
  • 网络FOB trimmed, FOBT;Trimmed;FOB Trimmed;Trim
  1. 如果想使煤平整最好申请特殊平舱。

    You 'd better apply for special trimming if you want to make the coal level .

  2. 已经讨论货物是否需要平舱?其方法和范围是否已取得一致?

    Has the need for trimming of cargo in the holds been discussed , and the method and extent been agreed ?

  3. 船方不负责装卸、堆装及平舱费运输方式及到达站港和费用负担:海陆联运费用由供方负责。

    Transport mode and station of arrival port and expense burden : The sea land combined transport expense is responsible by the supplier .