有着广泛的应用前景,且所产生的条带能稳定遗传,符合孟德尔遗传规律。

    The results show that PCR-derived EAV element is an ideal probe to be used in studies of population genetics and quantitative genetics of chickens .

  5. 1903年,Farabee报道了第一例符合孟德尔遗传规律的人类常染色体显性遗传性状,即一种指(趾)畸形遗传病。

    In 1903 , Farabee reported the first recorded disorder of human autosomal dominant Mendelian trait , a kind of inherited digit malformation .

  6. 经分析各标记位点均符合孟德尔遗传规律。

    Each microsatellite was correspondence with the law of Mendelian genetics .

  7. D1、D2在世代中的传递完全符合孟德尔遗传规律。

    The transmission of D1 and D2 was completely agreement with the Mendelian genetic law .

  8. 两探针均符合孟德尔遗传规律,均具有组织同一性。

    Both of these two probe conform to the genetic laws of Mendel and have tissue identity .

  9. 家系调查证实了等位基因的传递遵循孟德尔遗传规律,观察100次减数分裂未发现突变基因。

    Family studies confirmed Mendelian inheritance of alleles . No mutation was detected in 100 meiosis for the two STR loci studied .

  10. 最近的研究表明,异源多倍体形成时常常伴有不符合孟德尔遗传规律的基因组变异发生。

    Recent studies demonstrated that allopolyploid formation is often accompanied by genomic changes that cannot be readily explained by Mendelian genetic principles .

  11. 转基因植株后代出现分离,其分离不符合孟德尔遗传规律,可能是由基因沉默所致。

    The separation law of transformation generation was not as agreement with the Mendelian genetic law , the reason may be gene silencing .

  12. T1代植株PCR检测结果表明,Bt基因能够在转基因后代中稳定遗传,基因分离符合1∶1的孟德尔遗传分离规律。

    The molecular detection of T1 progeny proved that mostly transgenic plant could inherit steadily and their segregation pattern fell into Mendel mode 1 ∶ 1 .

  13. 结果表明,在含低拷贝(1~2个)转基因的感病植株后代中,转基因是作为一个单显性遗传位点,遵循孟德尔遗传分离规律,各世代转基因植株仍表现感病。

    The results showed that the inheritance of the transgene in T_0 susceptible transgenic plants containing 1 ~ 2 transgene copies followed Mendelian segregation pattern of single gene inheritance in their progenies .

  14. 经Southern、Western检测及子代遗传学分析实验证明OC基因已整合到烟草叶绿体中,并且可以遵循非孟德尔的母性遗传规律稳定遗传给后代。

    After screening with spectinomycin , transformants were finally obtained . The analysis of Southern blotting , Western blotting and genetic analysis of the progenies showed that OC gene was introduced into the tobacco chloroplast genome and OC gene was inherited maternally to the progenies .

  15. 对转基因水稻植株后代进行的遗传分析表明,大多数符合孟德尔单基因遗传规律,目的基因能稳定地遗传和表达。

    Genetic analysis of the transgenic plant offspring shows that the separating ratio is in accordance with Mendel 's single gene inheritance law , and the target gene can entail to the offspring and express stably .

  16. 自孟德尔发现基因的遗传规律以来,基因研究已经取得了很多突破,从克隆羊多利走出实验室,到人类基因组草图以及正式图谱的完成,基因科技应用的领域越来越广泛。

    Form and Perfect the Noble Ethical Spirit in Research Since Mendel found the hereditary rules of genes , the search to gene has already made a lot of break-through .