
  • 网络moisture expansion
  1. 水分对膨胀土膨胀变形与膨胀压力的影响研究

    Research on Water Effect on Swelling Deformation and Inflating Pressure of Expansive Soil

  2. 泡水太久,表皮吸收了水分而膨胀,所以变成皱皱的。

    Bubble water is too long , skin absorbed moisture and expand , change so corrugation knits .

  3. 当温度降到32摄氏度以下时,聚合物突然吸收水分并膨胀——聚集的金颗粒被快速推散开来,就像弹簧一样。

    When it falls below 32C , the polymer suddenly absorbs water and expands - and the gold particles are pushed rapidly apart like a spring .

  4. 他不喜欢把牛仔裤放进洗衣机里洗,因为洗衣机搅动牛仔布时,棉纤维吸收水分后膨胀,导致棉纱变紧缩短,牛仔裤就会缩水。

    He doesn 't like to put his jeans in a washing machine because agitating the denim makes the fibers on the cotton fabric swell and ' bloom . ' That in turn causes the yarns to tense up and actually get shorter , shrinking the jeans .

  5. 为了探寻适用于该地层的防塌措施,对冀东油田M27-27井岩心的岩石结构、矿物组成、水分含量、线膨胀率、回收率和稳定指数等进行了分析。

    In order to find some anti sloughing measures , structures , compositions , water contents , expansions , percent of recovery and stability index of cores from well M27-27 are experimented and analyzed .