
shuǐ tǔ bǎo chí ɡuī huà
  • Water and soil conservation planning;soil and water conservation program
  1. 关于制定水土保持规划技术标准的探讨

    Some Ideas on the Technological Criteria Designing of Soil and Water Conservation Program

  2. 土壤侵蚀预报信息系统的建立是动态分析处理土壤侵蚀信息,适时定量预报土壤侵蚀,进行水土保持规划和评价的重要技术基础。

    The soil erosion prediction information system is very important for analyzing soil erosion information dynamically , forecasting soil erosion quantitatively and making soil and water conservation program .

  3. 分析了小流域水土保持规划信息系统的结构,利用GIS工具软件建立水土资源数据库,探讨了在VB环境下应用面向对象的程序设计方法、事件驱动编程机制;

    The databank of soil and water conservation planning information system for small valleys was developed with GIS software .

  4. 水土保持规划设计中AutoCAD与Word的联合应用之初探&以卧管正视图从AutoCAD向Word中的转化为例

    Application of Combination of AutoCAD and Word in Water and Soil Conservation Planning and Design-case Studies on Transformation from AutoCAD to Word of Lie

  5. 地理信息系统(GIS)作为集计算机科学、地理学、环境科学、城市科学、空间科学、信息科学和管理科学为一体的学科,可为水土保持规划设计与管理提供强有力的技术手段支持。

    Being as an integrated discipline of incorporating the sciences of computer , geography , environment , urban , space , information and management , GIS can provide powerful technical support for the planning , design and management of soil and water conservation .

  6. VB5.0在初步开发小流域水土保持规划信息系统中的应用

    Application of Visual Basic 5.0 on Developing Information System of Soil and Water Conservation Plan in Small Basin

  7. 城市水土保持规划的原理与方法

    Principles and Methods for Making Urban Soil and Water Conservation Plan

  8. 土地资源信息系统与水土保持规划

    DBIS of land resources and planning for soil and water conservation

  9. 水土保持规划中的软决策

    Soft policy-making used in planning of soil and water conservation

  10. 空间信息技术在水土保持规划中的应用

    Application of Space Informational Technology in Soil and Water Conservation

  11. 多目标线性规划在水土保持规划中应用的探讨

    Application of multiobject linear programming in planning for soil conservation

  12. 湘江流域水土保持规划预期效益评价

    Benefit Assessment of Water and Soil Conservation Planning in Xiang River Valley

  13. 城市水土保持规划简述

    Brief Introduction to Urban Program of Soil and Water Conservation

  14. 参与式方法在水土保持规划中的应用

    Application of participatory approaches in soil and water conservation planning

  15. 城市水土保持规划项目的经济评价探讨

    On the Economic Evaluation of Planning Project for Urbanized Soil and Water Conservation

  16. 江西省水土保持规划经济评价

    The economic benefit evaluation on soil and water conservation plan of Jiangxi province

  17. 搞好城市水土保持规划;

    The urban program of soil and water conservation ;

  18. 陕西中部地区水土保持规划初探

    Approach on soil and Water Conservation Plan for the Middle Region of Shaanxi Province

  19. 水土保持规划成果的应用

    Application of water and soil conservation planning achievement

  20. 重庆市南岸区水土保持规划经济效益预测分析

    Economic Benefit prediction Analyses of Nan ' an District water and soil maintenance in Chongqing

  21. 黄土丘陵区水土保持规划指标体系的建立与模型研究

    Study on Index System and Model for Soil and Water Conservation Planning in Loess Hilly Region

  22. 县域水土保持规划中农业经济系统灰色分析与预测

    Gray Analysis and Prediction of Agricultural Economic System in Water and Soil Conservation Program for County Area

  23. 内蒙古黄土高原水土保持规划经济效益分析

    Analysis on economic benefits of soil and water conservation plan on part of loess platean in Inner Mongolia

  24. 加强水土保持规划设计工作努力为社会和经济发展服务

    Strengthen the Programming and Designing of Soil and Water Conservation and Strive to Serve the Social and Economic Development

  25. 小流域土地资源信息库在水土保持规划中的应用

    Application of information management system for land resource of small watershed to the planning of soil and water conservation

  26. 农业经济系统作为一个整体单元,其内部各业结构是动态变化的。通过灰色关联分析确定其优势产业并通过其时间序列建立数学模型进行预测与分析,为水土保持规划提供科学的决策依据。

    The domain industry was searched through gray co relation analysis , predicted and analyzed by time series mathematic model .

  27. 因此,在水土保持规划过程中,城区的生态效益价值分析是不能忽视的。

    Therefore , The value of ecological profit is very important in the process of urban soil and water conservation planning .

  28. 重点防治区的划定是区域水土保持规划的一项重要内容。

    Delimiting of key zones for soil and water loss control is an important work during soil and water conservation plan .

  29. 研究结果可为土壤侵蚀预报以及水土保持规划与决策提供依据。

    The results can provide a basis for the prediction of soil erosion and planning and decision-making for soil and water conservation .

  30. 对土地利用与土壤侵蚀时空动态特征,小流域土地合理利用和水土保持规划方法进行了研究。

    Iv spatio-temporal characteristics of landuse and soil erosion , and methodology of soil and water conservation planning in a small watershed were studied .