
  • 网络ping an insurance
  1. A:我想买平安保险公司的“千禧红”保险。

    A : I prefer a policy of Bonus-for-Thousand-Happiness of Ping An Insurance Company .

  2. B:(过了一会儿)没问题。这是您的保险单据,身份证。下个月您会收到平安保险公司的保险单。

    B : ( After a while ) No prolem.Here is your insurance document and your card . You will receive a policy from Ping An Insurance Company next month .

  3. 平安保险最大竞争对手中国人寿(ChinaLife)香港上市的股价就较内地低40%。

    China Life , Ping An 's bigger rival , is 40 per cent cheaper across the border in Hong Kong .

  4. 卖空机制的引入尤其会让中国人寿(chinalife)和平安保险(pinganinsurance)等保险公司受益。

    The introduction of short selling , in particular , could benefit insurance companies such as China Life and Ping An insurance .

  5. 中国人寿(ChinaLife)本周表示,计划收购欧洲或北美一家大型保险公司的股权。中国人寿是平安保险的竞争对手,规模比平安更大。

    China Life , Ping An 's larger rival , this week said it planned to buy a stake in a big insurance company in Europe or North America .

  6. 中国本土保险公司平安保险(pingan)也曾多方游说,希望获得控股权。

    Ping An , a local insurance company , had also lobbied to gain control .

  7. 包括平安保险(pinganinsurance)在内,很多在香港上市的大型中资企业正在等待回归内地股市。

    Large Chinese companies which are listed in Hong Kong are lining up to sell shares on the mainland market , including Ping An insurance .

  8. 在中国国内股市暴跌两天后,平安保险(PingAnInsurance)股价在上市首日大涨38%。

    Two days after the Chinese domestic equity market fell out of bed , Ping An Insurance shares leapt 38 per cent on their debut .

  9. TPG在达成向中国平安保险(PingAnInsurance)出售自己所持深圳发展银行(ShenzhenDevelopmentBank)多数股份的协议后,已坐拥20亿美元的利润。

    TPG is sitting on a $ 2bn profit after striking a deal to offload its majority-stake in Shenzhen Development Bank to China 's Ping An Insurance .

  10. 在上月中国内地股市跳水之际,平安保险(PingAnInsurance)宣布了通过增发新股和可转换债券筹资至多200亿美元的计划。

    As markets tanked last month , Ping An Insurance unveiled plans to raise up to $ 20bn through an issue of new shares and convertibles .

  11. 外国保险公司所列出的最大竞争威胁,是中国人寿(ChinaLife)和平安保险(PingAn)等老牌本土竞争对手带来的挑战。这些本土公司一直在飞速开发产品,以抢占商机。

    The most significant competitive threat cited by foreign insurance companies was the challenge presented by established domestic competitors , such as China Life and Ping An , which have rapidly developed products to grab business .

  12. 中国第二大保险公司中国平安保险(PingAnInsurance)计划进行中国有史以来规模最大的股票发售行动,融资近220亿美元,为其大张旗鼓的海外收购计划提供资金。

    Ping An Insurance , China 's second-largest insurer , plans to raise almost $ 22bn to help fund aggressive foreign acquisition plans in China 's largest-ever share sale .

  13. 富通已经持有中国太平人寿(TaipingLife)(保险公司)和一家资产管理公司的股份,而平安保险也跟汇丰银行搭上了关系。

    Fortis already has a stake in China 's Taiping Life ( insurance ) as well as an asset management firm , while Ping An has its link to HSBC .

  14. 平安保险(pinganinsurance)与深圳发展银行(shenzhendevelopmentbank,简称:深发展)股票昨日停牌,因市场预期,平安将增持深发展股份,以扩大其在中国的银行业业务。

    Shares in Ping An insurance and Shenzhen Development Bank were suspended yesterday amid expectations Ping An would increase its stake in the medium-sized lender as it sought to expand its banking operations in China .

  15. 中国平安保险(PingAnInsurance)在上周末宣布,计划融资近220亿美元,以便为收购活动提供资金,这引发了投资者对于市场将出现大量新股发行活动的担心。

    The announcement by China 's Ping An Insurance at the weekend that it planned to raise almost $ 22bn to fund acquisitions prompted concerns about a flood of new shares being issued .

  16. 中国平安保险(PingAn)昨日引领中国股市上涨,此前该公司股东批准了一项规模为170亿美元的融资计划,市场普遍预期此笔资金将用于国内及海外收购。

    Ping An led the Chinese equity market higher yesterday after shareholders approved a $ 17bn fundraising by the insurer that is widely expected to be used for domestic and overseas acquisitions .

  17. 平安保险(pingan)昨日大跌9.7%,投资者担心该公司可能必须为其所持比利时-荷兰银行富通集团(fortis)股权增加亏损准备金。

    Ping An , the insurer , bucked the trend yesterday , falling 9.7 per cent on fears that it may have to increase provisions for losses on its stake in Belgian-Dutch bank Fortis .

  18. 平安保险此次的再融资行动将成为中国内地股市迄今规模最大的融资,融资所得将用于海外和国内收购,其中可能包括收购保诚保险(prudential)等英国保险公司。

    The fundraising , which would be the biggest fundraising so far in the mainland Chinese stock market , would pay for offshore and domestic acquisitions that could include British Insurers such as Prudential .

  19. 一年前,中国平安保险公司收购了比利时-荷兰金融集团富通集团(fortis)近5%的股权,但现在这笔投资的价值已大幅缩水。

    A year ago rival Ping An took an almost 5 per cent stake in Fortis , but it has seen the value of its investment in the belgo-dutch financial group plunge .

  20. 最后,以平安保险公司为例进行实战分析。利用SWOT矩阵,制定平安保险公司的营销战略,运用产品的生命周期理论分析公司的产品结构。

    Finally , I will make a practical analysis by taking the Ping'an Insurance Company of China for example , and shape Ping'an Insurance Company 's marketing strategy by using SWOT matrix and analyse the product structure by applying the theory of the produce life cycle .

  21. 汇丰银行(hsbc)持股17%的平安保险,是在所谓的合格境内机构投资者(qdii)机制下,中国首家获准将更多资产投资海外的保险公司。

    The Chinese insurer , which is 17 per cent owned by HSBC , is the first of its peers to get the green light to invest more of its assets abroad under the so-called Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme .

  22. 不过,平安保险的可转债和股票增发计划仍需得到监管部门的批准,许多分析师和市场人士认为,政府将要求平安保险缩减其再融资规模。汇丰(HSBC)持有平安保险16.8%的股份。

    But Ping An , which is 16.8 per cent owned by HSBC , still needs regulatory approval for the convertible bond and secondary share sale and many analysts and market participants believe that it will be required by the government to scale back the plan .

  23. 关于平安保险公司企业文化理论思考

    Pondering the Theory Reflect on the Safe Insurance Company Business Culture

  24. 平安保险公司团体健康保险产品策略研究

    The Study of Products Strategy of Group Health Insurance of PICA

  25. 平安保险公司的人力资源管理案例研究

    The Research of Human Recourse 's Management of Ping'an Insurance Company

  26. 中国平安保险H股收盘下跌10.5%,至42.5港元。

    Its shares closed down 10.5 per cent at HK $ 42.5 .

  27. 更温和,平安保险,得当婴儿及迟钝肌肤的成人使用。

    Extra mild and safe for use on babies and sensitive adults .

  28. 探密平安保险企业文化

    A Study of Firm Culture of Ping An Insurance Company

  29. 我想买平安保险公司的“千禧红”保险。

    I prefer a policy of Bonus-for-Thousand-Happiness of Ping An Insurance Company .

  30. 平安保险及其它蓝筹金融类股在此期间的表现可能会强于大盘。

    It and other blue-chip financial shares could possibly outperform during this period .