
shuǐ lì ɡuǎn lǐ
  • water management
  1. 他说,现在需要更大的食品恢复力,包括种植抗旱的种子和作物,更好的水利管理和农业耕种方法。

    He says greater food resilience is needed . This includes using drought resistant seeds and crops , better water management and agricultural methods .

  2. 中国水利管理政策遭到了湄公河流域国家的批评,这些国家总共有6000万人直接或间接地依靠这条河流生活。

    China 's water management policies have come in for criticism from the countries of the Mekong basin , where 60m people are directly or indirectly dependent on the river .

  3. 加快水利管理体制改革促进水利事业发展

    Quickening WR management system reform , promote WR cause developing

  4. 农村水利管理模式的应用

    Management mode of rural small - scale water conservancy

  5. 水利管理办公系统软件的开发应用

    Development of Official Business Softwares for Water Resources Management Systems and Their Application

  6. 介绍了水利管理单位改革的主要内容。

    The principal reform substance of water conservancy management sectors is described also .

  7. 基于人工免疫系统的生态水利管理方法及其应用初探

    Primary Discussion of Ecological-Hydraulic Management Methods Based on Manual Immune System and Its Application

  8. 太湖流域水利管理与长三角区域发展的协调性分析

    Concordant analysis of water resources management of Taihu Basin and development of Yangtze River delta region

  9. 水情信息是水利管理最重要的基础信息,是水文预报、水资源管理、防汛抗旱决策等的主要依据。

    The information of the water regime is the most important basic data of the water regime .

  10. 我们将要求外交部与中国的一名代表就地区合作和水利管理体制进行商谈。

    We will ask the foreign ministry to talk with a representative from China in terms of co-operation and in terms of management systems in the region .

  11. 此系统为南阳农业与水利管理部门对农业灌区和农作物需水进行有效管理和作出宏观决策提供科学依据。

    This system provides the scientific basis of the effective decision and management to the agriculture irrigation area and the water requirement of crops for the agriculture and water conservancy management departments in Nanyang .

  12. 根据作者参与研究的内容,主要对防洪工程规划、灌溉规划、水土保持规划及水利管理规划等四个方面进行研究。

    Based on the divided work , author completed four parts of the comprehensive planning , engineering of preventing flood planning , irrigation planning , natural environment preserve planning and management of irrigation works planning .

  13. 根据地理信息系统在国内外的实际应用情况,提出了开展农村水利管理与决策支持系统研究的必要性,分析了系统开发目标和开发原则。

    Based on the practical application of GIS ( Geology Information System ) through out the world , expounded the importance rural water conservancy management and decision-making system , also analyzed the system 's target and the principles .

  14. 运用关系链理论及物权理论,对农村水利管理改革的现状进行调查分析,总结出“公益型承包,准公益型租赁,经营型拍卖”的东台模式;

    By application of the relation-chain theory and ownership theory , an investigation of the current situation of rural water conservancy management and reform is made , and a Dongtai mode for public contract , quasi-public lease , and manageability auction is deduced .

  15. 基于GIS组件开发的水利工程管理系统研究

    Study on Water Resources Project Management Information System based on GIS Components

  16. 县级农田水利化管理质量的AHP评价方法

    Study on the Method of Comprehensive Evaluation of AHP for Water conservancy in County Farmland

  17. 该系统的开发有助于探索MIS在水利工程管理单位等方面的应用。

    The development of this system can help to probe the application of MIS in the hydraulic project management unit .

  18. 江西省水利工程管理体制改革浅见

    Discussion of the hydraulic project management system reform of Jiangxi Province

  19. 青海省水利建设管理问题探讨

    Discussion on the management of water conservancy construction in Qinghai province

  20. 国外水利工程管理体制及我国的改革思路

    Foreign Water Conservancy Management Systems and Their Inspiration to Chinese Reform

  21. 关于水利建设管理体制改革的思考

    Thinking on System Reform of Water Project Construction and Management

  22. 水利工程管理费用预算体系研究

    Study on Cost Estimate System of Water Resources Projects Management

  23. 试论如何加强水利工程管理单位固定资产核算

    How to improve fixed assets accounting of water management unit

  24. 水利工程管理企业的改革与发展探讨

    Study on Corporation Innovation and Development in Administration of Water Conservancy Project

  25. 水利工程管理体制模式的研究

    Study on Management System Mode of Water Conservancy Projects

  26. 改革水利工程管理体制和水资源管理体制。

    Finally project management system and water resources management system should be reformed .

  27. 论水利工程管理的问题及其改革

    The Problems and Reform of Water Conservancy Engineering Administration

  28. 黄河公益性水利工程管理与养护体制研究

    A Study of the Management and Maintenance Mode for Non-profit Water Conservancy Projects

  29. 应用计算机辅助水利物资管理的初步尝试

    A Preliminary Try for Using Computer to Manage Water Conservancy Assets and Materials

  30. 谈余江县小型水利工程管理体制改革

    Discussion of the management system reform of small water engineerings in Yujiang county