
  • 网络hrt;hydraulic retention time
  1. SS的去除率随着水力停留时间和电流密度的增加而增大;

    The removal ratio of SS increases with increment of HRT and current density ;

  2. 在水力停留时间(HRT)为66小时时,氨脱取效率达到了96%了。

    Ammonia stripping efficiencies of96 % were obtained for HRT of66 h.

  3. 试验确定了好氧段的水力停留时间(HRT)为12h。

    The aerobic HRT were confirmed by the experiment with 12h .

  4. 水力停留时间为3天、6天和9天的反应器,厌氧消化液的磷和COD去除率都在80%以上。

    The TP and COD removal rate of HRT 3 , HRT 6 and HRT 9 were above 80 % .

  5. 最佳水力停留时间为3h,COD去除率超过40%;

    The removal rate of COD come up to 40 % when the optimal HRT is 3h ;

  6. 过长的水力停留时间并不能有效地提高反应器的去除效率,最佳水力停留时间为6h;

    The optimal hydraulic retention time was about 6 hours .

  7. 论述了用该工艺处理化工废水时,温度、pH值、负荷、水力停留时间等因素对稳定性的影响。

    The effects of temperature , pH value , load and retention time on stability when it is used treat chemical wastewater has been discussed in this paper .

  8. 水力停留时间(HRT)为6h,COD和SS去除率可达60%以上。

    The removal rates of COD and SS attained 60 % at hydraulic detention time of 6 hours .

  9. 利用曝气生物滤池与臭氧耦合技术进行了木薯酒精废水的深度处理试验,主要研究了不同操作条件如水力停留时间、臭氧投加量、氧化循环比对COD和色度处理效果的影响。

    The effects of different operation conditions such as the hydraulic retention time , the ozone dosage and the circulation ratio were investigated .

  10. 系统水力停留时间对NH3-N去除的影响最大;

    The removal of NH3-N is greatly effect by HRT .

  11. 然而,跨尺度上推的系统到达工业水平会需要一个调整的水力停留时间(HRT)。

    However , a scaling-up of the system to an industrial level will require an adjusted HRT .

  12. 当水力停留时间为115小时时,SBR法中生物处理方法使得COD的去除率达到85%,硫氰酸盐去除率达到98%和酚类物质的去除率达到99%。

    The biological treatment in the SBR led to removal efficiencies of85 % COD , 98 % thiocyanate and99 % phenols for HRT of115 h.

  13. 发现当水力停留时间为24h,反应器具有较快的启动时间和效率,五天就能实现生物膜的快速生长。

    When the hydraulic retention time was 24h , AAC had fast starting speed and biofilm could form well in five days .

  14. 当水力停留时间为5h时,对COD的降解率较常规的活性污泥平均提高了约33%。

    The degradation rate of COD is about 33 % more than that of conventional activated sludge at HRT of 5 h.

  15. 对不同水力停留时间下ABR反应器的处理效能进行了研究分析,提出了ABR处理甘薯淀粉废水的工艺运行条件。

    Analyzes the treatment effect of ABR in different HRT and raises best operation condition in treating sweet potato starch wastewater .

  16. 第四部分,通过对系统运行调整来控制试验条件,首先讨论了水力停留时间、水温、pH、曝气量对滤池去除氨氮效果的影响。

    In the fourth part , controlling test conditions through adjusting the system running , firstly it discusses the effect of HRT , water temperature , pH , aeration to remove ammonia in filter .

  17. 水力停留时间为2h,处理出水COD和BOD5即可达到行业二级排放标准。

    When HRT is 2 hours , values of COD and BOD , of the treated water meet the industrial secondary discharging standard .

  18. 利用UV/H2O2系统去除自来水中的有机微污染物质,所需H2O2投量高,水力停留时间长;

    It needs long reaction time and high H_2O_2 dosage by using UV / H_2O_2 system on removing micro organic substance in drinking water .

  19. 整个系统总水力停留时间(HRT)33min,远低于常规活性污泥法的水力停留时间;

    The total hydraulic retention time is 33 min , which is much lower than that of conventional activated sludge process .

  20. 处理大庆东城区生活污水的试验结果表明,水力停留时间为0.5~1h,系统处理出水可达标排放。

    The results in treating sanitary wastewater showed that the quality of effluent could meet the discharging standard with the HRT 0.5 to 1 hour .

  21. 在1个反应单元中高效率去除COD、N、P是该系统的基本特征,相对较短的水力停留时间(HRT)是该系统的另一个基本特征。

    The system has two characteristics in which one is high removal of COD , N and P in the single reactor and the other is short hydraulic retention time ( HRT ) .

  22. 系统研究了两相厌氧中COD(Cr)、产气量、BOD5、N、SO4~(2-)的变化,以及水力停留时间对处理效率的影响,对影响两相厌氧的主要因素讲行了分析。

    The change of COD_ ( Cr ), biogas production , BOD_5 , N , SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) and hydraulic retention time were considered in two-phase anaerobic process .

  23. 实验考察了污泥浓度、气液比及水力停留时间对生物降解废水中COD和氨氮(NH3-N)的影响。

    The effects of mud concentration , gas to liquid ratio and the hydraulic resident time on the removal rates of COD and NH3-N were investigated .

  24. 反应器的生物反硝化过程受到水力停留时间、pH和温度以及进水硝酸盐氮浓度不同程度的影响,但是其抗酸碱波动和耐低温能力仍较强。

    Biological denitrification process in the reacter is influenced by HRT , pH and temperature and nitrate nitrogen concentration in the different level , but its ability of against acids fluctuation and low temperature resistance is still strong .

  25. 曝气/停曝时间比例和水力停留时间(HRT)等因子对浸没式微滤膜一氧化沟组合新工艺脱氮效果有较大的影响。

    The proportion of aeration time and interruption time and the hydraulic retention time ( HRT ) has great effected the efficiency of nitrogen removal .

  26. 结果证明,颗粒活性炭固定化细胞可得到高的COD去除率和短的水力停留时间。同时对芳香族化合物也有较高的去除效果。

    The results indicated that granular activated carbon adsorption reactor reached to the high removal rate of COD and short hydraulic retention time , as well as the aromatic compounds were degradated efficiently .

  27. 表面反应的曲线表明,在高温和中等水力停留时间时,五日生化需氧量的清除达到最佳(图4A)。

    The surface response curved showed that at high temperatures and middle hydraulic residence times , the removal of BOD5 was optimal ( Fig.4A ) .

  28. 研究表明:有机负荷和水力停留时间(HRT)是影响暗发酵反应器启动的重要控制因子。

    The factors affecting the start-up of dark fermentation reactor including organic loading rate ( OLR ) and hydraulic retention time ( HRT ) were studied .

  29. 主要研究水力停留时间、进水COD浓度等因素对处理效果的影响,并获得了动力学模式。

    The effect of the COD in the wastewater , and the hydraulic retention time of the wastewater on the COD removal is discussed . A dynamic model is gotten from the experimental results .

  30. MBR反应器处理厌氧出水的研究,主要考察了水力停留时间(HRT)对反应器去除效果和膜污染的影响。

    Study on the MBR reactor treating anaerobic effluent , and the effectes of hydraulic retention time ( HRT ) on organics removal efficiency and membrane fouling .