
  • 网络monsanto;monsanto company;Monsanto Co
  1. 孟山都公司的MarkEdge说,该玉米种子已经过测试并被管理部门认可。

    Monsanto 's Mark Edge says the seeds have been tested and regulators have proven them .

  2. Bt棉花是一种转基因作物,由孟山都公司研发。

    Bt cotton is a genetically engineered strain , produced by the biotechnology company Monsanto .

  3. 中国北方种植的大多数棉花都是由孟山都公司生产的Bt棉花。

    Much of the cotton grown in northern China is a Bt variety made by Monsanto .

  4. “Round-upReady(抗杀草剂)”转基因甜菜由孟山都公司生产。

    The Monsanto Company makes Roundup Ready crops .

  5. 孟山都公司的Roundup品牌就有销售含有草甘膦的除草剂。

    Glyphosate-containing herbicides are sold under trademarks such as Monsanto 's Roundup .

  6. 所有致力于关闭孟山都公司(Monsanto)的行动,因为他们正在毁灭美国。

    Any effort to get rid of Monsanto because they are destroying America .

  7. 要求进行一个全面刑事犯罪调查,的因为它涉及到孟山都公司最高主管之一可能和某个FDA的头部人员是一个人。

    Demand a full investigation into the criminal conflicts of interest as it pertains to the head personnel of Monsanto and the FDA being one in the same .

  8. 这一切所需都正在盖茨,洛克菲勒,孟山都公司和AGRA的积极筹备之中。

    All of which Gates , Rockefeller , Monsanto and AGRA are actively lining up .

  9. 通过生成的水蒸汽压,煅烧时间为3h,煅烧温度140℃,产品质量可达孟山都公司食品用无水磷酸氢钙标准。

    The quality of product reached the food additive standard of Monsanto Company in the case of calcination temperature in 140 ℃ and 3 hours and with the vapour pressure .

  10. 孟山都公司(Monsanto)股价也出现下跌。该公司公布其第二财季盈利增速下滑,但好于外界预期。

    Monsanto ( MON-news-people ) were also down today , after the agricultural inputs producer posted a drop in second quarter earnings , but beat earnings estimates .

  11. 很快,生物技术公司AstraZeneca和孟山都公司同意,当人们为“人道主义”目的利用它们的技术进一步开发这种作物时,它们不会向这些人收费。

    Soon after , the biotechnology companies AstraZeneca and Monsanto agreed to waive licensing fees for use of their technologies in developing the crop further for'humanitarian'purposes .

  12. 分析我国引进HRS的可行性。对于新建装置,建议采取单系列工艺布局、由孟山都公司进行基础设计、主要设备国内制造的方式,以降低项目的总投资。

    For installing HRS in China , it is proposed to adopt a pattern of single series configuration , carrying out basic design by MEC and making main equipment domestically , to reduce the total investment of project .

  13. 今年6月份,中国农业当局批准进口三种转基因大豆,其中两种来自美国种业巨头孟山都公司(Monsanto),另一种来自德国化工生产商巴斯夫(BASF)。

    In June , Chinese agricultural authorities approved imports of three new genetically modified soy bean varieties , including two produced by U.S. seed giant Monsanto and one by German chemical producer BASF .

  14. 非洲的种子对孟山都公司的投资是一笔潜在的横财。

    Africa 's seeds are a potential windfall investment for Monsanto .

  15. 孟山都公司是世界领先的转基因种子和除草剂生产商。

    Monsanto is the leading producer of genetically modified seeds and herbicides .

  16. 跟别人说你在孟山都公司工作,会令你难以启齿吗?

    Has it ever been hard to tell people you 're an employee of Monsanto ?

  17. 迪卡1号是孟山都公司新推出的高淀粉玉米品种,籽粒淀粉含量75。

    DK1 is a high starch corn specie from Monsanto , which starch content is75 .

  18. 在基因改造大豆的争议问题上,美国最高法院支持孟山都公司。

    The U.S supreme court is siding with Monsanto in a fight over genetically engineered soybeans .

  19. 海地地震后,孟山都公司想把种子送到海地以帮助海地人重建。

    Monsanto thought to send the seeds to Haiti after the earthquake to help the Haitians start anew .

  20. 孟山都公司希望在四年内准备好将第一批利用基因工程研制出的抗旱农作物推向市场。

    Monsanto expects to be ready in four years to market its first corn seeds genetically engineered to resist drought .

  21. 中种迪卡是唯一一家在中国生产、经营美国孟山都公司的玉米等大田作物的种子品种。

    CNDK is the only company which in the kind of production in China , operating Monsanto 's row crop seeds .

  22. 孟山都公司和其他的科学家,也参与降低食物中过敏原的研究。

    Monsanto and other scientists have also been involved in research that may help reduce the likelihood of allergic responses to foods .

  23. 仅在去年最后一个季度,孟山都公司卖的种子大部分都被修改,价值超过40亿美元。

    In the last quarter alone , Monsanto sold seed , much of it modified , worth more than $ 4 billion .

  24. 当我在网络上搜寻更多关于孟山都公司的信息时,偶然发现有关“杀精玉米和人口控制”的消息。

    While I was digging around the web looking for more information on Monsanto , I stumbled across this page about spermicidal corn and population control .

  25. 民间组织认为,盖茨基金会增持孟山都公司的股票,引起了公众对于孟山都公司申请种子专利和对种子的垄断的关注。

    According to civil society organisations , the addition of Monsanto into the Gates Foundation 's portfolio also brings concern about Monsanto 's patenting practices and monopoly over seeds .

  26. 总部位于美国的孟山都公司是供应玉米、大豆和其它作物转基因种子的全球领军企业,这些转基因作物对干旱和虫害的抵御能力更强。

    US-based Monsanto is the global leader in the supply of genetically modified seeds for corn , soybeans and other crops which are more resistant to drought and pests .

  27. NK603是一种转基因玉米,也称为玉蜀黍,是由美国农业巨头孟山都公司生产的,对该公司出品的草甘膦除草剂具有抗药性。

    NK603 is a corn , also called maize , made by US agribusiness giant Monsanto . It has been engineered to make it resistant to Monsanto 's herbicide Roundup .

  28. 1986年美国孟山都公司利用转基因技术获得了第一株抗病毒病的转基因烟草植株,拉开了转基因育种的序幕。自那以来,已有10多个抗病基因被克隆并转入到不同植物中。

    It undrew the prelude of transgenic breeding that the company of Monsanto Company obtained the first transgenic tobacco plant which had resistance to tobacco virus by transgenic technique in 1986 . Since then , over 10 R genes have been cloned and transferred into various plants .

  29. 孟山都种子公司的MarkEdge说,这是因为公司在玉米里加了一种基因:

    The difference , according to Mark Edge with the Seed Company Monsanto , is a gene the company added to the corn plant .

  30. 相反,公司依赖大量独立的企业,如孟山都化学公司(MonsantoChemicalCompany)、嘉吉公司(Cargill)、好时公司(HersheyChocolateCompany)等等,来对成品饮料中的关键成分进行采掘、加工和提炼。

    Rather , the company relied on a host of independent businesses - the Monsanto Chemical Company , Cargill , Hershey Chocolate Company , among many others - to mine , process , and refine the critical ingredients that went into its finished beverages .