
  1. 适应于农村小水电改造的双通道励磁调节器

    Double Channel Excitation Regulator Suited to Innovation of Small Hydropower Plants

  2. 农村水电站改造的几种途径

    Several ways of remaking the rural hydropower stations going to the countryside

  3. NDK系列低压机组微机(傻瓜式)控制系统在小水电站技术改造中的应用

    The Application of NDK Series Microcomputer ( Intelligent ) Control System for Low Voltage Generator Set

  4. 梯级小水电站增容改造与实践效果

    Extension and Reform & Practice effection of stepping small hydropower stations

  5. 水电站更新改造信息库系统的设计与开发

    Design and development of information base system for renovated hydropower station

  6. 关于小型水电站技术改造的几点建议

    Some Suggestions for Technical Modification of Small Hydro Power Station

  7. 凤凰水电厂更新改造工程镇墩裂缝成因及处理措施

    Cause and Treatment of Crack on Anchorage Block of Fenghuang Hydropower Plant

  8. 小型水电站联网改造应注意的几个问题

    Some problems should pay attention on union network reform of small hydroelectric station

  9. 水电设备技术改造与效率测试

    Technology Transforming and efficiency test of hydropower equipment

  10. 浅谈水电站增容改造中的转轮结构设计

    Runner structural design for hydropower station upgrade project

  11. 阿斯旺第一水电站现代化改造

    Modernization of Aswan 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant

  12. 浙江省农村水电站更新改造投资框架体系的构建

    Establishment of renovation and reconstruction investment frame system for rural hydropower plants in Zhejiang Province

  13. 农村水电站更新改造外部激励机制体系的研究

    Research and Exploration of External Incentives System for Rural Hydropower Stations Upgrading in Zhejiang Province

  14. 在凤凰水电厂更新改造工程中,2、、、号压力钢管的镇墩均出现不同程度的裂缝。

    There are various degrees of cracks on anchorage block of No.2 , No.3 , No.5 , No.6 penstock during in modification work of Fenghuang hydropower plant .

  15. 但关于中小型水电站增容改造方面的研究却比较少,部分研究也是概括性的或者针对某一个具体工程而言的。

    However , the research of the small and medium hydropower capacity expansion and transformation is less , most of them are also a general or for the purposes of a particular project .

  16. 农村小水电站机组增容改造的方法

    Methods of Small Hydropower Station Unit Capacity Enlargement and Reform in Rural Areas

  17. 斩波技术在小型水电站励磁系统改造中应用

    Application of chopped wave technique in excitation system reconstruction of small hydropower plant

  18. 小型水电站微机监控改造中同期系统的安装与调试

    The Fixing and Debugging of the Contemporaneous System Used in Upgrading the Microcomputer Supervision of Small Hydropower Station

  19. 水电:各种水电改造安装、网络线制作。

    Water and Electricity : transformation of a variety of water and electricity installation , network cable production .

  20. 于是从90年代开始国家对有条件的中小型水电站进行技术改造,从历史资料中可以看到水电站增容改造投资少、效益明显。

    So from 1990 , many small and medium hydropower stations have the conditional technological transformation , from the historical data can be seen in investment in hydropower stations transformation less obvious benefits .

  21. 本文所设计系统具有技术成熟、价格低廉、功能齐全的特点,实际运行结果表明特别适合我国农村小水电站建设和改造,具有极其广泛的推广应用价值。

    The actual running results of this system shows that it is particularly suitable for the construction and renovation of the small hydro-electric power stations in the rural area , so it has extremely wide application value .

  22. 小水电系列化气象服务与专业指标简谈小型水电站的技术改造

    Meteorological Service to Small Hydroelectric Station

  23. 对于要进行增容改造的水电站,以水能计算为出发点,方案选择为主要目标,从中讨论分析中小水电站增容改造要注意的主要限制因素。

    For the transformation of the hydropower station , make the water energy calculating as a starting point , make selection program options as the main object , study and analysis major limiting factors which should be pay attention in small and medium hydropower stations upgrading .