
  • 网络hanjiang river basin;hanjiang basin
  1. 人为干扰对汉江流域生态安全的影响

    The Impacts of Human Disturbance on Ecological Health of Hanjiang Basin

  2. 汉江流域未来降水径流预测分析研究

    Prediction of Rainfall and Runoff Changes in the Hanjiang Basin

  3. 基于GIS的汉江流域洪水预报系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of GIS-based Flood Forecasting System for Hanjiang River Basin

  4. 基于GIS汉江流域中下游地区生态安全的评价

    Based on GIS the Ecological Security Assessment on the Middle and Lower Reaches of Hanjiang River Basin

  5. 黑河及汉江流域MODIS叶面积指数产品质量评价

    A Quality Assessment of MODIS LAI Product in Heihe and Hanjiang River Basins

  6. 基于SWAT模型的汉江流域径流模拟

    Runoff Simulation in Hanjiang River Basin Based on SWAT Model

  7. 本文综合了国内外使用GIS网络分析技术的现状,并具体结合长江流域水资源保护决策支持系统项目,对于用有向网络模拟汉江流域的流域信息进行了深入分析;

    In this paper , we summarize the development on GIS Network Analysis , synthesize the Yangtze DSS project and lucubrate the simulation of drainage basin with GIS Network Analysis ;

  8. 采用LPJ全球植被动态模型(Lund-Potsdam-JenaDynamicGlobalVegetationModel)模拟气候变化对汉江流域植被的可能影响。

    The LPJ ( Lund-Potsdam-Jena ) dynamic global vegetation model was used to assess the possible vegetation responses to climate change in the Hanjiang River basin .

  9. WEP模型参数自动优化及在汉江流域上游的应用

    Parameter optimization of WEP model and its application to the upstream of Han River

  10. 采用扣损法和改进的WAM模型分别分析计算了汉江流域地表水资源可利用量。

    The available quantity of surface water resources in the Hanjiang River Basin is computed respectively by deduction method and improved WAM .

  11. 最后根据汉江流域的历史洪水资料和洪水风险评估结果,用水力学的HEC-RAS软件对该级别的洪水进行了洪水灾害严重程度的仿真。

    Finally , we give a hydraulic simulation based on HEC-RAS and history flood and the flood risk assessment results of Hanjiang River .

  12. 面向分布式水文模型的汉江流域空间离散化方法

    Spatial Discretization Method for Hanjiang River Basin to Distributed Hydrological Model

  13. 汉江流域水权初始配置模型研究

    Initial allocation for model of water rights in Hanjiang River Basin

  14. 隋以前陕南汉江流域的人口迁移

    Population migration in Han River valley of southern Shaanxi before Sui Dynasty

  15. 汉江流域是湖北省内长江重要的支流。

    Hanjiang River is an important branch of Yangtze River .

  16. 论汉江流域交通与近代陕南商业的发展

    The Relation between Transportation and Development of Modern Business in Hanjiang Area

  17. 基于气象模式的汉江流域洪水预报系统

    Flood forecasting system of Hanjiang Basin based on meteorological model

  18. 汉江流域水环境综合管理

    Comprehensive Management of Water Environment in Hanjiang River Valley

  19. 汉江流域上游作物水分生态适应性研究

    Ecological adaptability of water in major crops in upper reaches of Hanjiang River

  20. 20世纪30年代湖北汉江流域的农业改良

    On the Agricultural Reformation of Han River ( Hanjiang ) Valley in 1930s

  21. 双参数月水量平衡模型在汉江流域上游的应用

    A Two-parameter Monthly Water Balance Model and Its Application in Hanjiang River Basin

  22. 汉江流域砂金控矿遥感地质分析

    Remote Sensing geological analysis for placer gold in basin of Han Jiang river

  23. 汉江流域黄姜产业开发中的环境问题及对策

    The Environment Problem and Countermeasure for Yellow Ginger Industry Developed in Hanjiang River Valley

  24. 美国田纳西流域治理的成功经验对湖北汉江流域中下游现代水利建设的启示

    American Tennessee Valley Development on the Modern Water Resources in the Han River Basin

  25. 汉江流域数字河网的构建

    Construction of Hydro Networks in the Hanjiang Basin

  26. 汉江流域经济发展评价与战略思考

    An assessment of economic development of Hanjiang Valley and a thinking for its development strategy

  27. 汉江流域梯级电站建设项目融资模式研究

    The Study of the Financing Mode of Step Hydroelectric Project in Basin of Han River

  28. 汉江流域及丹江口库区水环境质量现状分析

    Present Condition Analysis of Water Environment Quality in Han Jiang Valley and Dan Jiangkou Reservoir District

  29. 考察研究田纳西流域治理的成功经验,可以为汉江流域中下游的综合开发起到积极的借鉴作用。

    Studying the successful experiences in Tennessee could serve the comprehensive development of the Han River .

  30. 鄂西北汉江流域砂金资源潜力预测

    Potential Resource Prognosis of Placer Gold of the Hanjiang River Valley in North-West of Hubei Province