
  • 网络the Bay of Bengal;bengal
  1. 发生在孟加拉湾的飓风正威胁着印度东部各邦。

    A cyclone in the Bay of Bengal is threatening the eastern Indian states .

  2. 孟加拉湾地区季风和105°E越赤道气流是南海季风低频变化的重要策源地。

    The important sources of the low frequencies may come from the oscillations of the summer mon - soon over the Bay of Bengal and the cross equatorial flow at 105 ° E.

  3. 指出这种差别是爆发后南海SST基本稳定而阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾SST明显降低的主要原因。

    It can explain why after monsoon onset , the SST can keep stable values over the SCS while over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal they decrease quickly .

  4. 中国对缅甸投资减少正赶上中国在缅甸最后一个大型投资项目竣工之际。这个项目建成后,两条管道今年将把石油和天然气从孟加拉湾(BayofBengal)经由缅甸输送至中国南部地区。

    The drop comes as China is wrapping up construction of its last large-scale investment project in Myanmar : the construction of two pipelines that this year will transport oil and natural gas from the Bay of Bengal through Myanmar into southern China .

  5. IOD事件主要通过海洋途径(沿岸开尔文波和印度季风漂流)作用于孟加拉湾,其影响仅局限于湾口一带。

    IOD seems to impact the BOB only through oceanic way ( by the coastal Kelvin wave and the Indian monsoon current ), but its influence is only limited to the bay mouth . 3 .

  6. Reale说他们的新方法将对于北印度洋甚至孟加拉湾的气旋预测有用。

    Reale says their new method will be useful for cyclone forecasting in the northern Indian Ocean , even in the Bay of Bengal .

  7. 利用L9R15谱模式模拟了孟加拉湾异常热源对副热带高压西仲的影响,数值模拟结果表明孟加拉湾异常热源可能是副热带高压西伸的可能机制。

    L9R15 spectrum model is adopted to simulate the effect of Bangladesh Bay abnormal heat sources on the westwards extending of sub-tropical high pressure .

  8. ENSO事件对研究海区海面高度的影响要强于IOD事件,且通过大气(本地风场)和海洋(赤道印度洋)两条途径作用于孟加拉湾。

    The effect of ENSO on the SLA variations is more intense than that induced by IOD . ENSO impacts the BOB by two ways : one is atmosphere ( local wind field ) and the other is ocean ( the equatorial Indian Ocean ) .

  9. 夏季OLR遥相关关键区主要分布在孟加拉湾至赤道西太平洋、东太平洋与低纬度大西洋和中纬度东亚沿海与北美大陆,构成低纬度和中纬度两类纬向正遥相关型。

    The key teleconnection for summer is made up of two positive zonal patterns , which locate from the Bay of Bengal to the equatorial West Pacific and East Pacific , and over low latitude Atlantic , middle latitude East Asia coastal areas and North America continent .

  10. 分析850hPa水汽通量矢量场结果表明:广西锋面型暴雨发生时,从孟加拉湾到广西上空有一西南气流的水汽输送带,广西暴雨水汽主要来源于孟加拉湾。

    Analysis of the distribution of the vapor flux vectors at 850 hPa shows that there is a water vapor transmitting belt from the Bengal Bay to Guangxi , and the Bengal Bay is the vapor sources of heavy rainfall over Guangxi .

  11. 印度东南部的一个城市,位于孟加拉湾沿岸。

    A city of southeastern India on the Bay of Bengal .

  12. 孟加拉湾风暴暴雨的能量分析

    Energetic analysis of storm and its torrential rain in Bengal Bay

  13. 孟加拉湾晚第四纪的碳酸盐溶解旋回

    Carbonate Dissolution Cycles during Late Quaternary in the Bay of Bengal

  14. 孟加拉湾深对流加热对东亚季风环流系统的影响

    Effect of Bob deep convection heating on East Asian monsoon circulation

  15. 孟加拉湾上层环流研究综述

    Review of Study on Upper Ocean Circulation in the Bay of Bengal

  16. 登陆孟加拉湾风暴结构个例分析与数值模拟

    Structure Analysis and Numerical Simulation of a Landing Bengal Storm

  17. 1991年孟加拉湾特大台风灾害

    The extremely severe typhoon disaster in the Bangladesh in 1991

  18. 位于东南亚的孟加拉湾的一个多山的共和国。

    A mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal .

  19. 孟加拉湾深海记录中的等深流活动特征及其环境意义初探

    Contour Currents in Deep-Water Records from Bay of Bengal and Its Environmental Implication

  20. 孟加拉湾季风爆发可预测性的分析和初步应用

    Predictability Analysis and Preliminary Application of the Bay of Bengal Summer Monsoon Onset

  21. 恒河流入孟加拉湾。

    The river Ganges empties ( itself ) into the Bay of Bengal .

  22. 孟加拉湾局地动力过程的季节变化研究

    Study on Seasonal Variation of Local Dynamic Process in the Bay of Bengal

  23. 孟加拉湾低压造成云南强降水的中尺度分析

    A Mesoscale Analysis of Heavy Rainfall in Yunnan Caused by the Bengal Bay Depression

  24. 孟加拉湾季风活动与云南5月降雨量

    Activities of Bay of Bengal Monsoon and Beginning Date of Rain Season in Yunnan

  25. 孟加拉湾风暴时空分布和活动规律统计特征

    Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Storms over the Bay of Bengal and Its Activity Characteristic

  26. 2001年云南雨季开始偏早与孟加拉湾季风爆发的关系

    The Bengal Bay Monsoon Onset and Its Relationship with Rainy Season of Yunnan in 2001

  27. 该研究指出,在有记录的历史中,印度洋北部首次在2007年6月形成了一场5级热带飓风以及两个更猛烈的热带风暴。孟加拉湾地区的热带气旋通常发生在非季风时期。

    Tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal region usually occur in the non-monsoon months .

  28. 阿拉干沿着孟加拉湾东岸延伸约350英里。

    Arakan stretched for some 350 miles along the eastern shore of the Bay of Bengal .

  29. 在印度洋上航行我无所谓,可是在孟加拉湾我就不行了。

    The Gulf of Bengal does not agree with me as well as the Indian ocean .

  30. 一次孟加拉湾风暴影响下云南持续性暴雨天气诊断分析

    Diagnostic Analysis of a Persistent Heavy Rainfall in Yunnan influenced by Bay of Bengal Tropical Cyclone