
shēnɡ tài shī tiáo
  • ecological imbalance;ecological disturbance
  1. 结果表明,仔鳗溯河性生态失调死亡率为49.8%(可信限为46.3~53.3%);

    Results obtained show that the upstream ecological disturbance disease mortality was about 49.8 percent ( confidence limit was 46 . 3-53 . 3 percent );

  2. 当今全球性问题,诸如生态失调、环境污染、破坏,上地沙化,能源、资源短缺,人口膨胀日益接近地球的极限养活人口数等,突出地反映了自然对人类的报复和制约。

    Nowaday global problems , such as ecological disturbance , enviromental pollution and destruction , energy and resource shortage , population expansion and so on , showed the revenge and restriction of nature to human .

  3. KWS说气候变化和生态失调可能已经导致了最近野生生物种群因传染病致死数量不断增加。

    The KWS says climate change and ecological disturbances could have caused a recent increase in deaths in wildlife populations from infectious diseases .

  4. 辽宁蚕场生态失调的原因分析

    Cause analyses on the ecological imbalance of silkworm sites in Liaoning Province

  5. 呼吸道感染是常见病多发病,而呼吸道感染可导致微生态失调。

    Respiratory infection is a common and frequent disease , and it may cause microecological imbalance .

  6. 中国草地资源丰富。近年来,由于管理不当造成草地退化、生态失调和巨大经济损失。

    China 's vast grassland resources have deteriorated in recent years due to mismanagement , causing ill-balanced ecosystem and economic losses .

  7. 一些不合理的放牧造成水土流失,生态失调。④水面养殖粗放,产量低;

    Some unreasonable herd creates soil erosion , lives loses . ( 4 ) water surface breeds extensively , the quantity is low ;

  8. 中药952治疗射线所致微生态失调作用非常显著(P<0.01)。与阳性对照组比具有显著优势(P<0.05)。

    Chinese herbal medicine 952 has an significant effect on treating dysbiosis exposed to X-ray , and an significant advantage over the positive controls .

  9. 结果:慢性支气管炎急发期患者两证型均有微生态失调和免疫功能的低下,两型对比有显著差异。

    Results : The acute stage of chronic bronchus and the partition syndrome by differential diagnosis had typical maladjustment of microecology and low immune function .

  10. 另一方面是由于工农业生产对土地环境的污染和破坏,以及生态失调、水土流失、土地沙漠化、盐碱化、潜育化等引起的土地退化。

    On the other hand , industrial and agricultural production has led to land degradation such as environment pollution , water and soil loss as well .

  11. 本文分析了网络空间中的信息生态失调带来的种种危害,提出了促使信息生态平衡所采取的信息管理手段。

    ? This paper analyses that the information ecology brings harms in the network , and proposes the information management methods to impels the information ecology balance .

  12. 针对当前存在的信息垄断、信息超载、信息侵犯和信息污染等信息生态失调问题,提出了建设良好信息生态应采取的对策。

    The thesis puts forward good countermeasures of information ecology construction according to the present problems on the information of monopoly , overburden , interference and pollution .

  13. 结论患者扁桃体表面微生态失调是银屑病病情变化的原因之一。

    Conclusion The above results suggest that microecological imbalance on the tonsil surface of the patients might be one of the causative factors in seasonal changes of the severity of psoriasis .

  14. 根据1990年调查,对东太湖茭草资源现状及环境影响进行论述,揭示其生态失调、利用价值下降的趋势;

    This paper deals with present state of wild rice resources in the east Taihu Lake , the environmental impact , the tendency of ecological disturbance and the decline in their utilizations .

  15. 结论慢性重型肝炎患者存在严重的肠道微生态失调及细菌过度生长,其血内毒素升高可能与之有关。

    Conclusion The data suggest that there are intestinal micro dysbiosis and overgrowth of aerobic gram negative bacillus in patients with chronic severe hepatitis , which might play an important role in the development of endotoxemia .

  16. 背景:人类进入高度发达的信息化社会,人们在过度运用信息资源和信息技术的同时,也遇到了新的问题,即信息环境污染严重、信息生态失调的问题。

    Background : our society has been in a highly developed information Period . During this phase , people who use information resources and technology excessively have encountered a new problem that information environment has been polluted seriously , information ecology become imbalance .

  17. 由于城市化进程加速,造成了城市交通拥堵、能源逐步枯竭、城市热岛效应不断扩大、灾害性天气频繁、空气、河流、噪音等环境污染加剧、生态失调等严峻问题。

    As the process of urbanization accelerated , resulting in urban traffic congestion , energy and the gradual depletion , urban heat island effect expanding frequent disastrous weather , air , rivers , increased noise pollution , ecological imbalance and other serious problems .

  18. 信息生态的失调与对策分析

    On the Ecological Deterioration of Information and Its Countermeasure Analysis

  19. 龋病是慢性感染性疾病,是口腔生态平衡失调的结果。

    Caries are chronic infectious diseases and the consequence of oral ecologic disequilibrium .

  20. 便秘导致微生态平衡失调;

    Constipation leads to micro-ecosystem disturbance .

  21. 陕甘宁接壤区能源、矿产资源丰富,但区域经济十分落后,二元结构问题突出,生态严重失调。

    The contiguous area of shaanxi-gansu-ningxia , a typical western underdeveloped area , has abundant energy and mineral resources ;

  22. 包括列车运行噪声、电磁干扰、铁路沿线污染带、与城市规划的衔接、山区铁路产生的水土流失等生态环境失调等内容。

    It also contains the inbalance of ecological environmental protection relating the loss of water and erosion of soil on plateau railway .

  23. 初级阶段&生态平衡失调,旧绿洲移向山前平原;

    In the primary stage , the ecology was in a unbalanced state , and the oases were moved towards the piedmont plains ;

  24. 对西部地区土壤侵蚀区域特征及其危害进行了系统分析,结果表明土壤侵蚀破坏土地资源、降低土壤肥力、制约粮食增长、影响水资源环境、导致灾害发生和生态环境失调等一系列危害。

    Soil erosion destroys land resource , reduces soil fertility , limits grain increase production , affects water resource environment , and causes disaster and ecology environment imbalance , etc. .

  25. 但由于农业结构不合理,对土地利用缺乏养用结合,生态平衡失调,水土流失严重,土壤肥力衰退。

    However , the agricultural struction is unreasonable in the area and without recuperating soil in the land usage , so it breaks down the eco-balance , results in soil and water loss and soil fertilizer becomes exhausted .

  26. 尤其是对广大发展中国家而言,矿产资源日益减少,生态平衡失调,环境污染加剧,大量事实表明,人与其他生物生存的环境正在急剧恶化。

    Especially in many developing countries , resource of mine decreases more and more , zoology becomes unbalance , environment gets more pollution , and so on . These indicate that environment of human and other biology is deteriorated .

  27. 控制思想和控制行为的泛化会导致将复杂矛盾作简化处理,导致以偏概全的价值判断,甚至导致自然、文化生态的失调。

    Over generalization of controlling ideas and behaviors will lead to oversimplified handling of complicated contradictions and value judging of things in a way of taking a part for a whole , or even to dislocation of nature and cultural ecology .

  28. 而目前河北省的耕地利用上存在人地用地矛盾、利用效益低下、生态环境失调等一系列问题,耕地资源的可持续利用在人地关系越来越紧张的今天是必然的选择。

    At present , the use of arable land in Hebei Province have a series problems such as conflicts between people and land , lower utilization and ecological imbalance . The sustainable use of plantation resources are more and more important today in the situation of People-land relationship deterioration .

  29. 结论:模拟失重条件下大鼠肠道微生态出现平衡失调。

    Conclusion : The gut microflora appeared dysbiosis under simulated weightlessness .

  30. 论历史时期黄土高原生态平衡的失调及其影响

    On the ecological imbalance of Loess Plateau in historical periods and its influences